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68 Council New Build Programme - Scheme Approvals PDF 50 KB
Additional documents:
1. Clare Blair
Mrs Blair addressed
the committee and made the following comments
With reference
to Water Lane and Green End Lane the process had been a disaster, and
previously agreed policies for managing the consultation had been disregarded.
had been insufficient and the meetings organised had not provided an
opportunity to discuss the process. It was explained that residents had been
encouraged to speak at the Scrutiny Committee if they wished to discuss the
proposals. It was highlighted that many of the residents were vulnerable and
old, and either not able or willing to appear and speak at a public meeting.
The Executive
Councillor for Housing responded and acknowledged that the process was not
satisfactory. The Executive Councillor explained that it was difficult to find
a balance between advising residents too soon and creating undue distress, and
too late where the process appears to be complete. The Executive Councillor
clarified the arrangement details for the residents meeting, but again
acknowledged that the process wasn’t satisfactory.
Mrs Blair made the
following comments in response
supplied is inadequate and doesn’t meet the required standard. It was
questioned whether an EQIA had been prepared for the schemes proposed.
whether the tenant consultation could actually influence the process.
The Executive
Councillor for Housing responded that an EQIA should be produced. The Executive
Councillor highlighted the successful development projects undertaken with
sheltered housing schemes.
At the request of
the Executive Councillor, the Head of Strategic Housing confirmed that the
scheme was covered by an EQIA produced for the Enabling and Development
Leah Arnold
Leah Arnold
addressed the committee and made the following comments
She was
supportive of the proposals, although was aware that some residents were
against the proposals.
Ms Arnold
explained that the existing units at Aylesborugh Close were unsuitable for
families with young children for the following reasons.
The un-secure
Lack of
adequate storage
The Executive
Councillor thanked Ms Arnold for attending and speaking, and explained that the
issues raised would be addressed in the plans.
Ms Arnold welcomed
the response,
3. Michael Bond
Mr Bond addressed
the committee and explained that he was Chair of Old Chesterton Residents
Association and Age UK Cambridge. Mr Bond made the following points
The site was
already of a low density compared with equivalent private sector lead
developments, and the proposals would further reduce the density of the
There were
already in excess of 8,000 people on the waiting list, and the proposals would
result in a reduction of a further 9 homes.
The site
(Aylesborough Close) was currently car free and enjoyed a large green open
space. The proposals would result in the green open space becoming a car park.
of the proposed decision was urged.
The Executive
Councillor for Housing explained that the plans were indicative, and that there
was still opportunity to influence the site plans. It was explained that whilst
the number of units would be reduced, the units proposed were larger and could
each accommodate more people. The Executive Councillor agreed that green open
space and building at an appropriate density were really important
At the request of
the Executive Councillor, the Head of Strategic Housing explained that the
proposals were designed to increase the floor space (40m2 to 60m2 for 1 bed
room units) and improve the accessibility.
Mr Bond responded
to the response from the Executive Councillor with the following points
There was a
need to be smarter with the use of land, and ensure that a range of options
were available.
Noted that
only 3 equivalent properties would be provided for the current 24.
The Executive
Councillor re-iterated that the layout and designs were still indicative and subject
to planning approval.
4. Dr Guskov
Dr Guskov spoke in objection
to the proposals for Aylesborough Close and made the following comments
The project
was not in the interest of leaseholders, tenants, neighbours, Cambridge
citizens and British Public, nor was it financially realistic.
was requested whether any officer or Councillor had declared an interest in
relation to the project.
Dr Guskov tabled an
un-validated petition in objection to the proposals for Aylesborough Close.
The Executive
Councillor confirmed that no declarations had been made by officers or members
involved in the project. The Executive Councillor also explained in response to
questions regarding finance, that the budget would be re-fined and included in
the budget process. It was confirmed that the figure stated for home loss
payments was incorrect and would be update through the budget process.
5. Mr Hinton
Mr Hinton addressed
the committee and made the following comments regarding the proposals.
Mr Hinton
explained that he had moved to Aylesborough Close in 1976, and had lived there
ever since.
His property
had received significant investment in recent years and this would be wasted.
The majority
of the tenants were against the proposals.
The Executive
Councillor explained that the improvements had been undertaken under a
different funding system, and that without the change to the housing revenue
account projects of this nature would have not been possible. It was explained
that the exact details of the changes were not known until very recently.
Mr Hinton suggested
that the properties would continue to be suitable for 20/30 further years, if
investment was undertaken.
Councillors Bird,
Todd-Jones and Price addressed the committee with the approval of the Chair.
Councillor Bird
Councillor Bird
spoke in opposition to the proposals for Water Lane and Green End Road and made
the following comments
Residents were
very upset about the proposals.
was insufficient.
Only three of
the existing residents would be allowed to return.
An EQIA had
not been completed for the project despite the proposals affecting the most
vulnerable members of society. Based on the insufficient EQIA, the Councillor
requested a suspension of the project.
un-validated petition was presented to the committee in opposition for the
proposals for Water Lane and Green End Road.
The process
was progressing too fast and provided inadequate opportunities for challenge.
Concern that
the proposals would result in elderly residents feeling forced into moving into
White Friars.
Councillor Price
Councillor Price
spoke in opposition to the proposals for Water Lane and Green End End Road and
made the following comments
Not against
development per se, but the proposals were progressing too fast.
There had
insufficient consultation, with only 10 days notice given for the residents
meeting and insufficient opportunity at the residents meeting to question the
The development
would not result in an increase in the number of units available.
Todd-Jones spoke and made the following comments
Previously raised concerns were re-iterated.
was requested on how a guarantee could be given to existing residents, if there
were going to be fewer units in the new proposals.
was requested on residents would receive support if their new rent was higher.
The Executive
Councillor explained that the guarantee had related to the sheltered housing
programme, but whilst there was no guarantee it was likely that existing
residents would be able to return if they wished.
Councillor Price in
response expressed concern about the lack of consultation and other
shortcomings in the process.
Matter for Decision: To consider scheme approvals in the Council
New Build Programme.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing:
The Executive
Councillor resolved to
i. Note
the indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject
to planning approval.
ii. Approve
the scheme capital budget highlighted in the report to cover the Construction
Cost of the scheme; Home Loss Payments to tenants and leaseholders and
professional quantity surveyor fees.
iii. Approve
that delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community
Services following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of
Legal Services to seal a Development Agreement with our preferred
house-builder/developer partner.
For the following
a. Aylesborough
Close Ph 1 (1-8a and 39-50 Aylesborough Close and adjacent garages)
b. Water Lane
(6-14a Water Lane and 238-246 Green End Road)
c. Stanesfield Road
Scouts Hut
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee
received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing regarding the Affordable
Housing Scheme.
The committee made
following comments
i. Councillors
were encouraged to vote against the schemes for Water Lane and Green End Road.
ii. The
proposals were presented as a done deal.
iii. The
use of affordable rent levels as the method for calculating rents would result
in significant increases in rent levels vis a vis the existing stock.
iv. A
“life changing” decision should not be made until sufficient information was
available to make a properly informed decision.
v. In
comparison to the information supplied to Councillors in other forums such as
through the planning policy process, the information supplied was insufficient
to make an informed decision.
vi. Concern
that some residents had already resigned themselves to moving.
vii. The
process was flawed and adversely affected the most vulnerable members of
The Executive
Councillor addressed the comments received, and explained that it was a tricky
job for Ward Councillor to balance the needs of their residents against the
wider needs of the city. The committee were reminded that it had the
responsibility for scrutinising the strategic overview of housing in the city.
The Executive
Councillor explained that she didn’t normally attend residents meetings,
because her attendance didn’t assist residents but was willing to attend when
requested by residents.
The Head of
Strategic Housing confirmed that an equalities assessment was not produced for
each scheme, but had been for the programme of 146 new homes. The Head of
Strategic Housing and the Director of Customer and Community Services outlined
the steps undertaken to support residents.
viii. It
was noted that the existing units at Aylesborough Close were difficult to let
and sometimes refused by prospective tenants.
ix. Clarification
was requested on how the scheme compared with similar schemes.
The Director of
Customer and Community Services explained that strenuous efforts were made to
ensure that all tenants were appropriately supported to find the best possible
outcome for them. The Director of Customer and Community Services outlined the
housing developments needs in the city, and current rent policy.
x. The
assertion that the committee had to consider the strategic housing implications
of the proposals was challenged.
xi. Further
information was requested regarding the position of leaseholders.
xii. The
EQIA was inadequate.
The Executive
Councillor explained that it would not be appropriate for tenants to have a
veto on scheme proposal, but that it was important for tenants to have a say in
the development of proposals. The Executive Councillor also re-iterated that
she didn’t normally attend residents meetings, because her attendance didn’t
assist residents but was willing to attend when requested by residents.
xiii. General support was expressed for the
Stanesfield Road scheme.
xiv. Clarification
was sought on the implications; specifically the financial implication if a
decision was deferred.
The Head of
Strategic Housing explained that that grant funding had to be spent by March
2015, and that £17,500 would be the penalty for each incomplete unit and that
any delay could prejudice the ability of the City Council to deliver the
schemes without penalty.
The committee were
asked to consider the implication of deferral in terms of what positive
outcomes could be realistically delivered. The committee discussed the
implications of deferral.
Councillor Blencowe
proposed an amendment to defer schemes “a” and “b” (Aylesborough Close and
Water Lane) for further consultation and a re-assessment of the suitability of
the scheme. The Scrutiny Committee voted four votes in favour of the amendment
and four votes against the amendment. The amendment was defeated on the Chairs
casting vote.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered the recommendations and voted as below
Close |
Four votes in
favour and four votes against The proposal was
endorsed on the Chairs casting vote. |
Water Lane |
Four votes in
favour and four votes against The proposal was endorsed
on the Chairs casting vote. |
Stansfield Road |
Unanimously in
favour |
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)