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Mayors announcements

Meeting: 29/02/2024 - Council (Item 22)

Mayor's announcements


“I would now like to make a statement on the Humanitarian appeal for the people of Gaza and has been agreed by all Group Leaders.


The situation in Gaza is deteriorating day by day. The death and destruction taking place is having a devastating impact on innocent civilians, particularly women and children. A ground offensive in Rafah, southern Gaza will only lead to further unnecessary loss of life.


I know many in Cambridge have been deeply and personally affected. The events since October have been truly awful and I extend my sympathies to all those who have been directly and indirectly affected and their families.


We can help people in Gaza by donating to one of the following organisations that provide medical aid and humanitarian relief:

·       United Nations Relief and Works Agency

·       United Nations Population Fund

·       Medecins Sans Frontiers

·       The Red Cross 

·       Palestine Red Crescent


As Mayor and on behalf of the city, I have made two statements about the situation in Gaza, (17th Oct 2023 and 21st Feb 2024), and continue our calls for an immediate ceasefire, the return of hostages, unfettered access for humanitarian aid, peace in the Middle East, international support for a two-State solution and the upholding of international law.


Cambridge is proud to be a City of Sanctuary that upholds and respects the human rights and dignity of all peoples.


The council seeks to promote civility between all members of our city community, including those who feel an association with parties to conflict elsewhere in the world. 


There is no place for hate in Cambridge. If you are aware of hate crimes, you can report them to the police on 999 or 101, to Stop Hate UK or to the City Council’s Racial Harassment Service on 01223 457967.”

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Council (Item 4)

Mayor's announcements


The mayor extended sympathy to all people suffering from terrorism and war.


The mayor noted it was 3 months since they had made their statement at the October Council meeting about the situation in Israel and Palestine and reiterated their call for an immediate ceasefire and return of the hostages. Noted that more Heads of State, Government, and councils around the world now echoed that call.


The mayor thanked those who had supported the Chevin Service on 21 January 2024 and noted that a charity event would be held at the Guildhall to support Parkinson’s UK and a separate event may be held for the Red Hen charity. The Mayor’s Quiz would be taking place on the 13 March and the Mayor’s Reception on 15 March.


The Mayor also advised that they would be exercising their discretion to move agenda item 6d – Hartree Proposed Early Stage Development and Possible Acceleration (Subject to Permission) – to the last item on the agenda as it contained confidential information. This item was then deferred to the Council meeting’s reconvened date of 29 February 2024.