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30 Desktop Upgrades PDF 133 KB
Matter for Decision: Purchase
and deployment of an upgraded ICT desktop environment for all staff, including
replacement of up to 500 PC’s.
Decision of the Executive Councillor:
The Executive
Councillor for Customer Services and Resources resolved to:
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC541 Corporate PC Replacement Programme and PR020
ICT Infrastructure Programme).
The total cost of the project is £700,000, funded from IT
Infrastructure Replacement R&R fund, IT Software Replacement R&R fund
and Departmental PC replacement R&R. There are no ongoing revenue
implications arising from the project.
This will be combined into one project with work already approved for
the upgrade of MS Office, making a total project cost of £990,000.
Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of hardware and software to
support upgrades to ICT desktops, including upgrades to Windows and PC’s
Subject to:
The permission of the Director of Resources being sought prior to
proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. The
permission from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the
value exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A
Scrutiny Considerations
The committee
received a report from the ICT Client Manager.
In response to
member’s questions the ICT Client Manager and the Director of Resources
confirmed the following:
50% of the PC’s
currently located at the Guildhall were over 5 years old.
A number of PC’s
across the City Council were between 9 and 10 years old, with one identified as
over 11 years old.
The project would
aim to move all machines over to Windows 7 as soon as possible.
A more structured approach
to the provision and replacement of PC’s would better suit the needs of the
The majority of the 500 replacement units would be thin client desktop
As upgrades could now be performed centrally it was envisaged that the
replacement units would last for up to 10 years.
As part of the
Corporate Change Programme and new HR Policies the City Council would be
looking to encourage more flexible working across locations.
The ICT Client Manager
agreed to email committee members with details of how the £700,000 would be
split between upgrades and replacements.
The ICT Client Manager
agreed to investigate an issue raised by a Councillor regarding the level of
service provided by Serco.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 5 votes to 0.
The Executive for
Customer Services and Resources approved the recommendations.