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Eastern Gate Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)

54 Eastern Gate Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 114 KB

The main report and appendices are too large to attach to the agenda in hard copy format. Printed copies have been placed for reference on deposit at Guildhall Reception. All documents are published on the Council’s website:

(i)                Main report is available as a supplement to the agenda document accessible via the following hyper link http://www.cambridge.gov.uk/democracy/ieAgenda.aspx?A=709.

(ii)              All documents are published on the Council’s website in the ‘Library’ folder accessible via the following hyper link http://cambridge.gov.uk/democracy/ecSDDisplay.aspx?NAME=SD699&ID=699&RPID=23520939&sch=doc&cat=13028&path=13020%2c13021%2c13028


1.      Mr Goode raised the following issues:


(i) Queried if the committee agreed that the section on building heights and height variations referred to in SPD paragraph 3.4.3, and the Joint Urban Design Team Service Plan report key issue 4 needed strengthening.


(ii) Referred to visual and physical link references in SPD paragraphs 3.2.3 and 2.1.6. Queried if the committee would restore the words “physical links” in appropriate places as they had been removed.


(iii) Local residents were concerned about the restoration of two-way traffic in New Street and Harvest Way.


(iv) Asked for the following text to be inserted in SPD paragraph 3.3.9 “Developers should note that the provision of open space should be an integral part of design from the onset. Commutation to cash payments of the requirement for open space would only be acceptable in very exceptional circumstances.”


The Head of Joint Urban Design Team answered:


(i) The intention was to mitigate the application’s long frontage through vertical features. Examples were set out in paragraph 3.4.3 of Appendix C of the Officer’s report. The Planning Committee could impose conditions to mitigate concerns if required.


(ii) Inserting “physical links” conditions text was not appropriate at present, but informatives could be requested.


(iii) Consultation would be undertaken with Area Committees and County Councillors when the project goes live.


(iv) Referred to key issue 8 in the Officer’s report, SPD text had been set through the Local Plan.


2.      Mr Lucas-Smith raised the following issues:


(i) Welcomed redevelopment of the area.


(ii) Suggested there was a lack of provision for cyclists as cycle lanes were too narrow, and requested these be widened to 2m.


(iii) Took issue with the Officer’s recommendations and asked for greater priority to be given to cyclists on roads.


The Head of Joint Urban Design Team answered:


(i) Referred to P11 of the Officer’s report concerning speed limits, cycle lane widths etc.


(ii) 2m width cycle lanes were desirable, but it would be premature to request these until the road network design had been reviewed to ascertain lane space required by other users. Further input from the Cycle Campaign was welcomed through the consultation process.


Matter for Decision:  

The Eastern Gate study area lies to the east of the city centre. 


There was widespread recognition of the need to improve the physical environment within the study area.  In addition, increased developer activity within the area had created growing pressure such that formal planning guidance needed to be produced to help coordinate and guide future redevelopment in line with the Council’s Local Plan policies and objectives.


A Development Framework had been produced as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Eastern Gate area.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Transport:

(i) Agreed the responses to the representations received to the draft SPD (Appendix A1) and SA (Appendix B1) and the consequential amendments to the SPD (Appendix C1)


(ii) Agreed to adopt the Eastern Gate Development Framework SPD with immediate effect subject to amendments requested by Committee pertaining to the following:


1.                Width of cycle lanes.

2.                Building heights.

3.                Physical links through development sites.


Wording to be approved by Chair, Spokes and the Executive Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Transport.


Reason for the Decision:

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any alternative options considered and rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:

The committee received a report from the Head of Joint Urban Design Team regarding the Eastern Gate Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document.


In response to Member’s questions the Head of Joint Urban Design Team confirmed the following:


(i) Noted Member’s request for 2m wide cycle lanes. The design could be amended subject to a review of other user’s (pedestrian, vehicular etc) needs.


(ii) Building height concerns could be addressed through text to be agreed by the Chair and Spokes.


(iii) North/south links were subject to design constraints, but could be addressed through text to be agreed by the Chair and Spokes.

Residents concerns, such as restoration of two-way traffic in New Street and Harvest Way, could be reviewed through the consultation process.


(iv) It was the purpose of the Local Plan; rather than the SPD; to address protection of open space, air quality, traffic management etc.


(v) The Skyline Strategy would be coming to Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee 18 October 2011, then to Environment Scrutiny Committee for approval in March 2012. This would put in clear guidelines for applications at the start of development, rather than impose them retrospectively once a project had started.


(vi) City Officers would discuss how to take forward the issue of Elizabeth Way roundabout design costs with County colleagues. Officers would be discussing how to progress the key projects with the county council and the related program, costs and timelines of same.


Councilors requested a change to the recommendation. Councillor Saunders formally proposed to amend recommendation 2.1.2 (changes shown in bold) from the Officer’s report as follows:


(ii) Agreed to adopt the Eastern Gate Development Framework SPD with immediate effect subject to amendments requested by Committee pertaining to the following:


1.                Width of cycle lanes.

2.                Building heights.

3.                Physical links through development sites.


Wording to be approved by Chair, Spokes and the Executive Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Transport.


The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the amended recommendations unanimously.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable.