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Agenda and minutes

Contact: Glenn Burgess  01223 457169

No. Item




Apologies were received from City Councillor Hipkin and County Councillor Nethsingha.


Declaration of Interests




Agenda item





Application: 09/1198/FUL

Personal Interest: Pension provided by USS



Application: 09/1128/FUL

Personal Interest: As Executive Councillor for Arts and Recreation



Application: 09/1171/FUL  

Prejudicial Interest: As a Council Member, a Trustee and a Member of the Finance Committee of the Cambridge University Catholic Association



Application: 09/1198/FUL

Personal Interest: Pension provided by USS



Application: 09/1198/FUL

Personal Interest: Pension provided by USS



Application: 09/1198/FUL

Personal Interest: Pension provided by USS



Personal Interest: As house backs onto Prospect Row


Minutes pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2010


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters and Actions arising from the Minutes pdf icon PDF 30 KB


10/05 Open Forum: Compound near bus station


The Head of Network Management confirmed that the County Council were currently in the process of making the site safe prior to removing the fencing.


10/05 Open Forum: Speeding in Emmanuel Road


The Road Safety Partnership Officer tabled a report on the enforcement of 20mph speed restrictions.


This report is available via:




or by contacting Glenn Burgess on 01223 457169.


It was confirmed that signs would be erecting in Emmanuel Road and camera units would carry out survey work to monitor the speed of motorists. Enforcement measures would then be put in place if the surveys identified a problem.


Open Forum

Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking 


Q) Tim Ward: Strawberry Fair – even though this has now been cancelled, many youngsters will still turn up to the venue on the 5th June. How will young people be safe at an uncontrolled public gathering, and what will the cost be to the police of managing any such gathering?


A) The Police Inspector read out the following statement:


"Supt Mike Brown will be commanding the police response to any events that take place in lieu of Strawberry Fair on June 5. He is aware that unscheduled and unmanaged events may occur.


Peaceful events will be policed in a community spirited manner and whilst there is no reason at present to believe that unlawful activities will occur, they would be policed firmly and fairly as they arise, taking all precautions to ensure public safety.


Mr Ward is particularly concerned about an unlawful rave. Any licensable activity taking place without an appropriate licence will be stopped by police.


Whilst I fully understand Mr Ward's concerns about unknown risks to public safety, any events of the day will replace one which in the view of the police presented its own significant risks to public order and safety and in particular, the welfare of children.


On this day or any other, where a parent has concerns for the safety of their child attending unlawful rave parties, the best advice we can give is to ensure that they don't."


The Inspector agreed to respond outside to Tim Ward on the issue of cost to the police.


Q) Wendy Andrews: Please can the Committee say what steps can be taken to remove disruptive street drinkers from Midsummer Common? Examples of disruptive anti-social behaviour include shouting, swearing, urinating in public and apparent drug dealing.


A) The Safer Communities Manager stated that the Police did have dispersal powers under the Section 27 legislation and that the Street Outreach Teams also took an active role in addressing this type of behaviour. He stated that the most important thing for the public to do was to report the incidents. This should be done directly through the Police on 999 if the problem requires an urgent response or 08454564564 non emergency or non emergency to the City Council’s ASB Team on: 01223 457950 or asbsection@cambridge.gov.uk


Q) Ian Jackson: In relation to the Fitzroy/Burleigh Street refurbishment, I am in favour of cyclists being permitted to use this area.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Martin Lucus-Smith: My question concerns the continuing illegal taxi over-ranking. There has rightly been enforcement against illegal cycling, and defective vehicle lighting. But what action is being taken against taxi over-ranking, which cause safety problems for pedestrians crossing and cyclists using the counter flow?







A) The Police Inspector agreed that over-ranking was an issue and anti-social use of vehicles had been identified as a priority. A number of taxi drivers had been prosecuted and further action could include the revoking of taxi licences. The details of persistent offenders were actively forwarded onto the City Councils Licensing Committee where further action could be taken.


Q) Dick Baxter: The organisers have cancelled Strawberry Fair for this year but a large number of followers have threatened to turn up on Midsummer Common and run their own event. What contingency plans do the Council have to prevent unruly behaviour and to protect residents in the vicinity?


A) The Director of Community Services confirmed that a meeting with the Police had been arranged and these issues would be looked into in detail. It was agreed that all local stakeholders would be involved.


The Chair commented that the Strawberry Fair Committee were acting very responsibly and were encouraging people not to attend this year’s event.


Q) Dick Baxter:The Council withdrew the tree planting plan for Midsummer Common last year, have reneged on their promise to replace recently felled trees, and now intend to fell more trees at Ferry House. The tree seminar planned for last October was cancelled but is now promised for June. Can the revised plan be made publicly available?


A) The Executive Councillor for Arts and Recreation stated that a revised date for the tree seminar would be confirmed shortly, and that the Principal Arboricultural Officer was now on a staged return to full duties. The plans would be generated as a result of the discussions at the seminar and would therefore be made public after that.


Q) Mr Mitchell: Magdalene Street has a 20mph limit but there is no enforcement. The shops owners reported this problem over a year ago but nothing has been done. What will be done to protect pedestrians and cyclists?


A) The Police Representative confirmed that £7000 of new speed survey equipment had been purchased but was not yet in place in Magdalene Street.  This monitoring would take place shortly and the problems address if an issue was identified.


Mr Mitchell: The size of the vehicles using the road is the biggest issue. Two buses cannot pass on some sections and vehicles are forced to veer into the pedestrian and cyclists area due to the inadequate turning cycle.


The Police Inspector confirmed that his officers did have an active presence in the area, and would be speaking to any drivers causing these types of issues. He did however note that the Police could have no influence over the size and design of local streets, and Police resources did need to be prioritised across the City.  


Q) Parking on Sundays on City Road, Johns Street and Grafton Street is an issue and emergency vehicles and wheelchair users are unable to get through.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Large buses are causing a problem in the City. How many injuries and accidents will it take for the Police to address this issue?


A) The Police Representative agreed that this was an issue, but it was also noted that Police resources were already stretched. The Police were currently taking on ‘Community Enforcement’, which is the first time it has been used in this county.


Councillor Bick also expressed his concern at the size and number of large buses now using Cambridge’s medieval streets. He confirmed that Market Ward Councillors were keen to look into this issue in more detail.


Councillor Brooks-Gordon suggested that the moving of some bus stops could help to address this problem. It would also have the benefit of more footfall for the smaller shops outside of the Market Square. She agreed to raise this with the Council Council. 


Q) Martin Lucus-Smith: I would like to congratulate the City Council on its new web pages. Access for the public to agendas, minutes and meeting information is much improved.


A) This comment was noted.


The new pages can be access via:



Meeting Dates 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 15 KB


Members agreed the following 2010/11 meeting dates:


24 June 2010

26 August 2010

28 October 2010

6 January 2011

24 February 2011

28 April 2011







Youth Summit 2009 - Outcome and Actions pdf icon PDF 67 KB

(Contact: Cathryn Raffan 01223 457828)  


The Children and Young People Service Manager introduced the report to Members.


Councillor Dixon confirmed that during his time as Mayor, he had visited many of the youth projects around the City and was very impressed with the events provided.


Decision: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)


·        A request to the police to organise, with the City and County Councils, a meeting with young people to discuss their concerns about community safety.

·        The allocation of £5,000 to be spent on improving access to leisure opportunities for children and young people from the West / Central area, subject to further discussions with children and young people on a fair and equitable method of distributing the funding and opportunities. The funding, subject to agreement of a carry forward, to be spent by the end of the Easter school holiday, 2010.

-         £3000 to be spent on multi activity days in the Easter holidays. These days will be promoted via schools to all children in the West / Central area. 

-         £2000 to be spent on pilot project that will involve the roll out of the Cambridge Card to all children in years 7 & 8.


·        To discuss with relevant officers how to provide regular information on planned improvements to facilities on recreation grounds, play areas etc. using methods of communication preferred by children and young people.

·        To consider, with relevant officers, improvements to the marketing of social, sports, arts and entertainment activities organised by the City Council to ensure that all children and young people have access to information about and opportunities to participate in good quality leisure provision.


Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 500 KB

(Contact: Alastair Roberts 01223 457836)  



The Safer Communities Manager introduced the item.


The Police Inspector presented a report on crime and policing for the three wards and made a recommendation of targeting the following for prioritisation in the forthcoming period:


-         Continuation of anti-social congregation in public spaces – Market Ward

-         Continuation of anti-social use of vehicles – Market Ward 


Q) Barry Higgs: Bonfires on Midsummer Common is still a problem. The Police should enforce this as it is against byelaws.


The Police Inspector confirmed that the Police would respond to these calls if received. He highlighted the importance of the public reporting this to both the Police and the City Council.


Q) Ian Samson: As Chair of ‘Love Cambridge’ and a Petersfield resident I will tell colleagues the most appropriate way of reporting these issues.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) John Penton (Cambridge Crepes): We have had 300-400 complaints from our customers regarding the anti-social behaviour issues in and around the City Centre. This is not good for traders or tourism in the City. If the reported incidents increase we need the facility to fast track the introduction of an S30 Dispersal Order.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Councillor Dixon: St Andrew’s Street has a big problem with ‘rat running’. In your report in states that there were 38 notices issued in Market Ward – how many were for taxis?


A) The Police Inspector agreed to provide this information to Councillor Dixon.


Q) Councillor Kightley: Can extra foot patrols be put in place in Magdalene Street?


A) The Police Representative stated that the Police alone could not solve this problem. It needs a longer-term solution and this should be addressed through the Area Joint Committee.


Q) Member of Public: Anti-social use of vehicles is a big problem on East Road roundabout. The jumping of red lights is common and visible policing would help.


A) The Police Inspector confirmed that if issues are reported the Police would look into them. The comments regarding visible policing were noted.


Q) Councillor Rosenstiel: Vehicles obstructing the pavements is a big issue in the City.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Member of Public: Will the Police ticket motorists for parking on the pavements?


A) The Police Inspector confirmed that civil enforcement officers and not the Police covered this. The Police would only ticket a vehicle if it was causing an obstruction.


The Executive Councillor for Climate Change and Growth confirmed that a ticket could be issued to a vehicle on the pavement where yellow lines were present.


After some further discussions, Members approved (unanimously) the following slightly amended priorities for the next reporting period:


-         Continuation of actions to prevent anti-social congregation in public spaces – Market/Newnham Ward.


-         Continuation of actions to prevent anti-social use of vehicles – Market Ward.


-         Anti-social use of cycles – Market Ward.  


S30 Dispersal Order pdf icon PDF 54 KB

(Contact: Alastair Roberts 01223 457836)  


The Safer Communities Manager introduced the report to Members and confirmed that the ‘Consideration of a New Section 30 Dispersal Order – Cambridge Historic City Centre’ was now available on the Councils website via:




The Chair welcomed the recommendations to increase Police patrols and increase litter picking and street cleansing in the City Centre.


Q) Councillor Dixon: As the weather warms up more street people may come into the city, and things could change very quickly.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Councillor Bick: After talking to traders it seems that many have been told to report incidents to the CCTV number. It now turns out that these incidents are not included in the Police data.


A) The Safer Communities Manager confirmed that he had been made aware that traders had been advised to use the CCTV number, as it would result in a speedier response. However, having spoken to the CCTV Manager he confirmed that, although calls were logged, only those requiring a police response were notified to the police and would, therefore, be included in the Police data. In order for the incident to be fully recorded calls needed to be made directly to the police on the 08454564564 number and an incident number requested.


Q) Mr Lawrence: Many of the street drinkers have moved over to the Grafton Street area and are causing a lot of problems. Reporting an incident is a long and complicated process and needs to be made easier for the public.


A) This comment was noted.


Q) Councillor Bick: What is the threshold for an issue to become a ‘incident’?


A) The Police Inspector stated that any behaviour that was viewed as unacceptable and/or had an affect on others using the area should be reported as a incident. If a crime was being committed or someone was in danger the 999 emergency number should always be used.


Q) Councillor Bick: S30 Dispersal Orders are temporary measures designed to change patterns of behaviours. However the root causes also need to be tackled through longer term Police work.


Councillor Bick proposed (and Councillor Cantrill seconded) the additional following recommendation:


2.7: That an interagency report is brought to the Area Committee on the strategy, progress and next steps in addressing the root causes behind the congregation of street drinkers in the City Centre which gives rise to complaints about anti-social behaviour.


The Safer Communities Manager highlighted the interagency work carried out over recent years such as the Jimmy’s Night Shelter becoming an Assessment Centre, prescriptions being dispensed at various Pharmacies across the City and support through GP Surgery’s, but agreed that as the last report to committee was about 18 months ago it was a good time to revisit this with an up-date.


Councillor Cantrill confirmed that the Street Outreach contract would be shortly up for renewal and a new component covering integrated solutions would be included.


Decision: AGREED by 10 votes to 0 (unanimous) the following recommendations:


2.1 To note the content and recommendations being presented to the Leader that support the case for not implementing a Section 30 Order at this time and to comment accordingly (police analytical document already provided to members and available on the Council’s website). The report highlights that the current levels of anti-social behaviour exhibited by the streetlife community will be better addressed at this time by:


2.2 ASB related to streetlife activity remaining as a Neighbourhood Priority as the spring and the better weather approaches.


2.3 The police give the historic City Centre local priority status to ensure the area receives regular patrols and an increased police presence in the area.


2.4 Requesting Streetscene to carry out, on a trial bases, a greater level of litter picking/street cleansing in the areas most affected.


2.5 Requesting residents and members of the retail trade to report all incidents of ASB to the police on 03454564564 and request to be given an incident number.


2.6 That the police and City Council monitor the situation closely in

readiness for ‘fast tracking’ the implementation of a s.30 Dispersal

Order if the current situation deteriorates.


2.7: That an interagency report is brought to the Area Committee on the strategy, progress and next steps in addressing the root causes behind the congregation of street drinkers in the City Centre which gives rise to complaints about anti-social behaviour.


Environmental Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 2 MB

(Contact:  Dinah Foley-Norman 01223 457134)


The Environmental Projects Manager introduced the report to Members.

Environmental Improvement Schemes for 2010/2011


Decision: AGREED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) to agree to officers investigating the potential projects and return to committee with further information for formal adoption.


Gough Way - Seat

Decision:  Decision: AGREED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) to adopt the proposal and agree to the installation of a seat at an estimated cost of £2,500 following a supportive consultation.


Fitzroy/Burleigh Street Refurbishment


Decision:  Decision: AGREED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous) to allow City officers to work with Cambridgeshire Highways to work up details of the project and return with costs.


Planning Applications


09/1198/FUL - Cambridge Post Office, 9 - 11 St Andrews Street, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: Cambridge Post Office 9 - 11 St Andrews Street

Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 3AA

Application Number: 09/1198/FUL

Proposal: Change of use from Class A1 (shops) to Class A2

(financial and professional services).

Applicant: 1 Church Place London E14 5HP

Officer Recommendation: APPROVE subject to conditions

Public Speakers: Mr Paul Bloomfield (on behalf of Applicant)

DECISION: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)



09/1128/FUL - Jesus Green Victoria Avenue Cambridge pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: Jesus Green Victoria Avenue Cambridge

Application Number: 09/1128/FUL

Proposal: Permission for existing skateboard facility (following

approved application 05/1164/S73).

Applicant: Mr Declan O'Halloran, Recreation Services Active Communities, Hobson House, 44 St Andrews Street Cambridge

Cambridgeshire CB2 3AS

Officer Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions

Public Speakers:  None

DECISION: APPROVED by 8 votes to 0 (unanimous)


09/1171/FULL - Guildhall Chambers, 7 Guildhall Place, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Additional documents:



Site Address: Guildhall Chambers 7 Guildhall Place Cambridge

Cambridgeshire CB2 3QQ

Application Number: 09/1171/FUL

Proposal: Proposed third floor alterations to Guildhall Chambers

Applicant: Mr J V Gredley, Maple House Old Bury Road Lackford IP28 6HR

Officer Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions

Public Speakers:  None

DECISION: APPROVED by 7 votes to 0 (unanimous)