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82 Local Government Resource Review - Business Rates Retention Pooling Options PDF 92 KB
To follow
for Decision:
To decide whether to support the proposed ‘Growing Cambridgeshire’
pooling scheme.
The report presented coverage of updated information since the
publication of the September 2012 MTS, where recommendations were required.
Decision of the Leader:
Agreed to
support the proposed ‘Growing Cambridgeshire’ pooling scheme, subject to scheme
details requiring consensus decision-making.
responsibility to the Chief Executive, through Cambridgeshire County Council as
lead authority, to engage with DCLG on the final detail of the proposed pooling
scheme and to submit the final proposal in time for the 19 October deadline.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Director of Resources regarding the Local Government Resource Review - Business Rates Retention: Pooling Options.
Councillor Bick reminded the committee that when the matter was last considered in July, they had expressed a preference for pooling. Councillor Bick further stated that he was now content with the proposals on how the pooled resources would be used.
Councillor Bick confirmed that the strategic investment pot would involve a large sum of money. Concerns had previously been raised about how much leverage individual members authorities would have over the spending of this shared resource. It had now been agreed that a consensus would be needed. Paragraph 5.1 of the draft proposal would be re-worded to reflect this requirement.
Councillor Herbert asked for an assurance on the openness and transparency of decision regarding the new spending structures. The Chief Executive confirmed that the decision making body would meet in public.
Members suggested the recommendations were not clear and suggested the following amendments.
The Leader is asked to:
whether To support the
proposed ‘Growing Cambridgeshire’ pooling scheme.
In the
vent that the Leader decides to support the scheme, To delegate responsibility to the Chief
Executive, through Cambridgeshire County Council as lead authority, to engage
with DCLG on the final detail of the proposed pooling scheme and to submit the
final proposal in time for the 19 October deadline.
The amendments were agreed unanimously.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the amended
recommendations subject to the additional wording to paragraph 5.1 of the draft
proposal regarding the requirement for consensual decisions.
The Executive Councillor approved the amended
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.