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Environmental Improvement Programme

Meeting: 22/03/2012 - North Area Committee (Item 29)

29 Environmental Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 263 KB


The committee received a report from the Environmental Improvements Manager.  


It was noted that any highway related schemes listed under section 4 of the officer’s report would first require match funding from the County Council. Members were asked to forward suggestions for Traffic Regulation Orders to the Environmental Improvement Manager for consideration and liaison with the County Council. 


Members of the committee suggested the following addition Environmental Improvement Schemes:


-         Planting on Elizabeth Way Bridge             

-         Livermore Close into Nunns Way

-         Path around Arbury Community Centre

-         Buchan Street Paddling Pool

-         Nunns Way edge to basket ball court

-         Lighting for parks at night

-         Kick about near Campkin Way Tescos

-         Parking improvements at Hawkins Rd

-         Verge parking outside Kings Hedges learner pool

-         Buchan Street area additional improvements

-         Cambridge Regional College to Kirkwood Road crossing

-         Crossing between St Lukes and Meadows

-         Earmarked funding for issues in Fen Road when discussions have progressed

-         Brownsfield Recreation Ground


Councillor Manning requested that funds be earmarked for a conflict reduction scheme on the cycle bridge. The Environmental Improvements Manager agreed to discuss this with colleagues at the County Council as part of the Joint Cycleway Programme.


Councillors McGovern and Bird proposed that the hanging baskets in Chesterton High Street be funded from last years under spent budget.


The committee supported this proposal.


The Chair proposed that the Environmental Improvements Manager undertake feasibility studies on all of the suggested schemes and report back to a future meeting for final approval.


The committee supported this proposal.


RESOLVED (unanimously) to:


        i.            Fund the hanging baskets in Chesterton High Street from last years under spent budget.


      ii.            Request that the Environmental Improvements Manager undertake feasibility studies on all of the suggested schemes and report back to a future meeting for final approval.