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Future of Park Street Car Park

Meeting: 26/06/2012 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 46)

46 Future of Park Street Car Park pdf icon PDF 10 MB

It is recommended that the committee resolves to exclude the press and public during any discussion on the exempt version of the report by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as it contains commercially sensitive information.

Additional documents:


Matter for Decision:  

A report has been commissioned to examine viable options for the future of Park Street multi-storey car park. The report responds to a brief to consider the business case for refurbishing the car park and examines the potential and implications of alternative redevelopment of the site.

Park Street is the closest and most convenient car park to the restaurants and pubs on Bridge Street, Quayside and Riverside and is used by visitors for shopping, leisure facilities and for other City Centre services. The car park and cycle parking provision is an important facilitator of footfall in the area. Within the Car Park is the largest cycle park in Cambridge, and public toilets on the ground floor are directly accessible from Park Street.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change:


              i.      Agreed to note the Review report.

            ii.      Agreed to  the principle to consult the public and stakeholders about the options to refurbish, or to redevelop the Park Street car park, including demolishing the existing car park and replacing it with a new multi-story car park with either 250 or 125 parking spaces.


          iii.      Agreed to carry out detailed feasibility studies to validate the assumptions in the main report to determine whether underground car parking is a realistic and cost effective proposition in view of ground conditions and other factors, prior to consultation.


         iv.      Agreed to carry out detailed feasibility studies to determine whether re-provision of a new multi-storey car park, with or without underground car parking, is a realistic and cost effective proposition in view of, ground conditions and other factors, prior to consultation.


           v.      Agreed to investigate in more detail what measures could be applied to mitigate the effects of a closure of the car park during the construction period, prior to consultation.


         vi.      Agreed to undertake limited remedial repairs to the car park in the interim to ensure that it is safe and secure in the short to medium term, whilst assessing the options.


       vii.      Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Environment in consultation with the Executive Councillor in the light of the findings of the feasibility studies to carry out a public consultation exercise to determine the best option and report the results to the Council in due course.


Reason for the Decision:

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:


The committee received a report from the Head of Specialist Services regarding the Future of Park Street Services. Member agreed to keep the discussion to the public papers and did not exclude the press and public.


In response to Member’s questions the Director of Environment and the Head of Specialist confirmed the following:


                i.      Technical solutions were available to allow underground provision near the river to be waterproof.

              ii.      The impact of the businesses in the area during any refurbishment had been considered and alternative provision would be arranged.


Councillor Reiner proposed the following amendment:


DELETE paragraph 2.2 and REPLACE with the following (amended language underscored):


2.2 To agree the principle to consult the public and stakeholders about the options to refurbish, or to redevelop the Park Street car park, including demolishing the existing car park and replacing it with a new multi-storey car park.


INSERT the following:


2.4 To carry out detailed feasibility studies to determine whether re-provision of a new multi-storey car park, with or without underground car parking, is a realistic and cost effective proposition in view of its positive impact on the City Centre road network, ability to meet peak demand, impact on local traders and the local economy, ground conditions and other factors, prior to consultation.


Councillor Marchant-Daisley suggested that the amendment would steer the consultation process towards a replacement car park. She suggested that a radical approach should be adopted with the aim of reducing car use and achieving a greener city center. Councillor Herbert supported this point of view and suggested that an integrated traffic solution, using Park and Ride and considering a one-way system, was a better option. Concerns were expressed that this decision and would leave a long-term legacy for the City.


Concern was expressed that loss of a car park would drive people out of Cambridge and increase general road usage as they would drive to alternative locations.


The Director of Environment stated that radical solutions had been considered. Consultant work to date had identified a need for a car park in this area. A one-way system could be modelled giving due consideration to the needs of buses.


Further changes to the amendment, to take into account the issues raised were discussed and the following was proposed:


DELETE paragraph 2.2 and REPLACE with the following (amendments underscored):


2.2 To agree the principle to consult the public and stakeholders about the options to refurbish, or to redevelop the Park Street car park, including demolishing the existing car park and replacing it with a new multi-storey car park with either 250 or 125 parking spaces.


INSERT the following:


2.4 To carry out detailed feasibility studies to determine whether re-provision of a new multi-storey car park, with or without underground car parking, is a realistic and cost effective proposition in view of, ground conditions and other factors, prior to consultation.


The committee unanimously approved the amendments to the recommendations.


The committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation as amended.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable.