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54 Update on Recycling PDF 80 KB
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for Decision:
To decide on the way forward in terms of increasing
Decision of Executive Councillor for Environmental
and Waste Services:
Agreed that
officers carry out further detailed work taking into consideration the final
report from MEL and look at the effectiveness of different strategies to
increase the overall recycling rate.
Agreed to include the strategy within the Portfolio
plan for 2013/14
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Refuse and
Environment regarding recycling options. This was accompanied by a consultant
presentation. Phillip Wells of M-E-L Research presented his research report
regarding evaluation of kerbside waste and recycling via compositional analysis
and participation monitoring.
In response to
members’ questions Mr Wells and Head of Refuse and Environment confirmed the following:
There was high
participation with the current recycling options.
The public
engage less well with food waste recycling. It was suggested that there are a
variety of reasons for this including; lack of appropriate storage within the home,
fears of leaving waste food loose in the bin between fortnightly collections
and waste food being disposed of still in it’s original packaging.
Free food
caddies and brown paper bags were currently available to the public for food
waste. At members’ suggestion, the cost of caddies with carbon filters to
minimise odours would be investigated.
champions had been recruited and their role would be increased in future. A new
member of staff has been recruited and would lead on this. Improved publicity
around the champions was also planned.
Future options for recycling partners would be
considered in the near future. The existing partnerships had worked well and
Viridor had provided a good service.
A decision on the bid to the
Department of Communities and Local Government for funding for the collection
of food waste from flats was expected shortly. If the bid was successful there
would be resource implication including funding for the scheme in years 4 and 5
and officer time.
Options for
recycling textiles would be investigated.
viii. Future research would investigate the socio
economic spread of recycling with a view to targeting promotional and education
Members also
suggested that further work was needed to encourage safe disposal of hazardous
domestic waste such as light bulbs and batteries.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations
Not applicable.