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Matter for Decision: To consider the Repairs and Maintenance
Improvement Plan - Progress to date and permission to procure associated IT
solutions report.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing:
i. To give delegated authority to the Director of Customer &
Community Services, following consultation with the Director of Resources,
Executive Councillor for Housing, the Chair and Opposition Spokesperson(s) for
Community Services, to select the most appropriate procurement route, whether
that be by virtue of waiver of the requirements of the contract procedure rules
(where permissible), direct
contract or mini competition from an existing framework agreement, or by full
tender exercise, and if appropriate to tender and award contracts for the
provision of new IT hardware and systems for the Repairs and Maintenance
Service as outlined in paragraph 3.4 and 3.5 of the committee report.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
40 Repairs and Maintenance Improvement Plan - Authority to Procure and Progress to Date PDF 130 KB
Additional documents:
Matter for Decision
The Officer’s report was requested at a meeting of
Housing Management Board on 3 January 2012 in order to inform Councillors of the
progress made to date on the Housing Repairs Improvement Plan.
There is a budget allocation of £200,000 within the
Housing Capital Investment Plan for the procurement of new IT solutions that
are required in order to achieve the overall improvements to the repairs
service. Officers requested permission to spend this allocation.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing
Noted both progress made to date with the Repairs
Improvement Plan and the proposals for decision at Community Services Scrutiny
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee
received a report from the Repairs & Maintenance Improvement Manager
regarding the Repairs and Maintenance Improvement Plan.
In response to
Members’ questions the Repairs & Maintenance Improvement Manager confirmed
the following:
The last
meeting of the ROAM Group raised the question of how tenants could become more
involved in customer satisfaction issues. A response is expected at the next Residents
and Officers Asset Management (ROAM) Group meeting.
The Repairs
& Maintenance Improvement Manager undertook in conjunction with the newly
appointed Resident Involvement Officer to attempt to increase the number of
residents representatives in order to help with succession planning.
The Director
of Customer & Community Services
undertook to provide Tenant and Leaseholder Representatives with an up to date
Council Officer structure chart with contact details.
A report would be brought
back to HMB on how the Council is meeting its performance indicators and any
action being taken to address issues where performance is not meeting targets.
The Committee
resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
Not applicable.