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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Wilkinson Room - St John the Evangelist Church Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8RN. View directions

Contact: James Goddard  Committee Manager

No. Item


Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from County Councillors Ashwood and Crawford.



Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Monitoring Officer should be sought before the meeting.


In relation to agenda items 10 and 11 (S106 Priority-Setting Round, and Community Centres Strategy), Councillors Avery and O’Connell declared an interest as members of the Trumpington Residents’ Association.  Councillor Avery additionally declared, in relation to agenda item 10, that he was a resident of the Accordia estate, and Councillor O’Connell declared, in relation to agenda item 12 (Area Committee Grants), that her partner was a volunteer at the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB).


In relation to agenda item 12, Councillor Dryden declared an interest as a member of the Friends of Cherry Hinton Hall, and a volunteer with the Cherry Hinton Festival Society; Councillor McPherson declared in interest as safety adviser for that festival.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 365 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2017.


The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2017 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Committee Action Sheet from last meeting attached.







Public Forum

Committee to send request to Licensing Committee requesting information on whether conditions can be included on Taxi Licences to compel drivers to turn off their engines when waiting in taxi ranks.


Cllr Pippas






As soon as possible








Request emailed 04/10/16

Cllr Pippas to follow up with Licensing Committee at its next meeting on 30/01/17

27/03/17: It was confirmed by the Licensing committee at the end of January 2017 that the City Council had no legal powers to make taxis turn off their engines. The advice to turn off their engines it is based on good practice and on a "gentleman's" agreement between the taxi trade and the City Council.

Cllr Pippas was told that there would be a further "code of conduct" training for the Taxi trade which took place in the Council chamber that took place on the 2nd of February 2017 and one of the aims was to remind the trade again of the importance of clean air in the City and that they should turn off their engines whilst their taxis are in the idle mode.  Cllr Pippas attended that training also.

Public Forum

County Councillor Taylor to take up the issue of uneven pavements with County Council officers.



Cllr Taylor





Cllr Taylor walked Wulfstan Way with officers; repairs were due to be done in December

SAC Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Police Sargent undertook to take back request for enforcement action to deter parking around schools by children’s parents. 



Lynda Kilkelly






Reply received from police detailing action –full response quoted in SAC minutes

SAC Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Chief Inspector undertook to report back at the next meeting within the update report on progress on the ANPR cameras in the Traffic Regulation Order area on Addenbrooke’s Road.



Lynda Kilkelly




Update on progress received from police –full response quoted in SAC minutes

SAC Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Chief Inspector undertook to report back on issues raised around enforcement of 20 mph limits in roads in Cambridge. 


Lynda Kilkelly




Report on issues around enforcement of 20mph limits received from police – full response quoted in SAC minutes

Environmental Report

Wendy Young undertook to take away points regarding making the point of contact to enquire about abandoned bicycles simpler and easier to access.


Wendy Young









No update available yet; the matter will be pursued and brought back to SAC.


No further update

Environmental Report 

Wendy Young agreed to concentrate efforts in the next few months to reduce the smoking nuisance from students in the roads around Long Road sixth Form college.







Covered in Environmental Reports at agenda item 9

Environmental Report

On the same issue Councillor Taylor undertook to liaise with senior staff at the College to contact Wendy Young to help co-ordinate action.


Cllr Taylor









Letter sent to Principal; matters thought to have improved but residents report further problems.


Cllr Taylor will follow up again


Children’s Feedback

Cllr O’Connell to look into lighting in alleyway from near Fawcett School to near Trumpington Community College


Cllr O’Connell


Cllr O’Connell reported at meeting that the land in the area was being redeveloped and developers were planning to do something with the path; she had requested more detail and would continue to pursue this.

Children’s Feedback

Local members to look into updating the play equipment in Byron Square, with or without a trampoline


Cllrs Adey, Avery, O’Connell



Open Forum

Chairman to write to the County Council to complain at lack of communication over Hills Road closure


Cllr Pippas

As soon as possible


Letter sent to Mike Davies

Open Forum

County officers to be asked to attend SAC on transport projects in area


Joel Carré



Liaising with contacts

Open Forum

Cllrs Adey & O’Connell to look into question of safety at the embankment on Long Road bridge down to the busway


Cllrs Adey, O’Connell




Addenbrooke's Station

John Laing to be invited to a future meeting of SAC


Joel Carré




Liaising with contact

Environmental Reports

Wendy Young to request a deep cleanse in Coldhams Lane, and ensure volunteer’s work covered


Wendy Young




See agenda item 13, Environmental Report – deep cleanse completed.

Environmental Reports

Wendy Young to ask the Waste Team to work with those leaving bins out in Anstey Way


Wendy Young




See agenda item 13 – work postponed to next period due to bin changeover date


Environmental Reports

Wendy Young to take points on overgrown vegetation and leafmould in gutters in Wulfstan Way to Operations Team


Wendy Young




See agenda item 13 – request passed to Operations Team to undertake the works.

Environmental Reports

Wendy Young to consult Senior Operations Manager about notifying planned dates of litter picks to local members

Wendy Young


See agenda item 13 – schedules for widespread areas not available; requests for individual area schedules considered on case by case basis.



Open Forum

Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking.


Antony Carpen requested that smart traffic lights be installed, at least for the rush hour, at the Budgen’s / Perne Road / Mowbray Road roundabout, where congestion was causing air pollution and delays to bus services; illegally-modified engines were also very noisy.


Councillor Taylor said that she would be happy to take the matter up if she were elected, as the roundabout would be in Queen Edith’s ward.


Other members suggested that a linked series of traffic lights at the Perne Road roundabouts would be required, though there would still be queuing at the end of the series.  The City Deal would need to look at this larger question as part of its work on congestion in Cambridge.



Update on Transport Projects in the South Area pdf icon PDF 251 KB


The Area Committee received a verbal report from the County Council’s Cycling Projects Team Leader on various transport projects in the South Area.


1)    Fulbourn Road

a.   a City Deal funded scheme

b.   detailed design was being finalised

c.   work was planned to start in September

d.   the scheme consisted of raised/hybrid cycle lanes on both sides from the Robin Hood to ARM and a wide, shared use path from ARM to Yarrow Road

e.   officers had recently met Cllrs Ashton and Dryden on site to discuss

f.     contact officer Grant.Weller@cambridgeshire.gov.uk


2)    Queen Edith’s Way and Fendon Road roundabout

a.   a County Council S106 funded scheme

b.   County Council’s Environment and Economy Committee had resolved on 10th November 2016 to approve:

                                 i.    the implementation of a Dutch style roundabout at Queen Edith’s Way/Mowbray Road/Fendon Road junction; and

                                ii.    further public engagement with residents and stakeholders on improvements for walking and cycling in Queen Edith’s Way

c.   a detailed design for the roundabout was being developed

d.   workshops were planned for Queen Edith’s Way

e.   the matter would go back to the Economy & Environment Committee once a design had been developed for Queen Edith’s Way itself

f.     contact officer Grant Weller


The County Councillor for Queen Edith’s welcomed the design work being carried out, and asked when the scheme would be completed.  The Cycling Projects Team Leader said that this was the UK’s first Dutch-style roundabout, and it was being developed with a Dutch consultancy firm.  It would be ideal if the Queen Edith’s Way scheme could be approved, so that the roundabout and the road feeding into and out of it could be of the same high standard.


3)    Trumpington Road outside the Botanic Gardens

a.   funded through Department for Transport (DfT) Cycle City Ambition

b.   works were progressing well

c.   the local stakeholder group had met regularly throughout the scheme

d.   upcoming tasks included relocating street lights, completion of new floating bus stop, and the surfacing and installation of new raised/hybrid cycle lane.

e.   contact officer Stuart.Rushby@cambridgeshire.gov.uk  


One of the Councillors for Trumpington congratulated all responsible for this scheme, which had not suffered from the same difficulties and lack of information as the Hills Road scheme.  He asked why there seemed currently to be a pause in the work.


The Team Leader said that it had been possible to keep traffic flowing by removing parking.  He thanked the Botanic Gardens for their help and understanding throughout the work, and for accommodating stakeholder meetings.  It would not be possible to lay the final surface and finish the scheme until work to move street lights had been completed.


4)    Robin Hood junction

a.   an S106 funded scheme

b.   being managed by the Traffic Signals Team

c.   discussions and design deliberations ongoing around the exit from Cherry Hinton High Street to ascertain whether this would  be a two-lane or a one-lane exit. Cycle lanes and pedestrian facilities to be incorporated, but would require additional land

d.      Contact officer Richard.Ling@cambridgeshire.gov.uk


One of the Cherry Hinton Councillors said that he had thought that agreement had already been reached on the junction, following a site visit in 2016.  The Cycling Projects Team Leader replied that he believed this had been for a single-lane exit with cycle and pedestrian crossing, which had given rise to concern at the possible impact on bus journey times.  The Traffic Signals team were talking to the City Open Spaces team to see whether a strip of land could be obtained on the corner.  The member pointed out that this land was on a green where trees had already been planted; he had thought the problem could be resolved without the loss of valuable green space.  The Team Leader referred members to the link officer for further information.


5)    Two-way cycling in one-way streets

a.   scheme was funded through DfT Cycle City Ambition and affected Trumpington

b.   Cambridge City Joint Area Committee (CJAC) on 24th January 2017 had resolved:

                                 i.    to support the advertising of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in order to allow two-way cycling on the following streets:

- Coronation Street (west of junction with Panton Street)

- Norwich Street

- Union Road

- Brookside

                                ii.    to agree not to progress any changes to the following streets:

- Panton Street

- St Eligius Street

c.   the next step would be to advertise the TROs and take any objections back to CJAC

d.   contact officer Clare.Rankin@cambridgeshire.gov.uk


6)    Hills Road/Addenbrooke's

a.   a City Deal funded scheme

b.   work had started in January; four-way lights were currently in place

c.   reply sent to Chair’s letter following last SAC, acknowledging that the County Council should have told Cherry Hinton and Trumpington Councillors about the road closure in advance; Queen Edith’s Councillors had been informed six days before the SAC

d.   proposal for next stage of traffic management was being finalised, with the objective of developing a solution that minimised impacts on traffic and residents

                                 i.    duration would be less than five months, starting in early June

                                ii.    engagement had been taking place with bus operators, the ambulance service, and other stakeholders, including a stakeholder group which had met recently and would continue to meet through the works

                               iii.    all SAC Councillors would be contacted shortly, once the plans had been finalised

e.   contact officer Grant Weller


Members drew attention to problems which had been experiences with the reliability of the lights on this scheme.  The Cycling Projects Team Leader said that, because the lights were radio controlled, the cause was believed to be connected with Addenbrooke's.  The problem was occurring in the evenings, and a hard-wired solution was being sought.


Members welcomed the reduction of time to complete the work, and sought assurance that it would not last 24/7, and would not affect both directions at once.  The Team Leader said that a solution was being sought in consultation with the traffic signals team and the bus companies, and would be announced once plans had been finalised.


Wendy Blythe said that the planting at bus stops on Hills Road had been very well received, and asked whether something similar might be possible on Trumpington Road.  The Team Leader said that contact had been made with the guerrilla groundsman who had planted up some of the area near the Botanic Gardens with a view to developing green ends to the bus stops.


7)    Cherry Hinton Road

a.   an S106 funded scheme

b.   seeking to improve the length from Hills Road to Perne Road for walking and cycling. There was some funding for the Perne Road/Cherry Hinton Road roundabout

c.   initial surveys of traffic and parking had been undertaken

d.   stakeholder workshops would be taking place

e.   public consultation was planned for September

f.     contact officer Stuart Rushby.


8)    Greenways

a.   City Deal funded, though also potential for S106 funding

b.   12 new or improved direct, attractive routes linking South Cambridgeshire to the city, to encourage more people to commute by bike

c.   four of the routes run through South Area

d.   funding has been allocated initially to develop the schemes

e.   ‘Planning for Real’ events were being planned

f.     currently prioritising which routes to take forward first

g.   contact officer Simon.Manville@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

h.   see plan attached as Appendix A for details


In reply to comments on the scheme, members noted that parking had been lost by putting the building compound on the road rather than on green space.  There was an approved scheme for the west side of Trumpington Road; the widening would be into the road, not the common, and there was further scope to look again at cycling improvements.  One member drew attention to the difficulty experienced by pedestrians in dodging cyclists on pavements; anything that could be done to improve this would be much appreciated.


The Chair thanked the Cycling Projects Team Leader for attending the meeting and for his excellent reporting.



Addenbrooke's Station


The Chair advised that there was no further update on plans for a railway station at Addenbrooke's Hospital beyond what had been reported at the last Area Committee.



Oral Report - PCC Jason Ablewhite

Oral Report from Jason Ablewhite, the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Andy Coles, the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), introduced himself and his work. He was accompanied by Charles Kitchin, Director of Public Engagement and Communication, and apologised that Jason Ablewhite, the PCC, had been called away at short notice and so was unable to attend the meeting.


The Deputy PCC said that he had been appointed Deputy PCC in July 2016.  He was himself a Peterborough City Councillor, and had been a police officer for 30 years, working in a variety of roles, from core policing to highly specialised areas.  He explained that the Police and Crime Commissioner was required to hold the Chief Constable to account; the PCC was able to take locally-raised issues to the Chief Constable at a more strategic level, and did not get involved in local police matters.  The PCC was responsible for hiring and – if necessary – dismissing the Chief Constable, and for preparing the Police and Crime Plan, which was renewed each year.


In renewing the Police and Crime Plan, the PCC was looking at four fundamental themes:


a.   victims and witnesses: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough was one of the few areas where the Police, rather than volunteers, ran the victims and witnesses service, which meant that it could be provided throughout the process, including court proceedings. The service would take an allegation without directing that it must be reported as an offence


b.   offenders: the offenders’ hub aimed to keep people out of prison and look at restorative justice, so encouraging offenders actively to apologise and try to make good


c.   communities: Charles Kitchin was the communities lead


d.   transformation: like many public services, the Police were trying to reform and become more effective on reduced funding.  The force was collaborating with neighbouring forces on back office and specialised services, aiming to increase resources to deal with serious crime.  The intention was to maintain the number of officers and PCSOs on frontline duty.  The estate was also being looked at; it was not necessary to have huge central premises, but good buildings were required, with equipment, detention cells fit for purpose, and adequate public access.  The Police were also collaborating with other emergency services across the county, for example, sharing accommodation with the Fire Service in Ely.


The Deputy PCC went on to say that the Police and Crime Survey had shown that people were concerned about burglary, road safety and the low level disruption caused by anti-social behaviour (ASB).  Although people liked to see a police officer on the streets, this was not an effective use of resources, as victims and offenders were not to be found there.


Discussing the Deputy PCC’s report, members


a.   commented that magistrates only sent people to prison as a last resort, usually because other options had failed


b.   suggested that people needed to see familiar police faces on the street so that they would feel confident about supplying information on local lawbreaking to officers; reducing the police network would potentially reduce intelligence network.  The Deputy PCC agreed with the need to have officers to gather intelligence, but said that it was more effective to have them in areas where there were problems; work was being done to see how to deploy people  where they would be more visible


c.   stressed the importance of not cutting behind-the-scenes staff who contributed to prevention work


d.   drew attention to the problems of homeless people being disturbed by Police during the night, meaning that they were too tired to access the services that would help them the next day.  It was important that all services worked together to help people break the poverty cycle.  The Deputy PCC reported that Peterborough  had established a Prevention and Enforcement Service, which combined all the local prevention services with the Police; people welcomed them working together visibly in a single service


e.   expressed disappointment on behalf of residents at the lack of enforcement of the 20mph speed limit.  The Deputy PCC said that it was difficult to seek enforcement on a four-lane road that people had driven down for many years at 30 or 40mph; a physical solution was needed, with roads redesigned.  If the Police were to devote more resources to enforcing the 20mph limit, they would have to reduce some other aspect of their work.  Wendy Blythe (Chair of the Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations) commented that the residents’ associations had various ideas for deploying Scandinavian-style solutions, without road signs, but Mr Coles said that this would not be appropriate in all areas.


Antony Carpen submitted a question to the Police and Crime Commissioner:


Please investigate and report back:

·        Costs of equipping officers with sound measuring equipment

·        Feasibility of public using social media to report cars with illegally modified engines.


The Director of Public Engagement and Communication undertook to look into the matter.


SAC Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 161 KB


The Committee received a report regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends from Maureen Tsentides, lead officer for the CB1 development in the Safer Communities Team, on behalf of Lynda Kilkelly, Safer Communities Manager, and from Nick Skipworth, Safer Neighbourhoods Inspector and Police Sargeant Ian Wood.  The report outlined actions taken since the Committee’s meeting on 2 October 2016, identified on-going and emerging crime and disorder issues, and provided recommendations for future priorities and activity.  The report listed previous priorities and the actions taken in response:

·        Combatting ASB in the CB1/Brookgate development;

·        Promotion of road safety with specific reference to prioritising schools parking; and

·        Drug dealing/use in the south of the city.


Sargeant Wood explained that the role of PCSOs was to be highly visible gatherers of community intelligence.  The aim was to map issues and to do anything possible to persuade individuals to reconsider their behaviour and lifestyle choices.  He drew attention to the Community Speedwatch scheme, and invited anybody interested in signing up to the scheme to let his team know. 


Inspector Skipworth asked the Area Committee to choose three policing priorities from the six proposed in the report and outlined the background to each of the suggested priorities.  He extended an invitation to Councillors to attend the weekly meetings at which Police discussed their priorities; any Councillor wishing to attend should contact him.


In discussion, members


a.   welcomed the re-inclusion of Cambridge Leisure Park and the Cambridge Lakes.  Inspector Skipworth confirmed that all the areas of policing listed would still be policed; what was being offered was additional work, for example putting highly visible patrols into areas affected by burglary, but this would be at the expense of some other area of work


b.   noted that additional work proposed to combat drug dealing would involve contacting directly individuals whose premises were believed to have been taken over for drug dealing against their will


c.   expressed concern about possible unintended consequences of work to reduce sexual exploitation, and reported having spoken at national level to people who had been told that they had been safeguarded, but had then found that they were unable to follow their safer working practices.  Inspector Skipworth said that Operation Mantis across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough was looking at sex workers behind closed doors; there was an online community offering sex for sale to a large number of mainly men, and involving a large number of young non-English-speaking women.  For the Police it was a matter of safeguarding; they gave out packs with rape crisis cards and condoms.  In the South Area, the additional work proposed would involve tracking down and educating landlords.


Antony Carpen suggested asking 16 to 19-year-olds what their priorities would be, given that there were two large further education colleges in the area.  Inspector Skipworth replied that they did actively engage with young people around policing issues, and would welcome this input.


The Area Committee went on to consider its choice of priorities.  Each member voted for their preferred three schemes; those finding most support were combatting drug dealing and burglary, with youth ASB, road safety and sexual exploitation attracting an equality of votes.  The Chair exercised his casting vote and selected sexual exploitation as the third priority.


It was resolved (unanimously?) to nominate the following three priorities for focus over the coming months:

1)    Combatting ‘county lines’ drug dealing

2)    Burglary (in response to the recent crime spike)

3)    Sexual exploitation (specifically of women coerced or controlled as sex workers).



2016/17 S106 Priority-Setting Round SAC pdf icon PDF 428 KB

Report to follow

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager setting out thirteen proposals for making use of devolved Section 106 contributions to improve open spaces and play areas in the South Area.  The report set out the background to the proposals, described recent S106-funded projects completed in the area, and asked the SAC to select which of the eligible project proposals to prioritise for each of the three SAC wards from the S106 funding available.


Sam Davies, Chair of Queen Edith’s Community Forum, pointed out that the largest project proposals for Trumpington ward were for Mill Park at CB1, part of the Brookgate development.  She posed three questions to Councillors:

a)    was it reasonable for Brookgate to assert that the use of this space in this location by this range of people could not have been envisaged from the outset

b)    was it reasonable for Brookgate to expect around 1,000 young people visiting the city, often on a temporary basis, to walk nearly a mile to Coleridge recreation ground

c)    was it reasonable to use funds levied to mitigate the impact of new development to offset problems which some said had been designed into the development from the start by a developer who was making a substantial profit from the development.


She said that if the use of the space and the need for recreational facilities should reasonably have been envisaged, and the problems which Brookgate wished to see addressed were of its own making, then in each case, there were no grounds for paying S106 money to Brookgate, and the funding should be spent instead on other deserving projects around Trumpington.


Andrew Roberts, speaking for Trumpington Residents’ Association, drew attention to two of the proposals submitted by the association, the Trumpington notice boards (proposal K in report table 2) and trim trail and outdoor fitness equipment (proposal L).  The notice boards had not been recommended to proceed at present, and it had been suggested that the trim trail could be funded from the available, devolved ‘informal open space’ S106 contributions.  The Association was grateful for the support for the proposals so far, and hoped that it would be possible to realise them in due course.


Antony Carpen asked to put on record his strong opposition to any application by Brookgate for S106 funding; the application was an insult to the taxpayer, who was being asked for an additional £150k.  Crime had been designed in to the development, and the community was being expected to deal with the problems. 


Members noted that S106 funding was money paid by developers to mitigate the impact of developments, not taxpayers’ money as such, though the same careful stewardship was needed for this as for any other funding; spending S106 funding on one project meant that it was not available for spending on another eligible project.


In discussion of the proposals for Trumpington, members made various comments


a)    Expressing strong agreement with the speakers’ sentiments.  Some considered that Brookgate was failing to do what should have been done at the outset of the project, and that the available, devolved S106 funding would be better deployed in other areas of the community


b)    Pointing out that something needed to be done to resolve anti-social behaviour issues which had arisen at Mill Park, which had been built following the grant of planning permission


c)    Acknowledging that the developer was undertaking some remedial works in Mill Park, and suggesting that time should be allowed to assess the impact of those remedial works


d)    Suggesting that it would be better to concentrate on the merits of the other proposals for the present, and disregard the CB1 Mill Park improvement works


e)    Pointing out that the available funding did not have to be spent immediately.  The Area Committee noted that officers continued to work hard to ensure that S106 expiry dates were observed, and that S106 funding was used on time.  Speaking from memory, the Urban Growth Project Manager said that the last instalment of S106 funding from the CB1 development had been received in 2013 and had to be spent within ten years*


f)     Saying that it was important to select projects for prioritisation on sound grounds, and to bear residents’ interests in mind.


Turning to proposals for Cherry Hinton and Queen Edith’s, ward members said that


a)    the two proposals for Cherry Hinton were of equal merit, and both were wanted; the seating on Fulbourn Road should be sited nearer to the road, rather than too close to residents’ gardens


b)    a great deal of work had gone into putting forward proposals for improving the Gunhild Close play area, and these should be prioritised. 


Councillor Taylor pointed out that she was not voting because, as a County Councillor, she was not eligible to do so, not because she was not interested in the matter.


It was resolved unanimously to select (from the list of eligible proposals set out in Table 3 of the report) the following local projects for the use of devolved S106 funding (subject to business case approval):

  1. Fulbourn Road open space improvements
  2. Tenby Close play area improvements
  3. Gunhild Close play area improvements
  4. Accordia open space improvements
  5. Trumpington Rec Ground trim trail, skate park and climbing frame.


Members noted that the cost of the three Trumpington proposals would be £110k, leaving £90k for future consideration; there was no requirement to spend the money within the ward if using it over a ward boundary would benefit both the ward from which the money came and other parts of the area.


Councillor McPherson said that, in the view of the Cherry Hinton Councillors, the CB1 Mill Park improvements should not be funded from S106 monies, but be undertaken by the developers at their own expense, because the works were proposed to remedy a design fault.



* The Urban Growth Project Manager has subsequently clarified that the ‘informal open space’ and ‘provision for children and teenagers’ S106 contributions from the CB1 development do not expire until May 2024.



SAC Building Stronger Communities – Community Centres Strategy pdf icon PDF 728 KB


The Committee received a report from the Community Funding & Development Manager providing an overview of the recommendations in the draft Community Centres Strategy and of the consultation plan.  The public – and Councillors – were invited to respond to the consultation, which would remain open until noon on 5 May 2017. 


The Community Funding and Development Manager thanked the Committee for enabling the drop-in session before the meeting; it had provided a helpful opportunity for discussion with local people.  Members noted that the strategy would be considered by the Community Services Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 29 June.


It was resolved unanimously to:


1)    Note the emerging proposals in the draft Community Centres Strategy detailed in section 3 of the report


2)    Note the consultation plan and opportunities for people to feedback their comments on the draft strategy detailed in section 5.



SAC Area Committee Grants 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 358 KB


The Committee received a report from the Community Funding & Development Manager.  The report outlined applications received to date for 2017-18 funding for projects in the South Area, made recommendations for awards, and provided information on the eligibility and funding criteria.


It was resolved unanimously:


1)    To note the grant applications received, officer comments and proposed awards detailed in report Appendix 1, in line with the Area Committee Community Grants criteria detailed in paragraph 3.5


2)    To approve the awards detailed in report Appendix 1 and summarised in the table at paragraph 2.1.



Environmental Reports - SAC pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement. It outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the South Area Committee. The report identified the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated actions to be targeted in the upcoming period. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


In the absence of the Operations Manager, members noted the briefing note supplied, in which she said that officers had undertaken work on the priorities previously set, and in light of the evidence found over the last three months had recommended that the priorities stay the same to allow further work to be undertaken for the upcoming period.


In discussion, members


a)    recalled that, at the last meeting, a problem had been identified with bins being left out on pavements in Anstey Way, and suggested that, despite the present report proposing to drop this as a priority, the Anstey way issues should continue to be a priority


b)    expressed the belief that, although the leaving of bins on streets had been decriminalised, social housing tenants were required not to leave bins on pavements, but in designated bin areas.  The Chair undertook to write to the Operations Manager to ask her to check what the relevant rules for social housing tenants were.

Action: Cllr Pippas


It was resolved unanimously to adopt the following priorities:



Priority details


Early morning, daytime and weekend patrols for dog fouling on Nightingale Avenue Recreation Ground, Cherry Hinton Recreation Ground and Cherry Hinton Hall.


Enforcement targeted approach to areas where Addenbrooke’s site joins residential areas such as Hills Road and Red Cross Lane and to work with Addenbrooke’s to work towards the bus station area being cleaned up.


Enforcement to work with the County Council, against utilities and companies that damage the verge on Mowbray and Fendon Road.


Enforcement action against nuisance vehicles for sale at Fulbourn Road layby.


Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Long Road Sixth Form in the areas of Long Road and Sedley Taylor Road.


Enforcement patrols to deal with litter, abandoned vehicles and fly tipping in and around Teversham Drift.


Action to deal with bins left on pavements in Anstey Way.