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11 Housing Portfolio Budget - 2013/14 PDF 248 KB
Matter for Decision: To consider the Housing Portfolio Budget - 2013/14.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Housing
The Executive Councillor resolved to
Review of Charges
a) Approve
the proposed charges for this portfolio’s services and facilities, as shown in
Appendix B1 to the committee report.
b) Request
that the charges for this portfolio’s services and facilities, as shown in
Appendix B2 to the committee report, are submitted to Council for approval that
no charges are made for these services.
Revenue Budgets
c) Approve,
with any amendments, the current year funding requests and savings, (shown in
Appendix A of the committee report) and the resulting revised revenue budgets
for 2012/13 (shown in Section 3, Table 1 of the committee report) for submission
to the Executive.
d) Agree
proposals for revenue savings and unavoidable bids, as set out in Appendix C of
the committee report.
e) Agree
proposals for bids from external or existing funding, as set out in Appendix D
of the committee report.
f) Agree
proposals for Priority Policy Fund (PPF) bids, as set out in Appendix E of the
committee report.
g) Approve
the budget proposals for 2013/14, as shown in Section 3, Table 2 the committee
report for submission to the Executive.
h) Seek approval from the Executive to carry forward
resources from 2012/13, as
detailed in Appendix G of the committee report, to fund
rephased capital spending.
i) Confirm that there are no items covered by this portfolio
to add to the Council’s Hold
List, for submission to the Executive.
j) Approve the current Capital & Revenue Projects Plan,
as detailed in Appendix J of the committee report, to be updated for any
amendments detailed in (h) and (i) above.
Reason for the Decision:
As per the officer report
Any alternative options considered and rejected:
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee received a report regarding the Housing
Portfolio Budget 2013/14
The committee endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensation granted):