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26 New Council House Programme - Barnwell Road PDF 54 KB
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Matter for Decision:
The report
requested approval to redevelop City Homes properties in Barnwell Road as part
of the 146 new Council House Programme. A mixed tenure scheme was
proposed that would be developed with the Council’s new house-builder/developer
partner, Keepmoat.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing
The Executive Councillor resolved to:
I. Approve the property mix and layout of the scheme as detailed in the Officer’s report, noting that these are subject to planning approval.
II. Approve an estimated contract value for the scheme of £940,000.
III. Approve a further budget of £278,160 to cover Home Loss and cost consultant costs.
Approve that
delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services
following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal
Services to seal a Development Agreement with our selected house-builder/developer
partner, Keepmoat for the scheme.
Reason for the Decision:
Approval to take the scheme forward now
would allow consultation to begin with tenants with a view to achieving vacant
possession by end March 2013. This in turn allows a target date for completion
of the new homes by end March 2014.
Any alternative options considered and
Not Applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee
received a report for the Head of Strategic Housing regarding the New Council
House Programme for Barnwell Road.
In response to a
question from the Leaseholder Representative, the Head of Strategic Housing
confirmed that the leaseholder effected by the proposal was believed to be a
resident leaseholder. They would receive compensation in line with the recently
agreed policy.
In response to
member question, the following were confirmed:
The unit sizes would mirror the Strategic Analysis of Housing Demand
with approximately 50% being 1 or 2 bed units and 50% being 3 bed and larger.
Local factors, such as the supply and demand of certain property types
in the vicinity, would be taken into account.
The overarching aim was to maximise the number of affordable properties.
The mix would vary from site to site.
It was not anticipated that there would be a high demand from existing
residents wanting to return following any decant.
The properties would be built to high standards.
This was the start of a four-year programme which would encourage the
developer to provide a good service.
The Scrutiny Committee considered and
endorsed the recommendations in the report by 6 votes
to 0.
Executive Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)