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Committee Minute Text
Matter for Decision:
Officer’s report recommended a Tenancy Policy for the City Council in the
context of the new Affordable Rents regime and the new flexibilities around the
length of tenancy to be offered.
Policy covers:
Introductory tenancies.
Security of tenure.
Affordable rents.
Succession rights.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing:
Agreed the Tenancy Policy.
Agreed to the Tenancy Policy being reviewed during
2012 -13.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee
received a report from the Area Housing Manager regarding the Tenancy
In response to
Members’ questions the Area Housing Manager confirmed the following:
The Tenancy
Policy draws together various Council policies into one document. Officers would
take the opportunity to review the various policies as part of the process.
New tenants will be offered an Introductory Tenancy unless where they
are transferring from a secure tenancy, or an assured tenancy with a registered
social landlord (but not an assured shorthold tenancy). If 3, 6 and 9 monthly
reviews were satisfied an Introductory Tenancy would become secure.
Tenancy occurs when someone breaks the terms of their tenancy.
A family member (eg son or daughter) could succeed to the tenancy.
Provision for this is set out in statute.
The Tenancy
Policy process will include a consultation process prior too implementation.
The process should be concluded by April 2013. The final document would include
a glossary of terms.
The Chair decided
that the recommendations highlighted in the Officer’s report should be voted on
and recorded separately:
The Committee resolved by 10 votes to 0 to
endorse recommendation (i).
The Committee approved
recommendation (ii) unanimously.
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared
by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Not applicable.