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Options for the Debit & Credit Card Contract (Merchant Acquirer)

Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

28 Options for the Debit & Credit Card Contract (Merchant Acquirer) pdf icon PDF 28 KB


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Matter for Decision: To consider the options for the Debit & Credit Card Contract (Merchant Acquirer).


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources:


The Executive Councillor resolved to:


i.             Approve an extension of the current contract for a period of six months, within existing terms to enable the Council to review and evaluate the tariffs, terms and conditions under a new Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) framework contract for Banking Services, to be available from April 2013. 


Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report


Scrutiny Considerations:


Not applicable – not requested for pre-scrutiny



Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted):

Not applicable.