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Police and Crime Commissioner

Meeting: 09/05/2013 - South Area Committee (Item 23)

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)


The Chair welcomed Sir Graham Bright to the South Area Committee and invited him to address the meeting.


Sir Graham Bright introduced himself and made the following comments:


       i.          The PCC acted as the face of the public, not the face of the Police.

     ii.          Police posts had been secured through increasing the precept.

   iii.          The Chief Constable had been reappointed.

   iv.          The Police and Crime Plan sets out the main priorities.

    v.          Increasing Police visibility is a priority

   vi.          Issuing all Police Officers with smart phones would allow them to access information and submit reports without having to return to the station – saving an estimated 38,000 man hours

 vii.          Protecting and increasing PCSO’s numbers is a priority.

viii.          Improvements had been made to the ‘101’ non-emergency telephone number, with 94% now being answered within 30 seconds.

   ix.          New Neighbourhood Watch software was being trailed in South Cambridgeshire.

    x.          Responsibility for Victim Support services would pass to the PCC in 2014.

   xi.          The PCC was keen to engage fully with the community, local businesses and the education sector.

 xii.          A Deputy PCC was now in post along with two outreach workers to help engage with the local community.

xiii.          South Cambridgeshire is the 3rd safest place in the Country.


Questions to Sir Graham Bright:


Q1 Ms Shepherd: Raised concern regarding the lack of enforcement, for example 20mph limits and cycling on pavements.


PCC: Confirmed that work was ongoing to tackle anti-social cycling in Cambridge. He had patrolled with local Police and within 35 minutes over 17 cyclists had been ticketed. In total over 1000 tickets had been issued to cyclists without lights, with a process for rescinding the tickets if they reported back to the station with proof of purchase for new lights.  As a result of this scheme it was estimated that between 800 and 900 additional cycles were now fitted with lights.


Q2 Mr Chisholm: Whilst not condoning anti-social cycling it was felt that unsafe cyclists did not cause deaths, whereas unsafe motorists did. Questioned how many motorists had been convicted of driving in cycle lanes.


PCC: Noted the comments and agreed to look at the figures.


Q3 City Councillor McPherson: Highlighted the importance of the dedicated Community Policing Teams and PCSO’s.


PCC: Acknowledged the importance of these teams and confirmed that the Chief Constable would be reviewing PCSO’s in 2014 with a view to increasing their responsibility and providing more training. Increasing the numbers of PCSO’s would however be dependent on the budget. Highlighted the need to save £10m before 2016 but confirmed that cross working with other Police Authorities could help to achieve this.


Q4 County Councillor Taylor: Questioned whether the process of Area Committees setting Police priorities would be re-evaluated.


PCC: Confirmed that whilst the process worked well, the mechanics for setting local priorities may be looked at in the future.