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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Meeting: 29/11/2012 - East Area Committee (Item 67)

67 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 188 KB


The Committee received a report from Sergeant Norden regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 2 August 2012. The current emerging issues / neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were:


(i)                Alcohol and drug-related street anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the East, targeting known hot spots (including Mill Road, Mill Road Cemetery and Norfolk Street, plus drug dealing in the Riverside Area) and focusing on education and enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the intoxicated.

(ii)              Anti-social use of mopeds in Riverside, Coleridge and Abbey areas.

(iii)            Vehicle crime, such as theft and vandalism, in East of City.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:


(i)                Drug users and drug dealing in the Riverside and Stourbridge Common area.

(ii)              The possibility of targeting class A drug dealers as a higher priority than class b drug dealers as a topic for discussion with the Police & Crime Commissioner.

(iii)            Theft of cycles in the East area (organised and opportunistic).

(iv)            Enforcement action against cyclists not wearing lights.

(v)              Vehicle crime, such as theft and vandalism, in East of City

(vi)            Alcohol related ASB in the Petersfield area.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:


(i)                Councillor Hart said the number of discarded needles found in Abbey Ward increased sharply due to Street Scene Officers actively monitoring the area around Ditton Fields and Stourbridge Common for a set period, which affected the statistics in the Officers report. Active on-going monitoring by PCSOs has discouraged further needle dropping.

(ii)              Councillor Blencowe met with Inspector Poppitt post 18 November 2012 EAC regarding street life ASB issues. Further information is expected in future.


The Safer Communities Section Manager referred to the ‘Review of Street-Based Anti-Social Behaviour’ presented to 15 October 2012 Strategy & Resources Committee.


Action Point: Lynda Kilkelly (Safer Communities Section Manager) to write a press release to raise public awareness of ‘Review of Street Based Anti-Social Behaviour’ report; and meeting between Safer Communities Officers, Councillors and stakeholders in January 2013.


In response to Members’ questions the Safer Communities Section Manager confirmed the following:


(i)                Three thousand discarded needles were found in one location in Coleridge ward. This void property was a centre for ASB, crime and prostitution. The building had been closed and cleaned up, so was no longer a danger to the public.

(ii)              The provisions of sharps drop off points and a campaign regarding clean up of needles had led to more responsible disposal by users and an overall decline in the number of discarded needles in public spaces.

(iii)            A priority regarding alcohol related ASB in the Petersfield area would cover the wider area around Petersfield by implication as Officers would follow issues if they moved.


Action Point: Councilor Blencowe to ask City Council Street Scene Officers to clarify needle drop figures in 29 November 2012 Officer report.


The following priorities were unanimously agreed:


(i)                Theft of cycles in the East area.

(ii)              Alcohol related ASB in the Petersfield area.

(iii)            Drug dealing in the Riverside & Stourbridge Common area.