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56 Cambridge City Council Climate Change Strategy PDF 62 KB
Additional documents:
for Decision:
The City Council has consulted on a revised
Climate Change Strategy for 2012-2016 that will set the framework for action
by the Council to address climate change over the next five years. An updated draft
of the Strategy was attached at Appendix A to the Officer’s report. The
Strategy set out three strategic objectives for action by the Council aimed at
reducing carbon emissions and managing the risks associated with climate
change. It included an Action Plan that set out the key steps the Council would
take over the following four years to deliver these objectives.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change:
Approved the
revised Climate Change Strategy for 2012-2016 with the acknowledgement that
targets would be revised in 2014 when there would be more robust baseline data
Reason for the Decision:
City Council made a formal commitment to tackle climate change by signing the
Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change in September 2006 and published its
first Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan in 2008, which set out a vision
and framework for action over a five-year period. This strategy expires in 2012 and is therefore due for revision.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Strategy and Partnership Manager regarding
Cambridge City Council Climate Change Strategy.
The committee made
the following comments:
The high
calibre of the public responses was praised.
The quality of
the data was questioned and the Officer acknowledged that the current
monitoring of energy use by the council on some of its sites was problematic,
as the equipment did not give currently provide real time reading. This problem
should be resolved by 2014 with a combination of automatic meter reading and
visual readings.
Members also
questioned how the impact of Cambridge City Council actions across the city
could be measured. The Executive Councillor agreed that is was hard to measure
impact but suggested that partnership working was the way to achieve results.
Members were
reminded that the strategy also had a role in mitigating the impact of climate
change on local residents by considering risks such as flooding and future fuel
Members thanked the
officers involved for their hard work and agreed that the report highlighted a
need to concentrate efforts where they could have an influence. However,
members also noted that Cambridge had a role as an educator, with good practice
from Cambridge being replicated elsewhere, notably on planning policy.
Members agreed that
the recommendation should be amended to read: To approve the revised Climate
Change Strategy for 2012-2016 with the acknowledgement that baselines and targets
would be reviewed in 2014 when there would be more robust data available.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the amended recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.