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74 A Business Plan for the Children and Young People's Participation Service (ChYpPS) PDF 56 KB
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Matter for Decision: To consider a business plan for the Children
and Young People’s Participation Service.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health:
The Executive
Councillor resolved to
i. Agree
the draft ChYpPS Plan 2013 – 2016
ii. Agree
that officers arrange a formal review meeting with the
Executive Councillor for
Community Development and Health, Scrutiny Chair and Spokes in October 2013 to
review progress with the Plan.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee
received a report from the Head of Community Development regarding the business
plan for the Children and Young Peoples Participation Service.
The committee made
the following comments
i. The
committee noted that the income targets were challenging and asked officers to
comment. The Children and Young Peoples
Service Manager agreed that the income targets were challenging but felt that
they were achievable given the changes that had been implemented within the
service to facilitate the new approach. She highlighted that an annual review
had been built into the Business Plan to monitor progress.
ii. Clarification
was requested on the inclusion of a participation figure for the sessions. The
Children and Young Peoples Service Manager advised that the figure included
(15) was the optimal number for a universal session, but that for specialist
sessions the group sizes would be smaller.
iii. The work undertaken by the service was
widely welcomed.
The Executive
Councillor welcomed the work undertaken to date, but highlighted that the new
approach would be focussed on maximising the use of resources, which may result
in a reduced number of sessions to provide the capacity within the service to
deliver the income targets. The Executive Councillor thanked the officers for
the work on this project.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)