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Matter for Decision:
The City Council has an obligation under Section 69 of
the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to periodically
review its Conservation Area designations and boundaries, to consider any new
areas, and under Section 71 of the Act to formulate and publish proposals for
the preservation and enhancement of these areas.
In 2010, consultants drafted an Appraisal of the New
Town and Glisson Road area of the Central Conservation Area with a proposal to
extend the boundary, taking in the areas of modern development that were
formerly omitted. The Central Conservation Area was designated in 1969 and part
of this area now being appraised was included. There have been a series of
extensions to this part of the Central Conservation Area, the last being to the
east of Hills Road in 1983. This draft Appraisal provides evidence to
illustrate that the New Town and Glisson Road area meets current national
criteria, in terms of the special architectural and historic interest for
Conservation Area designation, and in addition that sections currently outside
the existing boundary are also worthy of inclusion.
A period of public consultation began in December 2011
and finished in February 2012. The broad consensus of opinion was in favour of
the proposals as outlined in the Appraisal.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Sustainable Transport:
Approved the Appraisal of the
New Town and Glisson Road area of the Central Conservation Area and to agree
the revised Central Conservation Area boundary.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee
received a report from the Head of
Joint Urban Design and the Senior Conservation and Design Officer regarding
the Conservation Area Boundary Review and Appraisal
for Newtown and Glisson Road Conservation Area.
In response to
Member’s questions the Head of Planning
Services and the Senior Conservation and
Design Officer confirmed
the following:
In the area
proposed for removal from the existing Conservation Area, newly built or
developments underway had their own forms of protection under the CB1 Master
Plan, and so did not necessarily meet the criteria for Conservation Area
protection. This principle had guided Officer’s recommendations for areas to be
excluded from the Conservation Area boundary map (ref Appendix 2 of the
Officer’s report). The original reasons for including CB1 land in a Conservation Area (eg
industrial uses and related rail infrastructure), had now fallen away as these
uses had now gone and the use of the area was substantially changing.
Newly built or
developments underway as part of the CB1 Master Plan could be included in the
Conservation Area, this would provide a duplicate form of protection, as
opposed to an additional level.
Councillors requested a change to the proposed boundary
of the Conservation Area (ref Appendix 2 of the Officer’s report). Councillor Herbert formally proposed to amend the Conservation Area boundary
to include all of the CB1 development around Foster’s Mill for consistency of
protection of character.
The committee approved this
additional recommendation by 6 votes to 0.
The committee resolved unanimously to
endorse the recommendation as amended.
Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of interest declared
by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Not applicable.