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52 Assessment of the effectiveness of Percentage Renewable Energy (Merton rule) Policies PDF 54 KB
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Matter for Decision: To consider an assessment of the
effectiveness of Percentage Renewable Energy (Merton rule) Policies
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change:
The Executive
Councillor resolved;
i. To
consider the findings of the Merton Rule Assessment Study and to endorse its
use as part of the evidence base for the review of the Local Plan.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee received a report regarding the assessment of
the effectiveness of percentage renewable energy (Merton Rule) policies.
The committee welcomed the report and expressed interest in
receiving more information as the work progressed.
The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered the recommendations
and endorsed them by 3 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)