Council and democracy
Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence PDF 123 KB Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Gilderdale and Councillor Gay. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2021 were approved as a
correct record. The Chair recorded his thanks to the former Chair and members of the
Committee. |
Matters and Actions Arising From the Minutes PDF 153 KB Minutes: The committee action sheet was noted. Councillors would send any updates to the Committee Manager outside of the meeting. The committee noted a completed action arising from item 21/5/WAC Open Forum, item 2. A letter had been sent by the former Chair of the West Central Area Committee to the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) Executive Board to ask the Board to support the 20mph recommendation on Histon Road. The Committee noted this matter would be raised at the next GCP Executive Board meeting on 1 July 2021. Sgt Mišík provided the Committee with the following update on item 19/25/wcac q3: i. A Working Group had been established that included officers from the police, council and interested members of the public looking at the following areas: · The security of cycle parking at Cycle Point. · The reporting of cycle crime. · Increasing CCTV coverage. · Proactive engagement around cycle crime. · Issuing Criminal Behaviour Orders to high-profile cycle thieves. The Head of Streets and Open Spaces provided the following update: i. The multi-agency task group continued to meet monthly to develop an action plan which was now being used to inform a bid to the Cycle Rail Fund to deliver priority actions to improve cycle parking and security infrastructure for Cycle Point. ii. The management plan still to be formally signed off by planning but was nearing completion following discussions between the planning service and Great Anglia. Update to 20/5/WAC – Castle Mound: Councillor Payne said there was a consultation due to start about the public right of way after the last committee meeting, but there had been a slight delay due to Covid-19 and the consultation was still ongoing. Councillor Smith added that Suffolk County Council handled the application for the public rights of way and had recommended approval for it to be placed on the definitive map and waiting for Ministerial approval. The Village Green application consideration had been deferred depending on the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions due to the notices that were required to be displayed in public libraries. Action: Cllr Payne to feedback progress at the next
meeting. Update to 21/5/WAC Q1 – Open Forum: Councillor Payne provided the committee with an update on anti-social behaviour from the homeless accommodation on Histon Road: i. Noted the officer managing the establishment was aware of concerns raised and working proactively to reduce anti-social behaviour. ii. Confirmed the accommodation was due to be emptied with the residents moved on through various other agencies. 21/5/WAC Q6 – Open Forum Action: Councillor Porrer to remind Chairs of other Area
Committees to invite the Head of Streets and Open Spaces to speak on the City
Centre Recovery. |
Open Forum Minutes: 1.
Porrer raised an item on funding for insurance from the Council for Residents
Associations and volunteer groups: i.
There had
been some movement nationally about a collective approach to reduce insurance
Noted it was a
complex matter and one that officers had been investigating. iii.
correspondence from residents that had expressed a desire to work with the City
Council to see if the insurance cost can be reduced. iv.
Noted that the
City Council provided grants to these organisations who then spend a proportion
on insurance. A reduction in insurance costs could produce a saving for the
Council and the relevant organisations and could encourage more community
groups to come forward. Action: Councillor
Porrer to investigate with officers. Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 2.
A member
of the public raised the following issues about herbicides:
At the meeting of
West Central Area committee on 21st March there had been agreement from
councillors that pesticides should no longer be used on City Council land, and
the minutes stated that: 'Councillor Harrison had obtained clarification from a
senior environmental officer from the County Council that the City Council was
not contracted, authorised or permitted to put weedkiller onto the County
Council’s highway, and that the County Council’s policy was to move away from
the use of pesticides except in the case of certain invasive species’.
It was very
disappointing therefore that spraying on footpaths had continued, and
operatives in Newnham who were questioned about this said it was a County
Council requirement to spray weeds as they are an obstruction and a danger to
pedestrians. This was clearly nonsense. iii.
Residents were
aware of the environmental harm caused by pesticides, and do not support their
use. Both the City and County Councils pay lip service to biodiversity - so why
are they still spraying poison in our streets and how long will it take them to
‘move away’ from this ecocide? In response to Members’
discussion, the Head of Streets and Opens Spaces provided the following
Confirmed the
City Council was acting as the County Council’s contractor for the maintenance
of the highways in the City and followed their specification for the use of
herbicides on the County Council’s assets.
The City Council
was discussing with the County Council about restricting the use of herbicides
in the routine maintenance of all City and County public realm assets. There
had been agreement with the County that herbicides would not be used on grass
verges on the highway. However, herbicides would continue to be used on sealed
surfaces such as roads, kerbs, and the back of kerbside where they adjoin
structures or buildings as per the County Council’s specification. iii.
A biodiversity
strategy would be brought to the Environment and Community Scrutiny on 1 July
that would cease the use of herbicides across the city. The strategy would go
out to consultation over the summer. There will be cases where herbicides may
still be needed on pernicious species such as Japanese knotweed. iv.
Both councils
were committed to working to Plant Life’s guidance on biodiverse friendly grass
verge maintenance. The City Council had invested in a grass collection machine
as a trial to avoid the build-up of nutrients from cut vegetation and was
working with the County to see how it can be used across the city and in other
parts of the county. If the trial was successful, then there was the commitment
for capital investment in the machine. Action: Head of Streets
and Open Spaces to report back progress. 3.
A member
of the public asked the following question on Grantchester Meadows car park:
Notice had been
given this week that the car park at the entrance to Grantchester Meadows is to
be closed in two weeks’ time. The Meadows are widely used by people from all
over Cambridge, especially during the last difficult year. We are very
concerned that this measure will be experienced by non-residents as
exclusionary. We are very concerned there has been no community discussion of
this move, of its implications for the community, wide and near, nor of other
possible solutions to what is perceived by some as a problem. We would like to
How this decision
was initiated? iii.
Why there was no
consultation and what active measures will be taken to ensure that the meadows
continue to welcome everyone? iv.
We urge the
Council not to act unilaterally in these difficult times, but to seek
consensus and collaboration. Councillor Nethsingha said:
Confirmed that there had been consultations with
resident groups before the decision was taken for closure of the car park.
Understood the concerns
of the loss of the car parking and noted nearby alternative parking available
such as on street parking and the car park at Lammas Land. iii.
Noted there were
safety concerns with regards to the car park and there being no landowner posed
problems with being able to resolve issues such as an increase in the number of
individuals camping on site. iv.
Noted there were
only 6 parking spaces available for vehicles and at times the area is congested
with more than the permitted number of vehicles on site.
The closure of
the car park would allow more people safer access to the meadows and keep the
meadows safer. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 318 KB Minutes: Police Sergeant Mišík highlighted the police activity since the Committee
last met in November. Previous priorities and
engagement activity noted in the report were:
behaviour in King Street/Willow Walk
Anti-social behaviour
in open and green spaces iii.
Night time
economy/alcohol related disorder The Committee discussed
the following policing issues:
behaviour relating to the cancellation of Midsummer Fair. Confirmed that
resources were being put in place by the City Council and the police to tackle
any crime or anti-social behaviour that may arise. A community hub was being
run on Saturday and would have representatives from the City Council, parking
services and the police to deal with relevant issues. As it was not an official
event, the bridge could not be closed lawfully. The police would respond to any
reports of anti-social behaviour or criminal activity. There would also be
increased litter picking and public toilets and bins made available.
An increase in
e-scooters in the city being ridden improperly, without adequate control or the
wrong way down a one-way road. It was confirmed that e-scooters cannot be
lawfully ridden on public roads unless it has been hired as part of the
Government pilot which Cambridge is taking part. There were safeguards in place
to ensure the proper usage of the e-scooter whilst hired. The police did
routinely stop all road users that were not obeying the traffic rules, such as
travelling in the wrong direction in a one-way system. iii.
The night time
economy and the safety of individuals at night. Confirmed the police were
regularly engaging with venues and making routine visits to ensure they had
proper resources in place for the night time economy. Other initiatives and
campaigns were also in place to ensure the safety of individuals during the
night time economy such as Cambridge Street Pastors, the Ask for Angela
campaign and the taxi marshal scheme. iv.
behaviour relating to Caesarian Sunday. Noted similar
issues to Midsummer Fair as it was not being run as an event. Noted practical
issues around the provision, management, and collection of public toilets due
to the bank-holiday, contributing to the level of anti-social behaviour.
behaviour relating to street begging in city centre. Noted there would be
continued partnership working with the police and the City Council to respond
to such complaints, manage aggressive begging and providing individuals with
the appropriate support. |
City Centre Recovery Minutes: Chair left. Chair
gave apologies and left the meeting due to another appointment The Head of Streets and Open Spaces gave an
information update on the City Centre Recovery. In response to Members’ discussion, the Head of
Streets and Opens Spaces provided the following responses:
Noted that the
new Visit Cambridge would aim to promote accommodation and visitor attractions
in Cambridge once developed, similarly to the previous destination management
organisation, Visit Cambridge and Beyond.
Noted the new
destination management organisation would be committed to working with partners
to ensure the city develops a sustainable tourism market offer.
Highlighted the
immediate work on the City Centre Recovery in response to Covid-19. Recognised
there had been changes in the retail market and shopping behaviours nationally.
Noted the need to respond to such changes with the help of organisations such
as the High Street Task Force that provide support on the long-term planning of
city centres and high streets. |