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71 Project Appraisal - Capital Grant Application From Arbury Community Centre PDF 177 KB
This decision is being taken by the Executive Councillor for Housing in their capacity as Deputy Leader of the Council.
Matter for Decision: To consider a project appraisal for a Capital
Grant Application from Arbury Communty Centre
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing in her capacity as Deputy Leader:
The Deputy Leader resolved;
Financial recommendations
i. To recommend to Council that scheme (which is not included in
the Council’s Capital & Revenue Project Plan) subject to resources being
available to fund the capital and revenue costs.
ii. To note that the total cost of the project is £80,000 funded from
developer contributions and that there are no ongoing revenue implications
arising from the project
Procurement recommendations:
iii. To approve a Capital Grant of £80,000 to the Arbury Community Association
(Reg Charity 300370) subject to the Charity completing the Council’s legal
grant agreement.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
The Deputy Leader following consultation with the Leader took the decision, as the Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health had previously been a trustee of Arbury Community Centre.