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Consideration of the Council's approach to
the Living Wage for staff, agency workers and contractors engaged through the
Council’s procurement processes.
Decision of the Executive
The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
Endorse the proposal to pay the Living Wage for Cambridge City Council
staff, by way of a supplement to current pay rates.
Endorse the proposal
to pay the minimum of the Living Wage to agency workers after 4 weeks of their
engagement with the City Council.
Agree to a
review within 12 months of the proposal to pay the minimum of the Living Wage
to agency workers after 4 weeks of their engagement and for any changes to be
proposed for the 2014 Pay Policy Statement.
contractors to adopt the Living Wage through the Council’s procurement
Include the
recommendations of this committee, as they relate to staff and agency workers,
in the Council’s proposed Pay Policy Statement, to be considered by Civic
Affairs on 30th January 2013.
Reasons for the Decision: As
set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative options
considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee received a report from the Head of Human Resources.
In response to a question from Councillor Herbert the Executive
Councillor confirmed that, whilst the Council were fully committed to
encouraging all contractors to adopt the Living Wage, there might be certain
legal restraints. Legal advice had been taken and each contract would have to
be looked at on its own merits.
In response to a question from Councillor Rosenstiel the Head of Legal
Services confirmed that he had seen the recent advice of the Local Government
Information Unit and officers had been in discussion with Islington Council
regarding their approach.
The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of
Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted):
Not applicable.