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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting Room - CHVLC - Cherry Hinton Village Leisure Centre, Colville Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9EJ. View directions

Contact: James Goddard  Committee Manager

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair - SAC


The Committee Manager took the Chair whilst the South Area Committee elected a Chair.


Councillor Avery proposed, and Councillor Moore seconded, the nomination of Councillor Pippas as Chair.


Councillor Ashton proposed, and Councillor Dryden seconded, the nomination of Councillor McPherson as Chair.


Resolved (by 6 votes to 2) that Councillor Pippas be Chair for the ensuing year.


Councillor Pippas assumed the Chair from the Committee Manager at this point.


Councillor Pippas asked for it to be minuted that South Area Committee thanked Councillor McPherson (in his absence) for his chairmanship in the last municipal year. This was echoed by members of the public.


Councillor Avery proposed, and Councillor Moore seconded, the nomination of Councillor O’Connell as Vice Chair.


Councillor Ashton proposed, and Councillor Dryden seconded, the nomination of Councillor McPherson as Vice Chair.


Resolved (by 6 votes to 2) that Councillor O’Connell be Vice Chair for the ensuing year.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor McPherson.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should be sought before the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 362 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2016.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2016 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Committee Action Sheet from last meeting attached.







Matters Arising


Joel Carre / John Richards to respond to Mr Woodburn’s question about when the 20 mph limit will come into effect in the south area as the timetable had slipped from Spring until Summer. He also sought clarification on how the 20 mph limit would affect speed cameras.


Joel Carré to ask John Richards to provide requested information with notes of meeting; and failing that to arrange for John Richards to attend next SAC to update Committee in person.




Joel Carre (Head of Streets and Open Spaces)


John Richards (Senior Engineer - Development Unit)



















Feedback at next SAC 06/06/16




John Richards contacted Mr Woodburn at the end of 17/04/16 meeting.










Email sent from John Richards to SAC.


Agenda item 06/06/16 too.


Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods


Chris Horton to seek response from colleagues about Councillor Taylor’s query about cameras speed data monitoring.





Chris Horton (Police Sergeant) via Lynda Kilkelly (Safer Communities Section Manager)






Feedback at next SAC 06/06/16.





Chris Horton emailed Cllr Taylor
20/04/16. Supplementary question emailed to Speedwatch administrators for a direct reply.



Open Forum

Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking.


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.


1.       Ms Marion asked people to respond to the:

·       Consultation on Coleridge Recreation Ground starting in the near future.

·       Smarter Cambridge petition.


2.       Mr Carpen asked if Councillors had read the:

·       Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Playing Pitch Strategy.

·       Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Indoor Sports Facility Strategy.


Councillor Avery said the strategies were discussed at the 2 June 2016 Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee. The documents were a survey of use, need and facilities in place at present; set in the context of users’ aspirations.


3.       Mr Carpen raised the following points:

·       A number of playing fields in the south area of the city were locked up so were inaccessible to the public.

·       There was a need to better publicise information for public service users to inform them about facilities and allow them to lobby about the facilities.

·       Access to facilities was worse (more restricted) now than in the past as they were locked up.  This reduced the number of safe areas where people could exercise.


Councillor Avery said people could access information on-line, such as the strategies that went to Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee. He agreed they were big documents to read.


The Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Facility Strategy set out the analysis of facilities use, generally they were underused.


Facilities were locked up for a number of reasons such as vandalism, insurance policies etc.


Record of Urgent Decisions taken by the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokesperson for South Area Committee

To note decisions taken by the Chair and Spokesperson since the last meeting of the South Area Committee.


Nightingale Park Community Green Space pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


The decision was noted.


20mph/Cherry Hinton Road Update pdf icon PDF 9 KB

Senior Engineer to respond to resident's questions regarding 20mph/Cherry Hinton Road in response to issues raised at South Area Committee 18 April 2016.


The Committee received a report from the Senior Engineer. He updated the agenda pack report by stating that phase 3 work had started and was expected to go into the autumn, but the work timetable was weather dependent.


The Senior Engineer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          Some but not all of Cherry Hinton Road would be 20 mph. The County Council, as Highway Authority for local roads, and Police said the area around Cherry Hinton Hall near the pelican crossing should remain 30 mph.

     ii.          20 mph was desirable across the city, but the County Council and Police would not support the introduction of limits where compliance levels were expected to be poor, and the Council was of the view that it was better to implement 20 mph in those areas where it was practicable (the majority) rather than not at all.

   iii.          South Area Committee did recommend various roads should have a 20 mph limit, but the County Council had to go through a statutory process to implement this, and not all recommendations were achieved. The Executive Councillor and Leader had been kept updated with progress.


South Area Committee asked for it to be minuted that not all recommendations were implemented and asked what actions could be put in place to get the whole of Cherry Hinton Road reconsidered for implementation of 20 mph.


The Senior Engineer advised that this could continue to be pursued directly with the County Council following completion of the current City Council project.


ACTION POINT: Senior Engineer to keep South Area Committee informed on 20 mph project progress.


   iv.          The City Council has a 20 mph webpage where people could feedback views in readiness for work on project phase 3. An average reduction of 1 – 2 mph was expected through the 20 mph project, any further reduction would require measures such as speed humps.

    v.          Feedback would be sought in future regarding the success in reducing speed through each of the project phases.


Mr Woodburn made the following comments in response to the report:

       i.          The speed camera near the Swiss Laundry in Cherry Hinton Road ought to be set to 20 mph to enforce the speed limit. Requested other cameras in the city also be set to 20 mph.

     ii.          Requested a citywide 20 mph limit be established, rather than having a mix of 20 and 30 mph areas.


The Senior Engineer said the following in response to questions from members of the public:

       i.          The fixed safety camera near the Swiss Laundry in Cherry Hinton Road was unique in being the only one on a road where the speed limit was being reduced to 20 mph. Fixed cameras in other areas were generally set to 30 mph, which was the minimal level practicable for this type of equipment.

     ii.          Fixed safety cameras could be moved to areas of highest need, instead of being left redundant in 20 mph areas.

   iii.          Safety cameras were old technology that was being replaced by other methods. The Safety Camera Partnership, administered between the County Council and Police, was reviewing the effectiveness of tools and what could be utilised in future.

   iv.          City residents had been consulted about reducing the speed limit on a number of specific roads from 30 to 20 mph. In some cases, residents had requested there be no reduction. Area Committees had been asked to make recommendations on individual roads based upon existing traffic speeds, likely levels of compliance, and consultation feedback.

    v.          Referred to the evidence base in earlier reports as to why areas were recommended for 20 mph or not. Factors such as existing traffic speeds and the road environment had been considered.


Environmental Reports - SAC pdf icon PDF 512 KB


The Committee received a report from the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement.


The report outlined overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the South Area Committee.  The report identifies the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous year, including the requested priority targets and reports back on the recommended issues and associated actions to be targeted in the following period.  It also includes key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be considered for priority within the South Area for the quarter of June to August 2016:



Priority details


Early morning, daytime and weekend patrols for dog fouling on Bliss Way/Tenby Close, Nightingale Avenue Recreation Ground, and Cherry Hinton Hall.


Enforcement targeted approach to areas where Addenbrookes site joins residential areas such as Hills Road and Red Cross Lane and to work with Addenbrookes to work towards the bus station area being cleaned up.


Enforcement to work with the County Council, against utilities and companies that damage the verge on Mowbray and Fendon Road.


Enforcement action against nuisance vehicles being repaired at Arran Close.


Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Long Road Sixth Form in the areas of Long Road and Sedley Taylor Road.


Enforcement patrols to deal with litter and fly tipping in and around Teversham Drift.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

       i.          Litter in the Station Road area.

     ii.          Verge Parking in Hills Road.


In response to Members’ questions the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement said the following:

       i.          Substance abuse and illegal parking in Porson Road/Barrow Road was outside the remit of the enforcement team, and any such issues should be reported to the Police. The Streets and Open Spaces team could pick up litter and respond to any reports of used needles.


ACTION POINT: Operations Manager to organise litter removal in:

·       Barrow Road.

·       Station Road.


     ii.          Dog Wardens were on a rota so they covered different times of the day in different areas over time.

   iii.          Ward walkabouts were organised at the request of residents. Councillors, Officers and residents could be invited to attend.


ACTION POINT: Councillor Ashton to contact the Operations Manager regarding a ward walkabout in the Colville Road area.


   iv.          Equivalent work to ‘ward blitzes’ would be undertaken in future through mini-blitzes. The Operations Team were working out how to do this and proposals would be reported back to South Area Committee in future.

    v.          Undertook to liaise with the grass cutter who mows in Mowbray Road and ask the operator to remove rubbish before cutting the grass instead of mowing over it.

   vi.          City Rangers offered help to people who wanted assistance in cutting their hedges. If a hedge became overgrown, Rangers would post a card through the owner’s door asking for it to be cut back.  If no action was taken, details would be reported to the County Council Highways Authority who had enforcement powers, which the City Council did not have. Residents could report overgrown hedges to the City Council via Rangers and the Customer Service Centre.


In response to questions from members of the public Councillor Taylor responded:

         i.          The Highways Authority were responsible for removing vegetation that obscured traffic lights (eg in Brooklands Road and Hills Road).

       ii.          The County Council were launching a volunteer scheme that could undertake community work such as litter picking. Councillor Taylor would ask County Officers to liaise with the Operations Manager and interested groups such as the Friends of Cherry Hinton Hall.


The Operations Manager added that details about the Volunteer Co-ordinator were set out in her report. The City Council could supply equipment and collect rubbish to assist community work.


Following discussion, Members unanimously resolved to approve priorities for action as above.