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Greater Cambridge City Deal

Meeting: 20/12/2012 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 90)

90 Greater Cambridge City Deal pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


Matter for Decision: To consider the proposal for a Greater Cambridge City Deal.


Decision of the Leader of the Council;


The Leader of the Council resolved to


1)          Agree the principles included in the expression of interest document attached in Appendix 1 of the committee report and approve in principle the submission of a fully worked up version of this document to Government.


2)           Delegate to the Chief Executive responsibility to work with the Leader, officers and Leaders of each partner local authority and key external partners to finalise the expression of interest document; and, subject to consultation with the Leader, Chair and opposition spokes, to submit this to Government by 15 January 2013.


3)          Delegate to the Chief Executive responsibility to work with the Leader, officers and Leaders of each partner local authority, and key external partners, to work on negotiating a full city deal with Government if the expression of interest is successful; agree a draft City Deal with Government and partners, subject to consultation with the Leader, chair and spokes; and to bring any final City Deal to Strategy and Resources Committee for recommendation of adoption to full Council.


Reason for the decision;


As per the officers report.


Any alternative options considered and rejected:


Not applicable


Scrutiny Considerations


The committee received a report from the Head of Corporate Strategy regarding the Greater Cambridge City Deal.


The committee made the following comments on the report


i.          Clarification was requested on whether the proposals would provide an opportunity to challenge the monopoly of Stagecoach. The Head of Corporate Strategy explained that whilst public transport was an important element of the issue, it was unlikely that the City Deal would get into the specific issue raised.


ii.       The proposals were welcomed, but a desire to avoid creating another quango was expressed. The aspiration should be  unitary local government in the Greater Cambridge area. The Leader was challenged, whether the City Council would walk away if the proposals lacked transparency or would result in a significant increase in bureaucracy.


The Leader responded to the comment and emphasised that any governance arrangements needed to fair, transparent and be able to resolve Cambridge specific issues effectively.


iii.          Reference was made to the other City Deals across the country, and the positive benefits that they were already delivering. It was highlighted that operating a City Deal in a two-tier structure was unusual. The committee were encouraged to support the proposal.


iv.      With reference to page 14, it was suggested that it appeared to unduly prioritise bus travel over rail. The Head of Corporate Strategy noted the comment. Councillors agreed that the public transport, as a whole should be the priority.


v.       The committee questioned why the A14 improvements featured so heavily, as the route was a major strategic asset and its improvements were being progressed nationally.


vi.          There was strong support for “connectivity” as theme, and whilst it was focussed on the Greater Cambridge area, this did not preclude an interest in the wider county.



The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by 4 votes 0.


The Leader approved the recommendations.


Conflict of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)