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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Castle End Mission, St Peters Street, Cambridge

Contact: Glenn Burgess  01223 457169

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2010/11


Councillor Dixon proposed and Councillor Rosenstiel seconded the nomination of Councillor Kightley as Chair. 


Councillor Rosenstiel proposed and Councillor Cantrill seconded the nomination of Councillor Bick as Vice Chair. 


Resolved (unanimously) that Councillor Kightley be Chair and Councillor Bick be Vice Chair of West/Central Area Committee for the ensuing year.





Apologies were received from City Councillor Smith.  



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8th April 2010.


With a minor spelling correction, the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2010 were approved as a correct record. It was agreed that the Chair would sign the minutes outside of the meeting.


Matters and Actions arising from the Minutes




Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should be sought before the meeting.




Agenda item






Additional agenda item

Application: 09/0583/FUL


Prejudicial Interest:

Personal friend of applicant. Withdrew from meeting and did not vote






Application: 10/0176/FUL and 10/0177/CAC



Personal Interest:

Member of CAMRA





Application: 10/0176/FUL and 10/0177/CAC


Personal Interest:

Previous customer of the establishment







Application: 10/0278/FUL



Prejudicial Interest:

Owns property on Selwyn Road. Withdrew from meeting and did not vote









Personal Interest:

House backed onto Prospect Row


Open Forum

Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking 


Q) Penny Heath: The West Cambridge/Silver Street consultation closed last month. Do the committee know how many submissions were made and is there any indication of the results from the consultation?


A) Councillor Reid confirmed that a draft report and been produced and circulated to Ward Councillors for comment. Responses were still being received and the final report would be presented to an upcoming Area Joint Committee (AJC) meeting.


The Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that 285 responses had been received from the public and all key stakeholders had been consulted. It was hoped that the final report would be presented to the October AJC Meeting.  


Q) Bev Nicolson:  Licensing consultation - Are there any plans to make the licensing system more transparent? At the moment, unless you go past the premises to be considered for a licence it can be very hard to find out about. Can the committee also provide any clarification about who may or may not comment on these? As I understand it, I do not live close enough to say Fitzroy Street to say anything about the application that has been made there.


A) The Licensing Manager agreed that the regulations were very prescriptive, but to do more than the 28-day notice and the press advert would have cost implications for the Council. She stated that the government had indicated that they would overhaul the current Licensing Act, but no timescales had been agreed.


Q) James Woodburn: Huntingdon Road 30mph speed limit – It is stated in the committee report (page 65) that this scheme is ‘not feasible as it requires a narrowing of the carriageway in order to comply with Highway Authority policies’. I have looked at government guidance and this statement is incorrect. The guidance states that to have a limit of 40mph the road has to have few vulnerable road users (i.e pedestrians and cyclists). Huntingdon Road has many of these type of users so should therefore not be a 40mph limit. Someone from Girton College was recently killed on this road and the speed limit should be lowered.


A) The Cambridgeshire County Councils Head of Network Management confirmed that, as part of the A and B Road Review, Huntingdon Road had been looked at. Whilst it was desirable for this road to have a limit of 30mph, it would require changes to the road environment and street furniture. Unfortunately the County Council did not have the funds to make these changes.


The Chaplain of Girton College highlighted the need for these changes due to the risk posed to students and all other road users.


South Cambs District Councillor de Lacey stated that this scheme should not be listed as a ‘new’ scheme, as it had been approved by the AJC on two separate occasions. He felt that with two new major developments near by, the speed limit needed to be lowered as soon as possible.


Q) Richard Taylor: Is there a date yet for the discussion on new tree planting for Jesus Green/Midsummer Common and will it be released publicly?


A) The Executive Councillor for Arts and Recreation and the Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that the Tree Management and Planting Seminar would take place on 1st July, and communication had taken place with all local Residents Associations and key stakeholders. It had not yet been agreed if it would be fully open to the public, but this could be communicated to Mr Taylor outside of the meeting.


Barry Higgs stated that it would be helpful if attendees had some plans or paperwork to look at prior to this meeting. The Executive Councillor noted this comment.


Q) Horatio Waller: Can the Council put up signs making it clear to cyclists who use the Trinity Street, Market Street and Sidney Street Circle that it is one way only?


A) Councillor Rosenstiel confirmed that this issue had been looked at by the AJC around 4 years ago. It had been suggested that white arrows painted on the road could ease the problem, but County Council officers had rejected this.


County Councillor Whitebread agreed that this was an issue that needed to be looked at again.


It was agreed that County Councillors would raise this issue on behalf of the committee and feedback on progress in due course.


Q) John Lawton: There are long delays in planning paperwork reaching the relevant officer. I have been told that it can take up to 5 days for the post to go from reception to the relevant case officer.


A) Councillor Cantrill confirmed that post within the Guildhall was routinely delivered twice a day, so a delay of 5 days should never happen. A new IDOX Document Management System was being rolled out across the council that would enable all post to be electronically scanned and emailed straight to the relevant officer. This would be more cost effective and also allow the Customer Services Centre, when dealing with customers, to access an e-version of all relevant correspondence.


Q) Bev Nicholson: 5.6 of the Environmental Improvements programme - Will the plans for the cycle parking in Fisher Square be available before they are put in?


A) The Environmental Projects confirmed that, whilst still in their early phases, the plans would be available in due course.


Q) John Lawton: Has any progress been made regarding preparations for the cold weather, including the gritting of paths?


A) Councillor Reid acknowledged residents concerns and confirmed that preliminary discussions had taken place with County Council officers.


The Cambridgeshire County Councils Head of Network Management confirmed that a Winter Service Review would be undertaken, and discussions were ongoing with District Councils.


Q) Barry Higgs: Why is the hording around the bus station still in place?


A) The Cambridgeshire County Councils Head of Network Management confirmed that work had been done to tidy up the area and the S106 agreement had been signed. The contractors had also agreed that the new paving would be completed soon.


Briefing on New arrangements for Planning Services

Contact: Nova Roberts 01223 458601


The Business & Information Services Manager and the Operations Manager introduced the report to Members.


The Senior Application Support Officer conducted a short presentation and explained some features of the new system.



Q) Richard Taylor: Does the new planning system automatically email those that have made representations alerting them to the date of the planning meeting, and in enough time to register to speak?


A) The Business & Information Services Manager advised that it was not a feature of the system but agreed to look into this.


Q) Mr Woodburn: My wife has used the new system and it is very difficult, and some pages opened blank.


A) The Business & Information Services Manager stated that sometimes the PDF documents do take time to load, but the delay issues had recently been resolved. It was agreed that if Mr Woodburn provided some specific detail on the pages these could be look at.


Q) John Lawton: Everything depends on how quickly the information is updated, and new information loaded onto the system.


A) The Business & Information Services Manager confirmed that comments submitted online would be updated instantly, whilst comments made in writing would require slightly more time. All personal information on written correspondence needed to be removed and this did take extra time. However, systems and processes were being improved to make this as quick as possible.


Licensing Act 2003 - Public Consultation on the Statement of Licensing Policy (With included Cumulative Impact Policy) pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing Manager introduced the report to Members and highlighted a slight error in the recommendations. The consultation runs from 14 June until the 5 September (not the15 September as stated in the report).  


Q) Barry Higgs: I am unhappy with the document. There is no mention at all of ‘public need’ and this needs to be taken on board when applications are looked at. Also the police information is very ‘loaded’ and fails to distinguish between the different types of licensed premises (i.e pubs, clubs, shops) and does therefore not show the true picture.


A) These comments were noted


Q) Councillor Bick: In a Cumulative Impact Area, would a premises be automatically refused if there were already too many, or would there still be consideration of all the facts.


A) The Licensing Manager confirmed that even in a Cumulative Impact Area, unless representations had been received, the application would automatically be approved. She also reiterated that each case would be looked at on an individual basis with careful consideration of the facts.


It was confirmed that in a Cumulative Impact Zone it was the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that they would not have an adverse affect on the area.


Q) Barry Higgs: The police information seems to be biased. Do they object to every application in a Cumulative Impact Area?


A) The Licensing Manager confirmed that not all applications had been opposed by the police, and licenses had been granted in the Cumulative Impact Area.



Decision: AGREED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) that:

·        The Committee make the public aware of the draft Statement of Licensing Policy, and that it was subject to public consultation for a 12-week period between 14th June and 5th September 2010 and to involve them in the process. 

·        The Committee considered the content of the policy, including the cumulative impact policy contained within the Statement of Licensing Policy

·        Any comments regarding the policy and the Council’s approach to cumulative impact should be submitted to the Licensing Manager before the close of the consultation period on 5th September 2010.


Environmental Improvement Programme

Contact:  Dinah Foley-Norman 01223 457134


The Environmental Projects Manager introduced the report to Members and gave an update on the approved schemes.


Following discussion on the Manor Street/King Street Cycle Parking scheme, and the request from Jesus College for their legal costs to be reimbursed, it was agreed that Councillor Rosenstiel would progress this outside of the meeting.


Existing Schemes requiring decisions


Gough Way – Seat

In response to a question from Councillor Hipkin regarding the high cost of the seat, the Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that the seat would need to be constructed onto some hard landscaping. The proposed £2,500 would therefore cover the cost of the seat, the surfacing and any required landscaping.


Decision: AGREED by 5 votes to 0 not to progress with the scheme.


New Schemes requiring decisions


Whymans Lane TRO and Bollard Replacement

Decision: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)

Lead Councillor: Kightley


City Centre Mobility Crossings

Decision: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)

Lead Councillor: Bick


Prospect Row

Decision: APPROVED by 7 votes to 0 subject to Highway Authority approval


Histon Road Shops

In response to a question from Councillor Hipkin, the Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that the three shops had been approached to part fund the project. No response had been received and it was agreed that the officer would make further enquiries.


In response to a question from Councillor Nethsingha, the Environmental Projects Manager agreed that there could be a high maintenance risk, but felt that concrete bollards were the only available option. It was also confirmed that the Environmental Improvement Fund would not cover ongoing maintenance in the event of the bollards being damaged.


Decision: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) to fund bollards at a cost of £4000

Lead Councillor: Hipkin


It was agreed that the following three schemes would be brought back to a future meeting:


-         Belmore Close

-         Fisher Square

-         Huntingdon Road


With regard to the Huntingdon Road speed limit, Councillor Kightley suggested the installation of a speed camera. It was felt that drivers would be more likely to lower their speed if there was the risk of a penalty notice.


Councillor Brooks-Gordon encouraged members of the public to attend and make representations at County Council meetings in order to raise the issue of Huntingdon Road.


Mr Woodburn stated that research supported the view that any reduction in speed could save lives. At 40mph 40% of people hit did not survive, whilst at 20mph this was reduced to 20%.


S30 Update Report pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Contact: Alastair Roberts 01223 457836


The Safer Communities Manager introduced the report to Members.


Decision: AGREED by 11 votes to 0 (unanimous) the following recommendations:


·        To note the progress made over the above actions and a situation of marked improvement in the City centre area.

·        To comment upon the Police proposal relating to the current s.30 Dispersal Order covering the Grafton Centre, Parker’s Piece and Christ’s Pieces area, due to come to an end at midnight on 2nd July 2010.

·        To note the information given in paragraph 6 of the officers report.




The police review of the existing s.30 Order covering the Grafton Centre, Parker’s Piece and Christ’s Pieces area pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


The Safer Communities Manager introduced the report to Members.


Decision: AGREED by 11 votes to 0 (unanimous) the following recommendations:


To note:


·        The police report and very positive progress made resulting in a situation of marked improvement in the City centre area.

·        That, having taken all the relevant data into consideration and having applied the tests referred to in item 1.7 of the officers report, the police had decided not to request the City Council to approve a new s.30 Order. The existing Order would, therefore, expire at 2359 hours on 2nd July 2010.

·        That the current levels of anti-social behaviour exhibited in this and other areas of the city would be addressed using other police powers.

·        That levels of anti-social behaviour would continue to be monitored and reported to Area Committees and other appropriate forums.

·        That, in the event that problems recur to levels that cannot properly be addressed by using existing powers, urgent consideration would be given to apply for dispersal powers in accordance with the Operational Guidance agreed between the police and the City Council



Planning Applications


10/0278/FUL - 48A Selwyn Road, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


Site Address: 48A Selwyn Road Cambridge CB3 9EB

Application Number: 10/0278/FUL

Proposal: Erection of a single storey 3-bed dwelling.

Applicant: Mrs Jane Allison 48A Selwyn Road Cambridge

Officer Recommendation: APPROVE subject to the satisfactory completion of the S106 Agreement by 1 August 2010.

Public Speakers: None

DECISION: APPROVE by 7 votes to 0 (unanimous) subject to

completion of the s106 Agreement by 1 August 2010.





10/0096/FUL - 45 Burleigh Street, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Additional documents:


Site Address: 45 Burleigh Street Cambridge CB1 1DJ

Application Number: 10/0096/FUL

Proposal: Demolition of existing building and replacement with seven flats and 158 sq m of retail space at ground floor

Applicant: Aldo Marino19 Rutherford Road Cambridge CB2 2HH

Officer Recommendation: APPROVE subject to the satisfactory completion of the s106 agreement by 15th August 2010 and subject to conditions

Public Speakers: Mr Raniga (Objector)

Jenny Page (Applicants Agent)

DECISION: APPROVE by 7 votes to 0 (unanimous) subject to completion of the s106 Agreement by 15 August 2010.



10/0176/FUL - Hat and Feathers, 35 Barton Road, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: Hat And Feathers 35 Barton Road Cambridge

Application Number: 10/0176/FUL

Proposal: Conversion and extension of former Public House to provide residential accommodation (4 x studio/1bed flats and 2 x 2bed flats). Works to include the demolition and rebuild of the single storey extension, along with landscaping, car parking and access arrangements

Applicant: Mr Steve Hurst, The Black Barn Meridian Court Comberton Road Toft Cambs CB23 3RY

Officer Recommendation: REFUSE

Having considered all the aspects of the proposal, the recommendation was: That, had the application not been deemed refused as a result of non-determination of the application within the prescribed period of time, the City Council, would have refused this planning application for the reasons in the officers report and, therefore, resolves to contest the appeal on the basis of the reasons set out in the officers report.

Public Speakers: None

DECISION: REFUSED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) and resolved that the City Council would have refused the application for the reasons set out in the Agenda and that the City Council would contest the appeal on the basis of the reasons set out in the Agenda.


10/0177/CAC - Hat and Feathers, 35 Barton Road, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: Hat And Feathers 35 Barton Road Cambridge

Application Number: 10/0177/CAC

Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension

Applicant: Mr Steve Hurst, The Black Barn Meridian Court Comberton Road Toft Cambs CB23 3RY

Officer Recommendation: REFUSE

Public Speakers: None

DECISION: REFUSED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)


09/1001/FUL 14 Regent Street, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: 14 Regent Street Cambridge CB2 1DB

Application Number: 09/1001/FUL

Proposal: Conversion and extension of 14 Regent Street, Cambridge, providing a new 3rd floor, a new 4 storey rear extension, and converting part 1st floor and 2nd floor from B1 use to provide conference and student accommodation for Downing College.

Applicant: Regent Street Cambridge CB2 1DQ

Officer Recommendation: APPROVE subject to conditions

Public Speakers: None

DECISION: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)


Additional Item: 09/0583/FUL Pinehurst South, Grange Road, Cambridge


The Chairman made the following statement:


As Chair, I ask the committees approval to rule that under section 100B(4)(b) of the following application be considered despite not being made publicly available for five clear working days prior to this meeting


The reason that this cannot be deferred is that the 28-day deadline for the application would have expired by the next time that this committee meets.


Site Address: Pinehurst South, Grange Road, Cambridge

Application Number: 09/0583/FUL

Proposal: Nonmaterial amendments (S96A) - The introduction of a chimney stack on the northern elevation of the permitted building

Officer Recommendation: APPROVE

Public Speakers: None

DECISION: APPROVED by 6 votes to 0 (unanimous)


Amendment Sheet pdf icon PDF 31 KB