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49 Annual update from the Love Cambridge Partnership PDF 3 MB
The committee received a presentation from the Chairman of the Love Cambridge Partnership.
The committee made
the following comments on the report:
A decision had been
taken in November 2008 that a resident representative would sit on the Love
Cambridgeshire Partnership, yet this had never happened. Decisions needed to
have input from residents as well as businesses.
Raised concern that
key decisions were being taken in the City Centre with no resident involvement
or consultation.
As Business
Improvement Districts (BID) would have a secure revenue stream, the voluntary
funding for the Love Cambridge Partnership would be affected.
In response to
member’s questions the Chairman
of the Love Cambridge Partnership and the Head of Tourism and City Centre Management confirmed the following:
The Love Cambridge
Partnership had an operating budget of £130,000 and funding was secured until
It was to early to
tell if a BID would affect the voluntary funding received by the Love Cambridge
Whilst some of
their projects would overlap, it would be beneficial for the Love Cambridge
Partnership and a BID to run in parallel.
Not all of the
larger funders (i.e Stagecoach) would be in the BID area.
There may be opportunities
to submit ‘satellite BIDs’ for local areas across the City.
The job description
had been completed for the ‘Mill Road Champion’ post and the advert would be
placed next week.
80,000 Love
Cambridge Partnership leaflets had been distributed to homes across the city
via the local press. Leaflets were also available at local shopping centres and
at park and ride sites.
The committee thanked the Chairman of the Love Cambridge
Partnership and the Head of City Centre Management for the presentation.