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Environmental Improvement Programme

Meeting: 02/08/2012 - East Area Committee (Item 43)

43 Environmental Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme. The report outlined progress of existing schemes and new suggested schemes for 2012/13.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manager referred to typographical errors in his report:

(i)                P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 13 Palmer’s Walk was incorrectly labelled as Paradise Walk.

(ii)              P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 14 Burnside/Brookfields Parking Issues was incorrectly labelled as Petersfield instead of Romsey.

(iii)            P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 16 Mill Road Right Turn into Coleridge Road was suggested by Councillor Moghadas, not Councillor Marchant-Daisley.

(iv)            P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 17 Coldham’s Lane was incorrectly labelled as Coldman’s Lane.


Existing Schemes: Progress

The Environmental Projects Manager referred to suggestions passed on or not feasible as projects:

(i)                HGV weight restrictions for Romsey Terraced streets similar to Catharine Street.

(ii)              Rayson Way Verge Protection using bollards.


New Schemes That Require Decisions

Members considered a number of 2012/13 schemes put forward for approval.


In response to Member’s questions the Project Delivery & Environment Manager answered:

(i)                Riverside Railings EIP was on hold pending consultation.

(ii)              The South Area Radial Review would affect road projects in Appendix C of his report.


Members of the public asked a number of questions as set out below.


1.      Mr Rogers asked why the implementation of Rayson Way Verge Protection using bollards was delayed.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manager said a consultation exercise was required prior to undertaking action to determine if bollard implementation was the best method of protecting the verges.


2.      Mr Rogers said that Whitehill Close Neighbourhood Watch had been established to address issues in the Close. Now these had been resolved, residents wanted the Whitehill Close Planting environmental improvement project (EIP) to go ahead, but with flowerbeds instead of flowers in grassed areas as proposed by the EIP.


Mrs Peachey stated that residents would be willing to maintain the flowerbeds.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manager has liaised with Mr Rogers, residents and Ward Councillors. Flowers in grassed areas as proposed by the EIP would save £2,000 - £3,000 per year in maintenance costs compared to flowerbeads.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manager said the EIP could be amended to include flowerbeds (instead of flowers in grassed areas) that residents would be responsible for. In this case, the Council would only be responsible for the provision of bulbs, not replacements. If the flowerbeds were not maintained, they would be returned to grass.


EAC suggested retaining the project on the EIP list at its present level of funding, but returning it to EAC for discussion in future.


ACTION POINT: Project Delivery & Environment Manager to amend Whitehill Close Planting environmental improvement project and return it to East Area Committee for consideration post discussions with residents.


3.      Mr Catto expressed concern regarding the path near Tescos, covered by the Riverside Parking Issues EIP. The Resident Association would like the area enhanced.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manager said a consultation exercise was required prior to undertaking action to determine if any objections will be raised to the EIP.


Councillor Blencowe said the issue would be raised at the next Area Joint Committee meeting.


Councillor Blencowe requested to that the following project be added to the list set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report. The project was Mill Road Hanging Baskets for £7,500.


Councillor Blencowe proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendations:

(i)                To further investigate alternative funding options for the Palmer’s Walk/Petersfield Square proposal.

(ii)              To reduce the budget for Coldman’s Lane, Ross Street and Catharine Street Tree Planting EIP from £20,000 to £11,550.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously) to:


(i)                Approve Mill Road Hanging Baskets project proposed by Councillor Blencowe.

(ii)              Allocate funding of up to £56,200 to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report, except for Palmer’s Walk/Petersfield Square.

(iii)            Approve the projects for implementation, subject to positive consultation and final approval by local Ward Councillors.

(iv)            Note the progress of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report.