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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting Room - CHVLC - Cherry Hinton Village Leisure Centre, Colville Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9EJ. View directions

Contact: James Goddard  Committee Manager

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair - SAC


The Committee Manager took the Chair whilst the South Area Committee elected a Chair.


Councillor McGerty proposed that political groups shared the Chair/Vice Chair South Area Committee (SAC) positions eg whoever was Chair would abstain from voting for a Vice Chair in order to provide political balance. Councillors disagreed so the committee moved directly to proposals for the Chair. 


Councillor McGerty proposed, and Councillor O’Connell seconded, the nomination of Councillor Pippas as Chair.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed, and Councillor Ashton seconded, the nomination of Councillor McPherson as Chair.


Resolved (by 4 votes to 4 and toss of a coin) that Councillor McPherson be Chair for the ensuing year. County Councillors indicated their support for nominees, but only City Councillors’ votes were counted.


Councillor McPherson assumed the Chair from the Committee Manager at this point.


Councillor Dryden proposed, and Councillor Ashton seconded, the nomination of Councillor Thornburrow as Vice Chair.


Councillor O’Connell proposed, and Councillor McGerty seconded, the nomination of Councillor Pippas as Vice Chair.


Resolved (by 4 votes to 4 and on Chair’s casting vote) that Councillor Thornburrow be Vice Chair for the ensuing year.


Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Adey.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 408 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 April 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to Councillor Page-Croft being marked as present (not absent).


Councillor Dryden referred to 18/18/SAC Area Committee Grants 2018-19 on P10-11 of the agenda pack. He asked for clarification on project funding and contributions from the City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.


Councillor Ashton said there were more project applications than funding available. He asked that the grants committee liaised with Ward Councillors on funding available and projects that it could be allocated to before details were sent to Area Committees, rather than councillors being given a fait accompli list to vote against at committee.


Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB


18/05/SAC Q4 Trumpington Road Cycle Path

No update available for issue of cyclist and pedestrian conflict around the entrance to the Cambridge Assessment. Also overspill of pedestrians/cyclists onto busway as there was no screen to prevent this.


Councillor Jones said she had met with Cambridge Assessment and would raise it again with the County Council. A written question on this topic was expected at the Economy and Environment Committee.


Action Point: Councillors Taylor and Jones to raise issue with Campbell Ross-Bain.


Action Point: Topic suggested as an agenda item for 10/09/18 SAC.


EIP 2017-18 Granta Park Contribution to Cycle Parking

No update available.


Action Point: Issue to be followed up for 10/09/18 SAC.


18/05/SAC Q1 Verge Parking

No update available.


Action Point: Issue to be followed up for 10/09/18 SAC.


18/15/SAC Q2

SAC noted the response to Councillor O’Connell’s enquiry about traffic mitigation measures planned by the Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership. SAC were unclear if Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership were aware of the Smarter Cambridge report.


Open Forum


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.


1.    Mr Zammer said the speed limit needed clearer signage when entering Coldhams Lane from the High Street.


Action Point: Councillor Crawford to liaise with Highways Agency regarding clearer signage for 20mph speed limit when entering Coldhams Lane.


2.    Mr Carpen asked what activities and events councillors had lined up this civic year to get young people involved in local democracy?


Councillor Ashton said SAC were happy to work with schools. During his 7 years as a councillor he had only been invited to 1 school. The process needed to be two way. Councillors would be happy to respond to invitations and expressions of interest.


Councillor Pippas said the City Council engaged young people in democracy. For example, as Mayor he had been involved in school visits to the Council Chamber. Councillor Dryden said he had visited school assemblies as (a former) Mayor.


Councillor Taylor said the County Council also engaged with young people. For example engaging Netherhall School regarding changes to Queen Edith’s way.


3.    Mr Carpen asked about Councillors’ thoughts regarding the newly constituted Bus Users’ Group.


Councillor Taylor said she had attended the inaugural meeting of the Bus Users’ Group on the weekend before this committee. The group hoped to work with Mayor Palmer in future.


South Area Councillors’ asked for it to be put on record they wanted SAC Chair to contact Mayor Palmer to seek clarification on actions to resolve bus service, timetabling and franchise issues.


Action Point: Councillor McPherson as SAC Chair to write to James Palmer as Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and ask:

                          i.          For clarification regarding actions to resolve bus service, timetabling and franchise issues.

                        ii.          Mr Palmer to attend a future SAC.


4.    Mr Carpen raised the following issues:

                          i.          ARM provided a diesel shuttlebus as a private service through Cherry Hinton Road.

                        ii.          Could they and other operators go electric?

                     iii.          Can Tesco and firms on the new science park be asked to contribute to a new Fulbourn Station?


Councillor McPherson said SAC could contact companies to suggest they switch to low emission/electric vehicles, but not mandate private companies to do so.


Action Point: Councillor McPherson to write to ARM and request an electric bus is used instead of a diesel one as a shuttle bus.


SAC observed that taxis were switching to low emission vehicles; buses should too to improve air quality in the city.


5.    Mr Woodburn asked for a definitive map (including house numbers) showing the boundaries of south area wards.


Councillor Taylor said maps were available on the County Council website. Councillor Dryden added that city and county council ward boundaries did not match.


Action Point: Councillor Taylor to circulate ward boundary map details.


6.    Mr Woodburn requested tree branches be cut as they obscured traffic lights near the Robin Hood pub on the Cherry Hinton Road junction


Councillors agreed that tree branches obscured lights and signage on various city roads eg Mowbray Road. The County Council was responsible for maintenance.


Action Point: Councillor Crawford to liaise with county officers to ensure tree branches are pruned where they obscure traffic lights near the Robin Hood pub on the Cherry Hinton Road junction.


7.    Mr Carpen asked SAC to review how area committee agenda items were publicised and communicated.


Councillors suggested making better use of social media.


Action Point: Councillor Thornburrow to help publicise SAC meetings by retweeting messages.


8.     Mr Carpen asked what plans the council had to review and evaluate the quality of new build houses going up in South Cambridge, including surveying residents.


Councillors responded:

                           i.          There appeared to be concerns about low quality housing and issues in getting developer(s) to correct problems that should not have arisen in the first place.

                         ii.          The City Council had limited powers regarding private development, inspections would be carried out under the building regulations to ensure dwellings reached a certain standard. A questionnaire was being prepared for residents in the Cambridge Southern Fringe developments.  This has been done by the City Council in conjunction with the County Council.

                       iii.          There might be insufficient inspection of properties before they were handed over from the developer(s), possibly only 1 in 30.

                       iv.          The City Council had received a lot of bad press due to delays in properties being handed over to residents from Keepmoat. The delays arose because properties were not up to City Council standards so the Council refused to accept them until properties met standards.


Transport Needs Review of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus post 2020 pdf icon PDF 971 KB

Verbal update from County Council Officer followed by an opportunity for questions from South Area Committee and members of the public


The agenda stated a verbal update would be given by a County Council Officer followed by an opportunity for questions from South Area Committee and members of the public. The County Officer was unable to attend and sent a briefing note 4 June.


Members of the public and SAC:

       i.          Expressed disappointment that the topic could not be discussed.

     ii.          Requested clarification which organisations had been invited and then sent apologies. Referred to County Council and Greater Cambridge Partnership.


The Committee Manager said that the County Council had been invited and sent apologies 4 June.

   iii.          Expressed a strong desire to hold a special meeting to discuss this topic before the next scheduled meeting of the South Area Committee.


Action Point: Committee resolved to hold a special meeting to discuss this topic before the next scheduled meeting of the South Area Committee on 10 September. Committee Manager to consult SAC, GCP and the County Council to:

      i.          Find on a suitable date.

    ii.          Agree the content of the meeting.

 iii.          Confirm who will attend from GCP and County Council.


Environmental Report - SAC pdf icon PDF 578 KB


The Committee received a report from the Enforcement Team Manager.


The report outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the South Area Committee.  The report identified the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated actions. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be considered for priority within the South Area for the upcoming period:



Priority details


Early morning, daytime and weekend patrols for dog fouling on Cherry Hinton Recreation Ground, Trumpington Recreation Ground and Cherry Hinton Hall.


Enforcement targeted approach to areas where Addenbrookes site joins residential areas such as Hills Road and Red Cross Lane and to work with Addenbrookes to work towards the bus station area being cleaned up.


Enforcement to work with the County Council, against utilities and companies that damage the verge on Mowbray and Fendon Road.


Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Long Road Sixth Form in the areas of Long Road and Sedley Taylor Road.


Enforcement patrols to deal with litter, abandoned vehicles and fly tipping in and around Teversham Drift


Enforcement action to deal with bins left on pavements in Anstey Way.


Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping at the Anstey Way recycling centre


The Committee discussed the following issues:

       i.          Injunction papers affecting Hanover Court Garages.

Action Point: Enforcement Team Manager to liaise with Councillor O’Connell about distribution of injunction papers affecting Hanover Court Garages.

     ii.          Clean up litter in alley ways around Long Road Sixth Form College, Mowbray Road and Hulatt Road.

   iii.          Clean up litter in hospital access road.

   iv.          Damage to grass and trees on Fisher’s Lane caused by cars parking on the grass.

Action Point: Enforcement Team Manager and Tree Officers to visit green on Fisher’s Lane to inspect damage to grass and trees caused by cars parking on the grass.

    v.          Putting needle exchange information in Boots (Cherry Hinton branch).

   vi.          The need for secure locations for sharp bins. The Police, Anti-Social Behaviour Team and Enforcement Officers were putting injunctions in place to move people on if they used drugs.

 vii.          Drug user support services were not open 24 hours so were not always in place to help drug users.

viii.          Sufficient numbers of stewards needed to be in place for the Cherry Hinton Lakes Open Day.

Action Point: Enforcement Team Manager to liaise with Operations Co-ordinator (Community Engagement and Enforcement) to ensure there are enough stewards at the Cherry Hinton Lakes open day in June.

   ix.          Abandoned bikes.

    x.          Abandoned shopping trolleys.

   xi.          Community clean up days (P38 agenda pack) were noted.


Mr Zammer asked when dog waste bins would be installed in an area. The Enforcement Team Manager said this would occur once a development was adopted by the local authority. It would then be assigned a dog warden patrol.


Action Point: Enforcement Team Manager to liaise with member of public about installation of dog waste bins.


In response to Members’ questions the Enforcement Team Manager said the following:

       i.          The Rapid Response Team would respond to reports of discarded needles within 2 hours. Many users simply discarded needles once used although given safe discard pouches at needle exchanges.

     ii.          Sharps bins were available in public toilets. They had to be tamper proof and located in places that met certain criteria. Locations were contentious as residents did not want bins located near them.

   iii.          The council could not clear up litter on private property eg alley near Long Road Sixth Form College. Officers could ask permission to access the property for a one-off visit.

   iv.          Ofo had been contacted to collect abandoned bikes. They had been slow to respond but now undertook to collect within 24 hours of reporting. The council would impound bikes if they were not quickly removed. It became a police matter if bikes obstructed the highway. The council would remove bikes that were parked in a dangerous position or attached to street furniture. Details could be reported to City Rangers.

    v.          Ofo bikes were treated as business property that could be left for the next user who would enter a code to use them. They could not be treated like abandoned shopping trolleys. It took a lot of officer resource to monitor and take enforcement action.

   vi.          Traffic order penalty charges were issued against the registered owner of a vehicle (not necessarily the person driving at the time of an offence).


Following discussion, Members unanimously resolved to approve priorities for action as listed above.