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Venue: St Augustine's Church, Richmond Road, Cambridge, CB4 3PS
Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe Committee Manager
Note: Children and Young People's Participation Service (ChYpPS) held an Agenda Day during February 2016 to gather the views of children and young people on their local area. A ChYpPs representative will be present to feedback in the Foyer.
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor Reid who was away with on business with the Local Government Association. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Gehring, Reid and Hipkin. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2016. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2016 were approved as a
correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment to
16/5/WCAC Open Forum on agenda P8: Martin Lucas Smith informed the Committee
that the Cambridge Cycling Campaign had produced a fourteen page document on
why the application should be rejected on the grounds of transport issues. This
had been ignored by both City Council and
County Officers and the Planning Committee. The Eastern Gate Development
Document did not include good transport connections and a proper plan was
required. Councillor Cearns referred to the discussion of 16/6/WCAC North Pole
Experience: Parker's Piece (P9 of the agenda). He felt the discussion had been
cut short. Councillor Cantrill said this was because of the pre-election
period. The Executive Councillor was not present at February’s West/Central
Area Committee meeting, Councillor Cantrill had hoped the Executive Councillor
would come and advise how decisions would be made for this year’s ice rink. The
intention was to invite the Executive Councillor to a West/Central Area
Committee meeting before summer to understand what changes are proposed for
this year’s ice rink on Parkers Piece. |
Matters and Actions arising from the Minutes PDF 92 KB Minutes:
Declarations of Interest Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items
on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should
be sought before the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking Minutes: Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1. A member
of the public raised the following issues:
Expressed concern
regarding parking in Orchard Street.
Said that parking was
controlled Monday to Saturday, but not on Sunday. This led to issues with
commuters and parking on the pavement.
Queried how parking
could be enforced without being a drain on police resources.
Queried how to
balance traffic control whilst protecting residents. Councillor Bick said there had been misapprehension
between single and double yellow lines in the consultation 4 years ago. Parking issues arose from this misapprehension
which continued to date. Councillor Bick suggested reviewing the situation to
see if residents wanted to opt for different ways to control traffic. Councillor Cearns said he would raise
Orchard Street Parking issues with highways authority officers. Action Point: Councillor Bick to
work with residents to review parking options for Orchard Street. 2. A member
of the public said that shoppers caused parking issues in the city centre. Councillor Cearns said the County Council
were embarking on a full scale review of on-street parking across the city.
Options would be shaped by residents’ comments. Councillor Gillespie said the Department of
Transport were reviewing the right to park on pavements. 3. A member
of the public said parking spaces in Brandon Court were being used by
commuters, which prevented legitimate users such as resident’s carers. Councillor
Cantrill said Brandon Court was private property so they should be able to take
enforcement action. 4. A member
of the public expressed concern that parked taxis caused traffic congestion and
safety issues in Emmanuel Road. This had been reported to the Police but no
action had been taken. Councillor
Holland said that cross-cutting action was required across the city, as taxis
were parking in residential areas, particular in Station Road. This could be a
possible police priority for West/Central Area Committee (WCAC). Councillor
Cearns said the County Council were not invited to the Taxi Forum although it
was responsible for the Highways Authority. The Forum would be a way to address
issues with taxis. There was an intention to identify additional taxi ranks
across the city as taxis were ranking up on roads and causing traffic flow
issues. Emmanuel Road had not been a taxi rank for 2 years. Action Point: Councillor Cearns to
raise residents’ concerns regarding parked taxis causing traffic congestion in
Emmanuel Road and Station Road. Situation exacerbated by taxis not parking in
designated ranks. |
Environmental Data Reports - WAC PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Committee
received a report from the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and
Enforcement. The report outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and
Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area
served by the West/Central Area Committee. The report identified the reactive and
proactive service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the
requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and
associated actions. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of
waste and refuse and public realm issues. The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be
considered for priority within the West Area for the period of March to May
2016. Continuing priorities[1]
Members of the public raised the following issues: i. Fly tipping near Milton Walk. ii. Local walk abouts were a good way to highlight issues that needed to be quickly addressed. iii. Rough sleepers across the city. The Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement said her team were able to take action against people sleeping in tents on commons and council owned green spaces, but not rough sleepers, who were dealt with by the Police. The Committee discussed the following issues: i. Dog fouling in the Lammas Field area. Requested the Dog Warden patrol cover this area. ii. Graffiti at Radcliffe Court. iii. Adam & Eve Recycling Centre: · Fly tipping as bins were overflowing. · Bin lids were too heavy for some people to lift. Action Point: The
Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement to contact Waste Team
regarding supplying appropriate bins at the Adam & Eve Recycling
Centre eg the lids were too heavy for people to access current ones.
Kings Parade litter bins overflowing.
Fly tipping and overflowing bins: ·
Park Street. ·
New Square (summer litter). ·
Jesus Green – overflowing cigarette bin.
Damaged bins by the Fort St George (Pub) on
Midsummer Common. vii.
Skips in Hardwick Street and Derby Street. Building
Control Officers had been asked to monitor cleanliness issues. Action Point: Wendy Young to liaise
with Highways Authority Officers to refer issues caused by untidy skips in
Hardwick Street and Derby Street. viii.
A deep clean of the The Croft, particularly around
the Co-op.
Enforcement work to tackle the environmental crime issue
of littering and trade waste at Histon Road shops and car parks. Following discussion, Members unanimously resolved to approve priorities
for action as listed in the table above. |
Environmental Improvement Programme PDF 146 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Senior Engineer regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP). The report requested the Committee determined: i. Whether to proceed with an EIP proposal to restrict the movement of traffic through Canterbury Street. ii. Which of the proposed new EIP schemes were allocated funding as part of the 2016-17 Environmental Improvement Programme, as listed in Appendix A of the Officer’s report. Existing Schemes: Progress The Senior Engineer referred to progress on approved schemes as set out in his report. New Schemes That Require Decisions Members considered a number of 2016/17 schemes put forward for approval. Councillors introduced projects listed in Appendix A of the Officer’s report, then spoke in
support, with contributions from members of the public. Action Point:
Senior Engineer to investigate funding available for Appendix C project 19
Warwick Road / Windsor Road passageway: Implementing a demarcation line on the
pavement to separate cyclists and pedestrians. Following discussion the Chair decided that the recommendations
highlighted in the Officer’s report should be voted on and recorded separately:
Resolved (unanimously) to defer until 12 July 2016 WCAC the decision to determine
whether to proceed with an EIP proposal to restrict the movement of traffic
through Canterbury Street, or reallocate the funding agreed (circa £12,250) to
other potential projects. This would give residents an opportunity to undertake
a consultation which would feed into WCAC’s deliberation in July.
Resolved (unanimously) to allocate the £36,380 additional EIP budget for 2016-17 to the
list of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report (except WC4
Jesus Green netball/basket ball hoop pilot [resolved by
5 votes to 1]) subject to: a.
Action Point: Head
of Property Services to investigate funding available to remove redundant phone
boxes from Fitzroy/Burleigh Street (WC5). The
intention is for WCAC to matchfund the Grafton Centre
site owner to undertake work (£5,000 contribution from each party). b.
Action Point:
Senior Engineer to investigate funding available to repair/replace the
bench/planter in Jesus Lane (WC6). Also a bin to be sourced from the Operations
Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement.
Resolved (unanimously) to approve those projects for implementation, subject to the
schemes being deliverable, obtaining consents necessary, positive consultation
where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.
Resolved (unanimously) to note the progress of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of
this report.
Resolved (unanimously) to consider a second EIP application invitation round during
2016-17 to utilise any funding uncommitted from the present round plus any
savings arising from the delivery of previously committed schemes. Councillors asked the Senior Engineer to specify in a future report how
much funding would be available to allocate in a second round of EIP projects. Suggested second round projects:
Councillor Holland: Double yellow lines in Halifax
Road near Sydenham Terrace.
Councillor Holland: Identify who was responsible
for the maintenance of red pillar boxes eg in Newnham.
Councillor Gillespie: Benches on New Square. Action Point:
Senior Engineer to investigate if s106 funding was more appropriate for benches
on New Square.
Councillor Nethsinga:
City centre drop kerb in the Market Square.
Projects identified to Ward Councillors from
members of the public. |
Area Committee Community Grants 2016-17 PDF 278 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Community Funding &
Development Manager regarding applications received to date for 2016-17 funding
for projects in the West Central Area. The Officer’s report made
recommendations for awards and provides information on the eligibility and
funding criteria. Members considered applications for grants as set out in the Officer’s
report, and table below. The Community Funding & Development Manager
responded to Member’s questions about individual projects and what funding
aimed to achieve. West Central Area Committee Councillors were recommended: 2.1
To consider the grant applications received,
officer comments and proposed awards detailed in Appendix 1 of the Officer’s
report, in line with the Area Committee Community Grants criteria detailed in
paragraph 3.6. 2.2
To agree the proposed awards detailed in Appendix 1
and summarised in the table below:
A member of the public made a number of comments, as set out below. 1. The complicated application form and submission
process deterred people from applying for funding. The Community Funding & Development
Manager said:
Officers offered workshops to guide groups through
the forms and process and were happy to meet people to discuss funding
applications and offer support to complete forms on an individual basis. The
CCVS also offered support. The form for area committees had been simplified and
collected the minimum criteria to enable consistent assessments to be made.
Policy requirements is also proportionate to the project funding is requested
Once an application was received, it was checked
against funding eligibility criteria, then Officers made recommendations to Councillors
to fund projects or not. Officers did not refuse to consider applications.
The City Council offered a number of sources of
funding, projects could apply for more than one if they met the criteria.
The Council were obliged to collect project data
for audit purposes, this was why application forms
required detailed information. Projects needed to evidence they met funding
criteria. Application forms had been simplified over time,
they had been reviewed by the community forum to ensure they were user
Officers only asked for proportional information
when first contacted for funding. People often thought that
more was required than was actually the case. Councillor Cantrill said that 37 funding applications had been made in the
north area, which was higher than the west area. This suggested that west area
could apply for more funding and that eligible projects should be encouraged to
come forward. Following discussion, Members resolved
(unanimously) to approve projects as set out in Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report and summarised in
the table above. |
Strategic Review of Community Provision PDF 427 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Community Funding &
Development Manager. The report gave an
update on the work of the review to date and proposals for the next steps of
the information gathering exercise. The Committee were
also provided with a list of community facilities identified to date across the
city that were invited to complete a survey and a map of those that had
responded to the facility audit. The Committee made
the following comments in response to the report:
The County Council had launched a Resilience
Strategy that could tie into community engagement work.
Suggested community facility information could be
disseminated via an app so people could find information easily. In response to Members’ comments the Community Funding & Development
Manager said City and County Council Officers were in contact regarding various
strategies, community hubs, libraries etc. The intention was to provide joint
member briefings and to join up approaches. In response to Members’ comments the Community Funding & Development
Manager was aware of County strategies and said the City and County Council
Officers were in contact regarding various strategies, community hubs,
libraries etc. The intention was to provide joint member briefings and to join
up approaches wherever possible. A member of the public made a number of comments, as set out below. 1. A member
of the public raised the following points about the map of community
There was a demand
for this information.
Would it be
available on line? The Community Funding & Development
Manager said:
Some community facility details included personal
information. The intention was to put a list of facilities on-line once
permission to publish people’s contact details had been obtained. (Contact
details were obtained during the community facility mapping process). Further
details would be set out in the report going to Community Services Scrutiny
Committee 30 June 2016.
Various ways of publishing the information would be
considered, on-line apps can be included. Following discussion, Members unanimously
resolved to:
Note the work of the review and initial findings of
the city-wide community facilities audit.
Promote the ‘call for evidence’ stage of the review
and encourage stakeholders to feed in their experience and evidence as detailed
in sections 5 and 6 of the Officer’s report. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Action Point: Committee Manager to
circulate email to WCAC from Councillor Smith and Jacqueline Billing (Parkside
Federation) inviting East and West Area Councillors to come into both Parkside
and Coleridge in the summer term to talk to students in June. Progress: Sarah Steed to
co-ordinate emails to East and West Area Councillors. |
Record of Attendance 20 April 2016 Minutes:
15 members of the
8 Councillors
5 City Officers |