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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Meeting: 12/04/2012 - East Area Committee (Item 18)

18 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 316 KB


The committee received a report from Sergeant Stenton regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 15 December 2011. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were alcohol-related anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Norfolk Street, East Road and Newmarket Road, anti-social use of mopeds, plus excess speed in Mill Road and Coleridge Road.


The committee discussed the following policing issues:


(i)                Anti-social behaviour (ASB) linked to street drinking.

(ii)              ASB affecting open spaces in general.

(iii)            ASB affecting Norfolk Street area when music events were held at the Man on the Moon pub.


Sergeant Stenton undertook to liaise with Councillor Brown regarding the policing of Norfolk Street area when music events are held at the Man on the Moon pub.


(iv)            Street life ASB in east of city. Specifically relating to alcohol, drugs and threatening behaviour. Areas of particular concern were identified as Mill Road, Mill Road Cemetary, Broadway, Norfolk Street and Newmarket Road.

(v)              Greater emphasis on licensing agreement terms to prevent the sale of alcohol to people who were already intoxicated. Licence holders should feel supported that they can refuse to sell alcohol when it would be inappropriate to do so, and that they have a responsibility not to do so under licensing law eg when someone is intoxicated.

(vi)            Rising levels of ASB in Petersfield and Romsey.

(vii)          The need to address ASB through joined up multi-agency action. For example, provision of support and facilities for the street life community, as well as the option for Police and Licensing Officers to take enforcement action. Greater focus on education, encouragement and support.

(viii)        Speeding in Mill Road and Coleridge Road. Also the need to tackle this through long term measures rather than just periodic police enforcement action.


Sergeant Stenton undertook to liaise with Councillor Owers regarding the policing of Mill Road to reduce speeding.


(ix)            ASB relating to the riding of mopeds in Birdwood Road area.

(x)              Vehicle crime such as theft and vandalism in the Rustat Road area.

(xi)            People should report crimes in order to help the Police collect evidence and trend information.


Members of the public raised a number of points, as set out below.


1.      Mrs Deards raised concern about drug dealing and ASB of moped riders in Budleigh Close and Burnside.


Sergeant Stenton noted these concerns.


2.          Unannounced fire service premises inspections had led to joined up multi-agency action to tackle ASB and arson incidents.


EAC and the Police representatives welcomed this information. Sergeant Stenton added that street life ASB and drinking required a multi-agency response to avoid displacing problems from one area to another. This was why an East Area wide alcohol and drug related priority had been suggested.


Councillor Owers requested changes to the recommendations. Councillor Owers formally proposed to amend the recommended priorities as follows:

(i)                Class A drug dealing and street life ASB in East of city.

(ii)              ASB mopeds in Coleridge.

(iii)            Abbey/East sector damage to motor vehicles.


(i)                Alcohol and drug related street anti-social behaviour in the east, targeting known hotspots and focussing on education and enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the intoxicated.

(ii)              ASB mopeds in Coleridge.

(iii)            Vehicle crime such as theft and vandalism in east of City.


The amendments were unanimously agreed.


The following priorities were agreed unanimously:


(i)                Alcohol and drug related street anti-social behaviour in the east, targeting known hotspots and focussing on education and enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the intoxicated.

(ii)              ASB mopeds in Coleridge.

(iii)            Vehicle crime such as theft and vandalism in east of City.