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Lettings Policy Review

Meeting: 17/01/2013 - Community Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Lettings Policy Review pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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Matter for Decision: To consider the letting policy review.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Housing


The Executive Councillor resolved to


i.        Approve the amendments to Cambridge City Council’s Lettings Policy



Reason for the Decision:


As per the officer report


Any alternative options considered and rejected:




Scrutiny Considerations:


The committee received a report from the Housing Advice Service Manager regarding the lettings policy review.


The committee made the following comments on the report






i.        Clarification was requested on whether the policy provided an opportunity for temporary or fixed term tenancies. The Executive Councillor confirmed that it was the policy of the authority not to offer fixed term tenancies, with the exception of introductory tenancies and especially heavily adapted homes. It was agreed to review the wording to ensure that it was clear.

ii.      Further information was requested on the additional support, which would be provided following the withdrawal of the Home Link magazine. The committee were advised that a number of support mechanisms were in place and that other changes had freed up officer time to support individuals who required additional support.


iii.    It was suggested that tenants subject to domestic violence should receive higher than a B band. The comment was acknowledged, but it was explained that the area crossed over with homelessness legislation.


iv. It was requested that implications of the introduction of universal credit were carefully monitored.


The committee endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensation granted):