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Venue: Meeting Room - CHVLC - Cherry Hinton Village Leisure Centre, Colville Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9EJ. View directions
Contact: James Goddard Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Election of Chair and Vice Chair - SAC Minutes: The Committee Manager took the Chair whilst the South Area Committee
elected a Chair. Councillor Ashton proposed, and Councillor McPherson seconded, the
nomination of Councillor Birtles as Chair. Councillor Avery proposed, and Councillor Pippas seconded, the
nomination of Councillor Blackhurst as Chair. Resolved (by 5
votes to 4) that Councillor Birtles be Chair for the ensuing year. Councillor Birtles assumed the Chair from the Committee Manager at this
point. Councillor Moore proposed, and Councillor Birtles seconded a vote of
thanks to Councillor Ashton as the outgoing Chair. Councillor Dryden proposed, and Councillor McPherson seconded, the
nomination of Councillor Meftah as Vice Chair Councillor Avery proposed, and Councillor Pippas seconded, the
nomination of Councillor Blackhurst as Vice Chair. Resolved (by 5
votes to 4) that Councillor Meftah be Vice Chair for the ensuing year. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were
received from Councillor Crawford. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items
on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should
be sought before the meeting. Minutes:
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 April 2014. Minutes: The minutes of the 23 April 2014 meeting were approved and signed as a
correct record subject to the following amendment to question 4 in 14/26/SAC:
Councillor Taylor told the meeting that
County Councillors would be visiting Cambridge Regional College to take part in
a ‘Question Time’ style debate. |
Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes Minutes: 14/26/SAC Open Forum “Action Point:
Councillor Ashton to write to Netherhall School to
ask how South Area Committee and the community can support the school to
improve following a recent inspection.” Councillor Ashton has written to Netherhall
School to ask how South Area Committee and the
community can support the school to improve following a recent inspection. ACTION POINT: Councillor Birtles
to follow this up as no response has been received from Netherhall
School. |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking. Minutes: 1.
Mr Woodburn raised
the following issues: · Asked for speed limits to be enforced and suggested
this could be a police priority for the south area. Mr Woodburn raised concerns
that people were speeding in the city and that speed cameras may not be
operating in some areas. He asked the Police to do speed checks Friday and
Saturday nights to catch motorists who had been drinking. · Pedestrian and
cycle access to the busway from the Kaleidoscope
development has still not been provided as required by the Kaleidoscope
planning application. Mr Woodburn queried when this would be provided. He asked
that all future planning applications have pedestrian and cycle access routes
in place before first occupancy, just as car routes have to be. · There was still no
access from Hills Road bridge. Access from Long Road
and Shelford Road involves a long diversion. Good,
direct access is urgently needed in all three cases. Councillor Blackhurst
said that the County Council had invited Councillors to a County Council s106
workshop on Thursday 26 June 2014. Mr Woodburn’s concerns would be raised
there. 2.
Mr Bower raised
concerns regarding the traffic calming scheme in Cherry Hinton High Street. Councillor Ashton said the County Council
had advised South Area Committee (SAC) that details should have been available
in January 2014, after consultation with residents in September 2013. Delays
then occurred due to a lack of county staff, and other projects being
prioritised first due to funding time constraints. A further update is proposed
for September 2014. ACTION POINT: Councillor Ashton to
query the progress of the Cherry Hinton High Street traffic calming scheme with
County Council Officers. Response to be fedback
to South Area Committee and member of public who raised the query. 3.
Mr Watson spoke in
favour of the Environmental Improvement Programme project for Norwich Street. |
Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 165 KB Minutes: The Committee
received a report from the Safer Communities
Section Manager and Inspector Poppitt regarding the policing and safer
neighbourhoods trends. The report
outlined actions taken since the Committee on 3 March 2014. The current
emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see
report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in
the report were: · Combat the supply of drugs in South area. · Target the increase in dwelling burglary in the Cherry Hinton area. · Target the increase in thefts from motor vehicles in the Trumpington
area. The Committee
discussed the following policing issues:
Anti-social behaviour around the “Cambridge Lakes”.
The Police could go on site in specific circumstances, but were tackling issues
through other means, such as ticketing owners who parked inappropriately around
the “Lakes” area.
Drug use around in the “Cambridge Lakes” and Cherry
Hinton areas.
Bicycle crime in the Queen Edith’s area.
Dwelling burglary in Queen Edith’s, Cherry Hinton
and Trumpington wards. SAC thanked Sergeant Jim Stevenson for his
work to date, and looked forward to working with his successor. Councillor Ashton expressed thanks on behalf
of Cherry Hinton residents to PCSO Marie Bailey for her work. In response to SAC Members’ questions the
Police Inspector said the following:
Information from members of the public helped the
police carry out investigations. The Police would verify information received
then use it to target actions against areas and individuals. Generic
information was published in e-cops, specific information was given to
individuals who reported details.
All speed cameras were assumed to be working. The
Police were not responsible for their maintenance.
CB1 was a bicycle crime hotspot. Visible patrols
and covert investigations were used to tackle this. Information was also
signposted through bike shops, such as the Immobilise website.
The growth of the southern fringe led to a
corresponding increase in crime, affecting contractors as well as residents.
The Police would monitor this even if it were not a specific SAC priority. Councillor Moore
withdrew due to illness. Councillor Taylor requested
a change to the recommendations to include bicycle theft. SAC felt this was an
on-going issue that was already being targeted by the Police. The following priorities were agreed by
10 votes to 1:
Combat the supply of drugs in the south area.
Target dwelling burglary in Queen Edith’s, Cherry
Hinton and Trumpington wards. iii.
Target anti-social behaviour associated with the
“Cambridge Lakes” area. |
Local S106 Priority Projects - Update PDF 24 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager. The report provided an update on: · The delivery of
the Area Committee’s first round local priority projects; · Steps being taken
to implement the SAC’s second round local priorities (in particular, background
information on delays to the delivery of the Accordia junior scooter facility
project); · Opportunities to
allocate some further funding to enable a couple of local environmental improvement
schemes to move forward, ahead of a third priority-setting round in late
2014/early 2015. Mrs Hilary Lowson, Joint Secretary of Accordia Community and Residents’
Association (ACRA), spoke in favour of the junior scooter park project. She
said that children needed somewhere safe to play. Residents would be able to
give their views on such issues as the proposed materials and siting through
the consultation. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
ACRA/Accordia residents had lobbied SAC for the
junior scooter in the run-up to the second round priority-setting last January.
Some residents had raised concerns more recently, and it was hoped that these
could be addressed through the consultation process.
The Cherry Hinton Baptist Church Family Centre’s
on-going search for more funding for an expanded improvement scheme was set in
the context of the impending closure/redevelopment of other community
facilities at the local British Legion Hall. In response to Members’ comments the Urban Growth Project Manager said
the following:
SAC had identified the Accordia junior scooter park
and trim trail project as a local priority (subject to local consultation and
project appraisal) last January. Beyond the feedback received as part of
initial consultation on first and second round broad project ideas, further
consultation would be undertaken so that residents could have their input on
specific design proposals for the junior scooter facility. Depending on the
comments received as part of that further consultation, a project appraisal
would be reported either to the SAC Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokes or,
if there is not a broad consensus on the proposals, to a future SAC meeting.
Depending on the level of funding needed by Cherry
Hinton Baptist Church for its expanded family centre refurbishment plans, a
project appraisal would be reported either to the SAC Chair, Vice Chair and
Opposition Spokes or, if the overall S106 funding request is more than £75,000,
to a future SAC meeting. Following discussion, Members resolved (by 8 votes to 0):
Noted the updates
on local priority projects from the first two rounds of devolved
decision-making, especially the consultation arrangements & revised
timescales for the Accordia scooter project.
Allocated £17,500 of devolved informal open space
S106 contributions to support the delivery of environmental improvements at
Trumpington War Memorial and Cherry Hinton War Memorial. |
Environmental Improvement Programme - SAC PDF 21 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP). The report requested the Committee to determine which of the proposed new EIP schemes were allocated funding as part of the 2014/15 Environmental Improvement Programme. Members considered a number of 2014/15 schemes put forward for approval. In response
to Members’ questions
the Project Delivery & Environment Manager answered:
The maintenance of 26 hanging
baskets along Cherry Hinton High Street was brought to SAC on an annual basis
at its request, although this was not the norm for EIP projects. ii.
A report would go to
Community Services in future setting out proposed changes to the EIP process.
2014/15 may be the last year of the current process. A member of the
public spoke in favour of ‘S6’ to install a dropped kerb on Red Cross Lane at gate leading to Addenbrooke’s Hospital. This would give better access to
people with mobility impairments. SAC wished
to allocate EIP funding fairly between the 3 south area wards, so an equal
3-way split was proposed. Councillor Meftah formally requested a change to recommendation 2.2 as follows:
Delete: To
allocate the remaining £37,300 to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A
of the Officer’s report. Replace with: To allocate the remaining £37,300 equally between
Queen Edith’s, Cherry Hinton and Trumpington wards, to be allocated to the list
of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report in future. The
revised recommendation was agreed (by 8 votes to 0). Following discussion, Members resolved (by 8 votes to 0):
Allocated funding of £4,500 for the annual provision
and maintenance of 26 hanging baskets along Cherry Hinton High St.
Allocated the remaining
£37,300 equally between Queen Edith’s, Cherry Hinton and Trumpington wards, to
be allocated to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s
report in future.
Approved the delivery of the minor traffic
regulation orders listed in Appendix E of the Officer’s report, at an estimated
cost of £6000, funded by the remainder of the South Area Committee 2011/12
joint minor highway works budget.
Approved those projects for implementation, subject
to positive consultation where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.
Noted the progress
of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report. |
Cherry Hinton and Trumpington War Memorial Decision Notices and Project Appraisals PDF 2 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair ruled that under 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972
the late item from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager be considered
despite not being made publicly available for this committee five clear days
prior to the meeting. The reason that this document could not be deferred was that it was
impracticable to defer the decision until the next committee. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Residents supported the proposals.
The memorials recognised where people had made the
ultimate sacrifice. Cherry Hinton War Memorial The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery &
Environment Manager regarding Cherry Hinton War Memorial. The report outlined
a request to undertake works to improve the condition and nature of the
surfaces surrounding Cherry Hinton War Memorial, located at the entrance to
Cherry Hinton recreation ground, including both soft and hard landscaping. Following discussion, Members resolved (8 votes to 0):
Financial recommendation: Recommended the use of proposed funding allocations outlined in the
project appraisal for this scheme which is included in the Council’s
Environmental Improvement Programme PRO 10B. Subject to: ·
The total cost of the project is £ 13,500 funded
from Environmental Improvement Programme, Cambridgeshire County Council,
Cambridge City Council and informal open space developer contributions. ·
The on-going revenue costs of the project are to be
funded by both Cambridge City and Cambridgeshire County Councils.
Procurement recommendation: Approved the formal contractual appointment,
delivery and completion of the project. Subject to: ·
The permission of the Director of Resources being
sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated
contract value. ·
The permission from the Committee Chair being
sought before proceeding if the value exceeds the estimated contract by more
than 15%. Trumpington War Memorial The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery &
Environment Manager regarding Trumpington War Memorial. The report outlined a proposal to undertake works to improve the
condition and nature of the surfaces surrounding Trumpington War Memorial, a
grade ii* listed structure, including both soft and hard landscaping. Following discussion, Members resolved (8 votes to 0):
Financial recommendations: Approved the delivery and completion of this scheme, which is already
included in the Council’s Environmental Improvement Programme PRO 10B and
section 106 programme. ·
The total cost of the project is £ 30,000 funded
from Environmental Improvement Programme, Cambridgeshire County Council,
Cambridge City Council drainage revenue fund and informal open space developer
contributions. ·
The on-going revenue costs of the project are to be
funded by both Cambridge City and Cambridgeshire County Councils.
Procurement recommendations: Approved formal contractual appointment, delivery
and completion of the project. Subject to: ·
The permission of the Director of Resources being
sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated
contract value. ·
The permission from the Committee Chair being
sought before proceeding if the value exceeds the estimated contract by more
than 15%. Lieutenant Jack
Creek The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery &
Environment Manager regarding Trumpington War Memorial. The report outlined Cambridge City Council was contacted in the autumn
of 2013 by the family of Lieutenant Jack Neville Creek of the Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders, regarding the possible addition of his name to the
Trumpington War Memorial. Lt Jack Creek was killed in action during World War
II. Officers have liaised with a variety of technical conservation
specialists, local residents and Trumpington Ward Councillor Andy Blackhurst,
to agree an appropriate route by which to reach a decision. Officers have liaised with the family to obtain information as to the
circumstances of Lt Jack Creek that might lead to the addition of the name to
the memorial. Following discussion, Members resolved (8 votes to 0):
Financial recommendations: Recommended this scheme (which is not included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan) for approval by Council, subject to resources being
available to fund the capital and revenue costs. ·
The total cost of the project is £1,500, funded
from External grant. ·
There are no ongoing revenue implications arising
from the project.
Procurement recommendations: Approved the carrying out and completion of the
procurement of a suitably qualified engraver to fulfil the terms of the grant. Subject to: ·
The permission of the Director of Resources being
sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated
contract. ·
The permission from the South Area Committee Chair
being sought before proceeding if the value exceeds the estimated contract by
more than 15%. |
Enforcement Items |
27 Babraham Road Update PDF 105 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an update report following the outcome of an Appeal decision against
the Council’s decision to refuse to grant a Certificate of Lawful Use or
Development (application reference 12/1438/CLUED). Site: 27 Babraham
Road, Cambridge Breach: Breach of
planning conditions and material change of use. The report sought
authority as listed against each of the five Enforcement Notices authorised by
Committee in March 2013: 1. Breach of
condition 1of C/97/0695 (The number of ice cream vans stored at the premises
shall not exceed two vehicle). 2. Breach of
condition 2 of C/97/0695 (The ice cream vans, when not in use, shall be stored
within the existing garages at all times with the doors closed).
3. Breach of
condition 3 of C/97/0695 (There shall be no deliveries to the premises
associated with the ice cream business) Enforcement notice
not to be issued. 4. Breach of
condition 4 of C/97/0695 (The garage shall be used for the parking of no more
than two ice cream vans and the parking of domestic vehicles only and for no
other purpose without express consent to be given in writing by the local
planning authority). 5. The
material change of use of the area of the Land marked with green hatching on
the attached plan of 27 Babraham Road Cambridge to a B1 business use.
Public speakers addressed the Committee regarding agenda items 10a &
b in one block (minute items 14/41/SACa and 14/41/SACb). The Committee
received representations supporting enforcement action from the following: · Mr Cinque. · Mr Beaumont (statement read out on his
behalf by Committee Manager). The representations
covered the following issues:
Photos taken by Mr Cinque showing the area around
27 Babraham Road were circulated to SAC Councillors with the approval of the
Committee and Head of Planning Services.
Mr Cinque and Mr Beaumont asked for enforcement
action to be taken.
Neighbours wanted peace and amenity space.
Raised the following specific concerns: ·
Delivery lorries blocked the highway. Complaints were
made to the Police, Highways Agency and Environmental Health Officers. ·
Frequency of deliveries. ·
Noise from site and deliveries. ·
Safety due to deliveries and intimidation of
neighbours. ·
Lack of communication with the owner of 27 Babraham
Road. ·
Overdevelopment/inappropriate use of site. Mr Kratz (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the Applicant. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to accept the officer recommendation that enforcement notice not to be issued for
breach of conditions 1,3, 4 and 5; enforcement notice to be served but amended
to remove reference to ‘with the doors closed’ for breach of condition 2. |
27 Babraham Road Enforcement PDF 109 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received a report requesting authorisation to take formal enforcement
action. Site: 27 Babraham
Road, Cambridge. Breach:
Unauthorised storage of a hot potato cart and use of a car port garage
extension for the storage of ice cream vans. The report sought authority
Authorise the Head of Planning and the Head of
Legal Services to prepare and serve an enforcement notice under S172 of the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in respect of a breach of
planning control, namely the material change of use of the car port garage
approved under planning reference C/01/0558/FP at 27 Babraham Road to business
use for storage of ice cream vans specifying the steps to comply and the period
for compliance set out in paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3, for the reasons contained in
paragraph 7.4.
To delegate authority to the Head of Planning
(after consultation with the Head of Legal Services) to exercise the Council’s
powers to take further action in the event of non-compliance with the
enforcement notices. Enforcement Notice – Use of the car port
garage extension for storage of ice cream vans 7.2 Steps to
comply Cease the use of
the car port garage extension for storage of ice cream vans. 7.3 Period for
compliance 28 days after the
date on which the Enforcement Notice takes effect. 7.4 Statement
of Reasons for inclusion on the Notice: It appears to the
Council that the breach of planning control namely the material change of use
of the car port garage approved under planning reference C/01/0558/FP at 27
Babraham Road to business use for storage of ice cream vans, has occurred
within the last 10 years. The change of use
of the car port garage extension for the storage of ice cream vans has given
rise to additional noise and disturbance to neighbours over and above that
associated with the storage of ice cream vans within the garage permitted under
planning reference C/97/0695/FP and an expansion of the extent of the business
activities on the site resulting in an unacceptably adverse impact on their
amenities. The material
change of use of the car port garage approved under planning reference
C/01/0558/FP at 27 Babraham Road to business use for storage of ice cream vans
has been undertaken without the benefit of planning permission and is contrary
to policy 4/13 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2006, and to government guidance in
Paragraph 123 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 Mindful of the
NPPF, Development Plan policy and other material considerations, the Council
consider it expedient to serve an enforcement notice in order to remedy the
breach of planning control. Consideration has
been given to the Human Rights Act 2000 and the Equalities Act 2010. Officers
have noted Article 1 Protocol 1 (protection of property), Article 6 (a right to
a fair hearing within a reasonable time), Article 8 (right to respect for
private family life) and Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination). Officers
consider that the service of an enforcement notice with a reasonable period for
compliance would be lawful, fair, proportionate, non-discriminatory, and
necessary in the general public interest to achieve the objective of upholding
national and local planning policies, which seek to protect which seek to
protect residential amenity. Public speakers addressed the Committee regarding agenda items 10a &
b in one block, these are listed under minute item 14/41/SACa. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to accept the officer recommendation that enforcement action be authorised in respect of the
unauthorised change of use of a car port garage extension for the storage of
ice cream vans. |
Planning Applications |
14/0356/FUL - Land between 2 and 3 Shaftesbury Road PDF 143 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for construction of a new dwelling. The Committee
received a representation in objection to the application from Mr Clifton. The representation
covered the following issues:
Various concerns regarding the application had now
been resolved, it was hoped the rest could be addressed through planning
conditions. For example conditions to control materials and colouring to ensure
they were in keeping with the style of the area.
Suggested the space between the building and
boundary was 1.2m, not 1m as shown in the Officer’s report. Queried if this was
large enough for access. Mr Poulson (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. Councillor Avery
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that Officers would consult adjoining neighbours with samples of the external materials. This amendment was carried
by 7 votes to 0. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to grant the application for planning permission in
accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers. The Committee agreed that
the adjoining neighbours would be consulted when samples of the external
materials have been submitted and the sample panel has been erected. |
14/0208/FUL - 38 Almoners Avenue PDF 128 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval to demolish the existing detached dwelling and erect two
detached dwellings. The Committee
received a representation in objection to the application from Dr Livesey. The representation
covered the following issues:
The area had a covenant specifying only 1 house
should be built on each site.
Took issue with details in the Officer’s report
regarding impact of the proposal on neighbour’s amenities, plus height of the
proposed buildings.
Raised the following concerns: ·
Loss of light. ·
Overshadowing. ·
Loss of amenity. Mr Mead (Applicant’s Agent)
the Committee in support of the application. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to defer the application to allow a shadow study to be submitted to
determine what impact the proposed dwelling would have on the residential
amenity of the adjoining occupiers at no.36 Almoners Avenue. |
14/0272/FUL - 66-68 Hartington Grove PDF 104 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for construction of residential accommodation for the violin
workshop on land at the rear of 66-68 Hartington Grove. The Committee received
a representation in objection to the application from Ms Fabre. The representation
covered the following issues:
Queried access to the property for construction
traffic and possible workshop users.
Asked for considerate construction conditions to
control construction activity if the scheme went ahead.
Queried impact of the scheme on the party wall.
Suggested cycle storage should be as per 70
Hartington Grove.
Asked for reassurance the property would not be
used as a house of multiple occupation for young students.
Suggested there was not enough on-site
accommodation for students. vii.
Requested a shadow study. Mr Crouch (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application. Councillor Dryden
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that neighbours should be given a named contact for
proctorial control. This amendment was carried
by 7 votes to 0. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to grant the application for planning
permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set
out in the officer report and below, plus subject to the conditions recommended
by the officers. Also subject to amendment to condition to
include monitoring schedule to be provided of attendees every 6 months and an
informative regarding the Council’s Considerate Contractor Scheme. Pre-Committee
Amendments to Recommendation: Amended Condition 11 Prior to the commencement
of the development a management plan for the use of the premises by the Violin
workshop for residential courses shall be submitted to and approved by the
Local Planning Authority. The management
plan shall include details of car parking arrangements, numbers of occupants, and measures to ensure the amenities of
neighbouring residential properties are not adversely affected. The premises shall be operated in accordance
with the management plan. Reason: To ensure that the impact of the use premises
for student accommodation provided by the violin workshop is managed to
minimise the impact on surrounding residential properties. Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy 3/4. |
14/0754/FUL - 12A Drayton Close PDF 50 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for retrospective planning permission. The application
sought approval for alterations to provide dependant relative's annex single
storey side and rear extensions. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to defer to enable further consideration of the application proposal
following new information coming to light about the use of the single storey
side extension and the Enforcement Team to be consulted on the possible use of
the extension as a self-contained unit. The application is
requested to be presented at the next South Area Committee in August. |
14/0287/FUL - 29 Fernlea Close PDF 38 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for a single storey front extension, part single storey, part
two storey rear extension and two storey side extension. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to 0) to defer to allow further information to be submitted regarding car
parking layout at the front of the property and for the enforcement team to
assess whether the property is being used as a house in multiple occupation. The application is
requested to be presented at the next South Area Committee in August. |
General Items |
14/0020/FUL - 33 Queen Edith’s Way PDF 60 KB
Minutes: Councillor
Pippas withdrew from the discussion and
room, and did not vote. The Committee
received an application for a new residential development comprising six 2-bed
flats, one 3-bed flat, car parking, cycle store, refuse store, landscaping and
modified vehicular access to Mowbray Road following demolition of existing
house and garage, 33 Queen Edith’s Way. The application
sought approval for the amendment to the contributions required for the s106
agreement so that it includes the financial contribution detailed in paragraph
3.4 of the Officer’s report. The Committee: Resolved (6 votes to 0) to accept the officer recommendation to approve the change to the s106 agreement so that it includes the financial contribution
detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the Officer’s report. |