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66 Built Assets Maintenance Procurement Strategy 2012-2017 PDF 123 KB
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Matter for Decision: To consider the built assets maintenance
procurement strategy for 2012-2017.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing:
The Executive
Councillor resolved;
i. To
approve the appointment of Eastern Shires Purchasing Organization (ESPO) to
carry out a procurement exercise with officers of the City Council to select
two main contractors to carry out planned maintenance works for the City
Council with effect from April 2014 to March 2019, with an option to extend for
a period of up to three years.
ii. To
authorise the Director of Customer and Community Services to invite and
evaluate tenders and, following consultation with Executive Councillor, the
Director of Resources, Chair and Spokes of the Committee to award two contracts
for the appointment of main contractors to carry out planned maintenance works
in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution with effect from April
2014 to March 2019, with an option to extend for one or more periods up to a
maximum extension of three years.
iii. To
approve the use of the Scape National Minor Works framework contract to call
off contracts with Kier Services for a period of up to three years from October
2012 for the purpose of carrying out parts of the Council’s planned maintenance
works programme.
iv. To
approve a procurement budget of £60,000 for legal and other costs associated
with the procurement and implementation the new planned works contracts and
other contracts referred to in this report.
v. To
authorise the Director of Customer and Community Services to invite and
evaluate tenders (or call off services from an existing framework agreement if
appropriate) and, following consultation with the Executive Councillor,
Director of Resources, Chair and Spokes of the Committee to award contracts for
the appointment of contractors to carry out certain types of responsive
maintenance work listed in this report for a period of up to three years to
supplement the Council’s direct provision of repairs and voids, in accordance
with the requirements of the Constitution.
vi. To
approve the use of the ESPO framework contract “2930 - “Installation of Gas
Fired Domestic Central Heating Systems” to call off a contract for a period of
up to three years to carry out heating installations and in void properties and
carry out emergency boiler replacements.
vii. To
authorise the Director of Customer and Community Services to invite and
evaluate tenders (or call off services from an existing framework agreement if
appropriate) and, following consultation with the Director of Resources to
award a contract for the appointment of a supplier to provide a web-based NEC3
contract management application.
viii. To
approve the recruitment of 3.5 full time equivalent additional contract
management surveyors and 2 full time equivalent asset officers within the
Estates and Facilities Asset Management team in order to manage the delivery of
additional capital investment.
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee
received a report from the Asset Manager regarding the Built Assets Maintenance
Procurement Strategy 2012-2017.
In response to
questions from members of the committee the Asset Manager made the following
The meaning of
“call off” was explained.
It was
confirmed that no level of work was guaranteed to any company through this procurement
The Scrutiny
Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)