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Head of Internal Audit - Annual Audit Opinion 2012-13

Meeting: 26/06/2013 - Civic Affairs (Item 38)

38 Head of Internal Audit - Annual Audit Opinion 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 170 KB


The Head of Internal Audit introduced the report reviewing the past year.  There had been a year on year increase in audits delivered since 2011/12, an improvement in the assurance ratings and overall the direction of travel was positive.  Risk management software has improved internal processes.


Cllr Herbert asked about the ten audits that gave only limited assurance and what follow up had there been undertaken to ensure actions were complete.  He challenged the wording of the overall Opinion (in para 3.1) bearing in mind the budget forecasting error which had been debated at April’s committee meeting.  The Head of Internal Audit undertook to provide the detail on the ten audits listed in summary in 4.6 of the Opinion.  He also advised that the Opinion was given solely on the basis of the work Internal Audit had undertook in 2012/13.


In response to a question from Cllr Cantrill on how are outstanding actions were escalated, the Head of Internal Audit advised that Risk Registers were discussed at Departmental Management Teams quarterly and strategic risks were reported to Strategic Leadership Team (with the next due in July) and as appropriate also shared with Executive Councillors.


Members of the committee welcomed the report and having reviewed and provided challenge to the opinion of the Head of Internal Audit, were of the view that a half year update, including a review of outstanding actions should be provided to the November committee meeting.




That an interim progress report from the Head of Internal Audit be brought to its 20 November meeting.