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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Committee Manager Email:
Note: If members of the public wish to address the committee please contact Democratic Services by 12 noon two working days before the meeting. Questions can be submitted throughout the meeting to and we will endeavour to respond to questions during the discussion on the relevant agenda item. If we run out of time a response will be provided to members of the public outside of the meeting and published on the relevant Area Committee meeting webpage.
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Beckett, Dryden and McPherson. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Notes of Previous Meeting Minutes: Noted. |
Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes Minutes: There were no outstanding matters to report back. |
Open Forum Minutes: Members of the public asked a number of questions,
as set out below. 1.
A member of the public asked if Addenbrooke’s could attend future South
Area Committee (SAC) meetings, like the Police did, so they could be liaised
with about the impact of the site on local residents? Councillor Hauk suggested trying a pilot session to test if this would work. Councilor
Davies said Addenbrooke’s
were already trying to engage the community through resident associations. Action
Point: Councillor Hauk (as Chair), in consultation with Councillors Davies and
Slatter, to invite CBC Ltd (Addenbrooke’s) to attend future South Area Committees to
liaise on how the campus interacts with residents’ lives. 2.
A member of the public asked a question via a statement. Action Point: Councillor Beckett to respond to question from member
of public: Can Councillor Alex Beckett as Chair of Highways Committee raise
Neighbourhood Street Designation - see Designing out the Dangers Issues and
Solutions Doc produced by Red Cross Areas Residents Association. 3.
A member of the public queried via a statement: As a volunteer at
Trumpington Football club, would like to know what conditions were put on the
planning permission for the St Mary’s School/Homerton College sports complex on
Long Road with regard to community use? The Principal Planner said: “In response to
your query, on the decision notice condition 25 states: Reason: In the interests of residential
amenity (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 55 and 57) Condition 26 states: The artificial lighting herby approved shall
only operate between the hours of 09:00hrs and 22:00hrs Monday to Saturday and
09:00hrs to 18:00hrs on Sundays, except between the 1st April and 30th
September when the permitted hours of use of the artificial lighting hereby
approved shall be 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs Monday to Saturday and 09:00hrs to
18:00hrs on Sundays. Reason: In the interests of residential
amenity (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 55 and 57) On the S106 Agreement*, there details more
about the community use. Appendix 1 on page 12 details the use and Appendix 2
on page 30 details the hours of use. 4.
A member of the public raised the following issues via written statement
read by the Committee Manager:
am writing to follow-up your Q&A responses to me from the 29 November South
Area Committee meeting, for which my thanks again. In that response, you
– ref adoption plan for Abode – “We have requested an up-to-date adoption plan
from Countryside which will be circulated on receipt.” – can you please provide
this update now, including an outline of each stage of adoption and its current
– ref dead trees and shrubberies across Abode – “There are trees which had not
established well / died and as such Countryside provided funds to Cambridge
City to replace those trees which are in landscaped areas being transferred to
City Council. That tree replacement work has commenced across Clay Farm on site
now managed by Cambridge City. Other trees being transferred to bodies other
than the City Council remain the responsibility of Countryside until they are
transferred to the appropriate body.” – can you please confirm what efforts are
being made to hold Countryside to this responsibility, given that they have not
upheld this responsibility for at least four years now and are continuing to
tell me (in separate correspondence) that this is something that will only be
addressed after adoption has been agreed, which is a contradiction to what
you’ve stated here?
question – Countryside have told me that “resurfacing works” may be required on
the roads within Abode to finalise adoption but have not been specific about
this – can you please clarify what that might involve, i.e. replacement of non-standard
curbs, replacement of pavements which are broken-up, and so on? Councillors discussed general planning
enforcement issues eg replacement of trees affecting the south area and said
some of these were hard to manage if areas were not controlled by the City
Council. Action
Point: Councillor Hauk and Trumpington Ward Councillors to
respond to question from member of public about Abode development. ·
Councillors Hauk and Davies to develop a list
of issues regarding planning condition enforcement regarding replacement of
trees and shrubs, then pass these onto Open Spaces Team so responses from
Planning, Planning Enforcement and Open Spaces can be fed back to South Area
Committee. ·
Planning, Planning Enforcement and Open
Spaces Officers to be invited to future committees. 5.
Councillor Slatter suggested holding a public consultation to name new
bridges in Trumpington Ward. Action Point: Councillor Slatter to liaise with City Trumpington Ward Councillors and ask Planning Officers for a public consultation to name new bridges and ponds in Trumpington. |
A New Road Classification for Cambridge (Greater Cambridge Partnership) Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Richard
Preston, Project Manager and Sarah Prentice, Communication Officer (GCP -
Greater Cambridge Partnership) regarding the Greater Cambridge Partnership ‘new
road classification for Cambridge’ consultation. The Project Manager said the following in response to questions from
members of the public and committee:
The road network was as resilient as it could be at
present. GCP, the County Council and Police were working on the enforcement of
speed limits. There was an appetite to reduce speed limits in the city.
Both residents and commuters contributed to
congestion problems. Could use ANPR technology to allow residents to
access more than one junction on the network if considered necessary, rather
than creating a lot of additional mileage for Hills Road, Queen Edith's Way and
Cherry Hinton Road residents who find themselves just on the wrong side of a
filter for them if Central Government legislation for ANPR was approved. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
A bus gate should be integrated into transport
ideas as large employers wanted people to travel using public transport.
Appropriate bus routes and services were needed.
Concern over impact of proposed work on taxis.
Could taxis and buses use the same routes/lanes?
Suggested blue badges could be allocated to
vehicles rather than people to assist groups such as dial-a-ride.
Resilience needed to be built into the system so that
roadworks did not slow or stop traffic flow. There was a lack of resilience in
the system at present.
How to mitigate traffic displacement as roads
closed and traffic moved onto other routes? Particularly concerned that some
smaller roads could not cope with the traffic levels. vii.
Queried if there was a budget to undertake place
making work at present? viii.
Enforcement of speed limits was an issue. Queried
if there were plans to make the road fabric or layout limit speed (eg traffic
Traffic levels varied between school terms (more)
and holidays (less).
How to improve air quality?
Would there be a replacement to the congestion
charge? |
Environmental Report - SAC Minutes: The Committee
received a report from the Community Engagement
and Enforcement Manager. The report
outlined an overview of the
council’s Streets and Open Spaces, Environmental Health and Shared Waste
service activity in the Area Committee area
over the past six months. The Committee discussed the following issues:
tipping in the Trumpington Recycling Centre.
bins needed to be bigger at the entrance to Cherry Hinton Recreation Ground.
tipping in Hulatt Road.
bins in Queen Edith’s Ward. Action
Point: Wendy Johnston to contact
Rebecca Weymouth Wood to comment on placement of clothing recycling bins on
issues caused by vegetation overgrowing footpaths and cycleways in Trumpington
grass on Trumpington playing fields. Action Point: Wendy Johnston to contact Operations Team about grass cutting on Trumpington playing fields. |