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Community Olympics Public Art Project

Meeting: 10/05/2012 - South Area Committee (Item 27)

Community Olympics Public Art Project

The session will include a presentation by Andy Preston (Project Delivery & Environment Manager) and artist company (Same Sky), plus a question and answer session for Councillors and members of the public.


Cambridge City Council would like to introduce its Community Olympic Public Art Commission, which is inspired by the Olympics and its Mission Statement.


The City Council is working with Same Sky, an artist-led charity recognised for their high quality art projects and community events.


The project will run throughout the spring and summer in each of the four Committee areas of Cambridge, culminating in an event when the Olympic Torch arrives on 7 July.


The City Council are keen for as many people as possible to get involved. Same Sky will provide a display at the Area Committee evening to answer any questions about the project, leaflets containing further information will also be available.



The committee received a presentation from the Head of Streets and Open Spaces and a representative of Same Sky, explaining the Community Olympics Public Art Project.


The proposals were welcomed, however Councillors Dryden, Ashton, McPherson and Carter raised concerns about the lack of prior communication with Councillors and the committee regarding the project. The Head of Streets and Open Spaces explained that the Executive Councillor had approved the project through the Scrutiny Committee process, and that it was not too late for committee groups to get involved. It was also noted that the project had been heavily publicised to schools, community groups and other organisations.


Councillor Dryden sought clarification on whether the regular grants applicants had been contacted. The Head of Streets and Open Spaces explained that the lists of organisations had been developed in conjunction with Community Development but hadn’t been cross-referenced with the list of grant applicants.