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South & East Transport Corridor Area Transport Plans

Meeting: 25/04/2013 - East Area Committee (Item 34)

34 South & East Transport Corridor Area Transport Plans pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Committee received a report from the Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding regarding South & East Transport Corridor Area Transport Plans.


The Officer brought the report up to date by stating the County Council Cabinet was prioritising and implementing transport schemes. A programme would go to Cabinet in future. A methodology had now been agreed to assess any schemes proposed by EAC.


The Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding referred to progress on approved schemes as set out in her report.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:


(i)                Welcomed details on how projects were progressing.

(ii)              Expressed concern regarding the slow speed of project delivery.

(iii)            Referred to resident’s comments and said that County Officers needed better communication with residents on priorities.


In response to Members’ questions the Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding said the following:


(i)                £1.72 m funding has been awarded as part of the Better Bus Area Funds towards enhancing accessibility for buses on key corridors, an element of this is considering better enforcement of infringements in bus lanes with partners.

(ii)              The Eastern Gate SPD was a City Council document. The County Council were developing a Transport Strategy with the City and South Cambridgeshire Councils, which may pick up key Eastern Gate SPD projects if they were not eligible for corridor funding. A consultation exercise on the Transport Strategy would be undertaken during Summer 2013.

(iii)            The City Council could spend Community Infrastructure Levy funding anywhere within its boundaries. S106 funding would be restricted to site specific use in future. The Transport Strategy could work alongside the new Local Plan as a mechanism to overcome this.

(iv)            Risk assessments were undertaken for all projects to ensure they could spend funding allocated.

(v)              Suggestions for projects could be sent to Daniel Clarke (Capital & Funding Manger – County), Dearbhla Lawson (Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding).


The Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding undertook to provide EAC with further information regarding:


(i)        Details regarding the Tenison Road traffic calming scheme, including funding available.

(ii)      The possibility of installing temporary lights in Coleridge Road for traffic management and speed monitoring purposes. Also to clarify which organisation would have to pay the cost for these.

(iii)            If key projects in the Eastern Gate SPD were eligible for corridor funding.


The Committee noted the programme for progressing schemes in the area (set out in the officer’s report); and proposed schemes for consideration and assessment of fit with Area Corridor funding as follows:


(i)        Installing temporary lights in Coleridge Road for traffic management and speed monitoring purposes.

(ii)      Key projects in the Eastern Gate SPD.

(iii)            Removal of street signs in the Romsey Conservation Area.

(iv)            Perne Road/Radegund Road roundabout.

(v)      Completing work on the Cherry Hinton cycle path (left unfinished by another project).

(vi)            Removal of superfluous metal lumps/posts in pavements.

(vii)          Implementing a standard requirement for county council contractors to remove street clutter upon completion of work.

Councillor Blencowe said South Area Committee were funding a feasibility study regarding a pedestrian/cycle link bridge to the Cambridge Leisure Park.

The Committee invited the Head of Transport & Infrastructure & Policy & Funding to return at an appropriate point in future to report back on South & East Transport Corridor Area Transport Plans.