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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Meeting Room - Castle Street Methodist Church - CB3 0AH
Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Reid. |
Declarations of Interest (Planning) Minutes: No declarations were made |
Planning Report - 14 Victoria Street 14/0342/FUL PDF 73 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Hipkin was not present
for the start of this item and therefore took no part in the discussion or the vote.
The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval for a rear two storey extension and part single storey extension to accommodate a platform lift for wheelchair use and small conservatory on the ground floor. The Committee noted the amendment sheet. All members voting on this application confirmed that they had attended a site visit. The
Committee received representations in objection to the application from Barbara Cleverly
and on behalf of Heather Whitaker. Barbara Cleverly’s representation covered the following points: i. Planned extension did not meet the planning guidance three challenges. ii. Was out of character with the area. iii. Would cause a loss of green space. iv. Would damage a building of local interest. v. Would increase overlooking. vi. Large expanse of glass would have an adverse impact on neighbours. Statement read on behalf of Heather Whitaker covered the following points. i.
Impact on home as the proposed extension would not allow current use to continue. ii.
Construction will emit light. iii.
would dazzle on a sunny day. iv.
make noise v.
Consistency with previous decisions
proposed extension to 14 Victoria Street was for one of glass which was not in
keeping with other buildings.
relationship between buildings. If approved this application creates a very different relationship to the
surrounding buildings. Christopher Knowles (applicant) spoke in support of the application. The
Committee: Resolved (by 4
votes to 3) to grant full planning permission in
accordance with Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer
report and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer. |
Request to Film meeting The Chair gave permission for Richard Taylor to film the meeting. It was confirmed that the filming would cease if members of the public or speakers expressed a desire not to be filmed. Members of the public were given an opportunity to state if they did not want to be filmed. |
Declarations of Interest ( Main Agenda) Minutes: No declarations were made. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2014 Minutes: The minutes of the 6 March 2014 meeting were approved and signed as a
correct record. |
Matters and Actions arising from the Minutes Minutes: An updated action sheet from the meeting held on 6 March 2014 was circulated. The following updates were noted: 14/14/WCAC Visibility of turn into Auckland Road. Councillor Cearns has spoken to County Council officers and will report further at the next meeting. Councillor Reiner has responded to an email regarding dog enforcement action on Midsummer Common. Action completed. Traffic concerns in Fitzroy Street and Eden Street. Councillor Rosenstiel suggested that the problem was caused by out of date sat nav information. Future improvements to signage should resolve the problem. Road surface repairs to St Andrews Street. Councillor Cearns stated that the work was scheduled for completion in the near future. Delays had been caused by the location of the problem. It was a busy city centre road and closure would be problematic. Also, it is close to college building and noise would be disruptive in exam season. Carried over from 05/09/13 Management Agreement for University Sports Centre. Councillor Cantrill stated that he was disappointed that this matter had taken so long to resolve. However, he had been assured by officers that the matter would be fully resolved shortly. This would be retained as an action until fully resolved and details would be reported to this committee. |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking Minutes: Richard Taylor Where and when is the
Area Committee Chairs meeting which will be discussing the provision of
information against which Police priorities are agreed? These discussions
should be held in public and not in private. Councillor Kightley agreed with Mr Taylor. Anthony Bowen Vehicles obstructing
pavements continue to be a problem. Councillor Cearns suggested that members of the public should contact County Councillors if there are problem areas so that additional enforcement action could be requested. It was suggested that little action could be taken as pavement parking was not of itself illegal, if there were no yellow lines. Inspector Poppit confirmed that the Police could take action if vehicles were causing an obstruction. Each case would be assessed on its merits. Richard Jennings The temporary closure
of Adam and Eve Street has been of benefit to the area. Can permanent closure
be considered? Councillor Cearns confirmed that funding was available for a bollard which should resolve the problem of unauthorised access. A final decision would be taken shortly. The Project Delivery and Environment Manager confirmed a that Traffic Regulation Order had been approved and consultation undertaken. A decision was expected shortly. Councillor Rosenstiel reminded the Committee that a limited number of premises in the area needed some vehicle access via Adam and Eve Street. Member of the Public The Red Cross shop
has been considerably inconvenienced by the closure of Adam and Eve Street and
would argue against permanent closure. Mr Lawton The Temporary
Planning Permission for a Coach Station kiosk on Parkside is due to be renewed
again. This has not been the subject of public debate and is not in-line with
the previous decision. Councillor Smith recalled that the last time this item had been discussed, the Committee agreed it was to be the last extension. Councillor Rosenstiel suggested that at present there was little alternative to the use of Parkside as the planned provision at the railway station was not yet ready. Council Bick expressed concerns that the area lacked facilities for travellers and gave a poor first impression to visitors to Cambridge. Members agreed that the decision needed to come to this Committee and that the County Council should be pressured to take action over the situation. |
Street Lighting Renewal Programme To receive a presentation by Balfour Beatty & Cambridgeshire County Council on the street lighting renewal programme, followed by a question and answer session. Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Balfour Beatty regarding the Cambridgeshire Street Lighting Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The presentation covered the following points: · A 25 years contract had commenced in July 2011. · There was a 5 year core investment programme. · There would be a reduction of energy consumption. · £70,000 had been set aside for the restoration of the Richardson Candles. · £130,000 had been agreed jointly by the County and City Council for lighting in streets in the ‘Historic Core’ of the City. The presentation team invited questions from both Committee Members and the public. Councillor Kightley The quality of the
new lighting in Huntingdon Road does not appear to be an improvement. Adam Marshall (Balfour Beatty): Lighting in this area is not the white lighting used in residential areas. Bev Nicolson If Street lighting is
dimmed after 10pm, what impact will this have on the night-time economy and
safety of the city centre? Adam Marshall (Balfour Beatty): City centre lights will not be dimmed. John Lawton Who decided on the
parameters of the Historic Core? Alan Hitch (Balfour Beatty): The City Council had provided a map and priorities had been agreed in consultation. The Project Delivery and Environment Manager added that the Historic Core had been defined by previous area appraisals. John Pierce Christ Church Street
has 3 cast iron columns. Residents had been promised an independent inspection
which had never materialised. Leaving them alone would be more economical than
replacing. Councillor Rosenstiel: The Kite area has many attractive feature that need to be preserved. There appears to be no reason why the limited number (7 in total) of cast iron columns in the area cannot be preserved. Councillor Cearns: When the PFI was drawn up there was no consultation with Ward Councillors. Columns in Victoria Street had been removed in error when it had been agreed they would be the subject of consultation. No apology had been received. David Marshall (Balfour Beatty): There was a list of columns that were not part of the main contract. Balfour Beatty would be happy to work with the City and County Council’s to preserve columns. Keeley Russell (Balfour Beatty): Balfour Beatty cannot take responsibility for the safety of non-standard columns. The 25 year programme is a massive project. Victoria Street was not on the list of Historic core Streets and the instruction to retain the columns had not reached the correct department. However, the columns remain in Balfour Beatty possession and could be reinstated once agreement had been reached over who would take responsibility for them. This could not be a residents group. Richard Price What plans were in place for the elegant cast iron columns in the Jesus
Green, Lower Portugal Place and the Park Street areas? Keeley Russell (Balfour Beatty): Some lighting in the area would be replaced with modern equivalents. No decision had yet been reached regarding Jesus Green. Additions to the Historic Core were under consideration. A separate meeting on this matter may be needed. Susan Stobbs Maids Causeway
cobbles and railing were listed and protected. Why does this not extent to the
lighting? Jim Davies The Kite area should
be included as part of the Historic Core as much of value had already been
lost. Balfour Beatty appears to be replacing attractive for ugly. Joe Bedford Christ Church Street
is in part of a Conservation Area and limits are imposed on residents. Those
limitations should also apply to works carried out to the street scape. Areas
of London are able to maintain historic features and it should be possible to
do the same in Cambridge. Councillor Kightley: There appears to be a lot to discuss and it is not possible to do more at this meeting. This matter will be discussed further outside the meeting. A workshop in the Market Ward was suggested. Action: Market Councillors / Andy Preston |
Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 220 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from Inspector Poppitt regarding
Policing and Safer neighbourhood trends. The report
outlined actions taken since the West Central Area Committee of the 9 January
2014. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also
highlighted (see report for full details). Members’ Comments: Councillor Kightley expressed concern that motorists were using the, as
yet unadopted, Lawrence Weaver Road as a car park and
were parking in the cycle lane. The Police representatives stated that little
could be done until the road was adopted and in full use as no offence was
being committed. Councillor Rosenstiel asked why the East Road / Newmarket Road junction
had not been included in the ‘Safe Passage’ action. Sergeant Street stated that
the initiative had been concentrated on accident black spots. Councillor Hipkin was concerned that a large
amount of time and resources appeared to targeted and pursuing beggars when
little action appeared to be taken to deter late night, alcohol related, anti-social behaviour. Councillor Reiner questioned the plans in place to deal with outdoor
summer events which had been problematic in the past and was assured that
adequate strategies were in place. Susan Stobbs (Friends of Midsummer Common)
stated that a Public Consultation Meeting had taken place regarding Strawberry
Fair. Plans to ensure a trouble free event were well in place. Councillor Bick questioned the apparent rise in burglaries and was
assured that, compared to national and other local rates, the figures remained
low. In response to a question from Councillor Rosenstiel, the Safer
Communities Section Manager confirmed that the roof area of Radcliffe Court
continued to attract free runners. W.H. Smith’s had agreed to investigate roof
security and would repair the broken fence. Further meetings with the lettings
agent for the building were planned. Councillor Bick suggested that vehicles obstruction of pavements should
be added as a priority as it continued to be a problem in the area. Sergeant
Street stated that Police time was more likely to be given to moving traffic
offences than parking issues. He suggested that a link to the County Council
Enforcement team might be a better approach. Members stated that they would
like this to be a priority as there was a safety issue and it would raise
awareness. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to prioritise the following: 1.
Street-based ASB 2.
Operation Safe passage 3.
Vehicle Obstruction of Pavements |
Area Committee Grants PDF 178 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Operations & Resources Manager. The report referred to applications received to date for 2014/15 funding for projects in the West Central Area and made recommendations for awards and providing information on the eligibility and funding criteria. Members Comments: Councillor Smith suggested that the timings for bringing
this report to Committee should be reviewed as it was inappropriate for the Committee
to be making grant awards in the run up to an election. Operations &
Resources Manager suggested that this was because the groups need to know what
funding they have as early as possible and further delay of a couple of months
into the financial year may be difficult for some groups.. Councillor Hipkin stated that it was disappointing that so few applications for grants came forward. The Operations and Resources Manager suggested that this was on the increase now that the grants were handled in-house. Promotion of grants was on-going across the city. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following awards: WC1 Christ's Pieces
Residents Association Two talks £300 WC2 Friends of Midsummer Common
Community £1,133 WC3 Little Monkeys parent and
toddler playgroup £190 WC4 St Augustine's Church £1,500 WC5 St Giles Church Sixth annual
Christmas Tree Festival £1,145 WC6 The Liveaboard Trust River Art Festival £3,000 WC7 Under
Fives Roundabout £345 WC8 Windsor Road Residents
Association Meetings £200 |
Meeting Dates Minutes: The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to
approve the following dates for the municipal year 2014/15. Tuesday 24 June 2014 Thursday 4 September 2014 Wednesday 29 October 2014 Wednesday 7 January 2015 Thursday 5 March 2015 Thursday 23 April 2015. |
Farewell from the Chair Councillor Kightley announced that he was standing down and wished to express his appreciation to the public and to fellow committee members for their cooperation over the years. |