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Commercial Team Work Plan 2013-14

Meeting: 12/03/2013 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 BUSINESSES REGULATION PLAN 2013-2014 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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Matter for Decision:  

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) requires each food enforcement authority to produce an annual work plan outlining the food enforcement programme that will be followed to ensure food businesses are compliant. The Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14 incorporated the advice and guidance given to Local Authorities by FSA and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).


Decision of Executive Councillor for Environmental and Waste Services


The Executive Councillor resolved to:


         i.    Approve the attached Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14


Reason for the Decision:

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:

The Committee received a report from the Team Leader (Commercial), regarding the Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14.


Concerns were expressed that new approach might result in a slippage of the current high standards. It was suggested that limited inspection programmes would encourage complacency and cost cutting.


The Head of Refuse and Environment explained that the strategic direction had changed as part of a national approach with partnership working with businesses seen as the way forward. The culture change was backed up statutory enforcement provision when needed.


Councillor Herbert suggested that a stronger message needed to be sent to government to express members concerns about this approach. Reduced inspections in the current economic climate would lead businesses to cut cost and incidents would follow. The loss of the input from Health and Safety Executive was retrograde step. Regulation was needed to ensure standards did not drop. 


The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable.