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2023/24 S106 Funding Round (Streets and Open Spaces)

Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 2023/24 S106 Funding Round (Streets and Open Spaces) pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Matter for Decision

The Council helped to mitigate the impact of housing development on local facilities and amenities through the use of S106 contributions. The Officer’s report took stock of the contribution types within the Executive Councillor’s remit and recommended use of generic informal open space S106 funding for a number of eligible projects.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services

Agreed to:

      i.          Allocate generic informal open spaces S106 funding, subject to business case approval and community use agreement (as appropriate), to the following project proposals:



Project proposals




Towards mature tree-planting programme in parks across the city


Paragraph 4.3


Footpath improvements at Five Trees open space, East Chesterton


Paragraph 4.4


Open space improvements at Romsey Recreation Ground


Paragraph 4.5


     ii.          Allocate around £47,600 of generic informal open spaces S106 funding to eligible projects previously approved for Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) funding in 2022/23 and 2023/24 in place of EIP funds (see paragraph 4.6 and Appendix C of the Officer’s report);

   iii.          Allocate an additional £5,000 of generic informal open spaces S106 funding to supplement the funding available for the St Alban’s Rec Ground biodiversity project (see paragraph 4.6d and Appendix C of the Officer’s report);

   iv.          Note that relevant specific informal open spaces S106 contributions may be used to supplement new and existing generic S106-funded projects (e.g., for the mature tree-planting programme and improving open spaces at Romsey and Cherry Hinton Recreation Grounds and Coldham’s Common BMX track) (see paragraph and 4.7 of the Officer’s report);

    v.          Note that some projects allocated S106 funds in previous generic S106 funding rounds had not been able to proceed (see paragraph 3.5 of the Officer’s report);

   vi.          Approve a new process whereby any generic S106 funds in the informal open spaces, play provision and public realm categories that were within two years of the date by which they need to be used or contractually committed may be de-allocated from a project which was unlikely to deliver on time, so that they could be re-allocated to another relevant project (related to where the S106 contributions were from) which could make timely use of this funding (see Section 5 of the Officer’s report).


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Technical & Specialist Services Manager.


The Technical & Specialist Services Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          A report of S106 funding for play facilities would be compiled for a future Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee meeting (likely June 2024). The report for agenda item 12 in the March Committee also referred to  the Outdoor Play Spaces Investment Strategy.

     ii.          The Planning Authority secured S106 funding contributions from developers to help mitigate the impact of new developments; with City Council Officers providing professional advice on needs and appropriate uses. Adopted policies and strategies provided helpful tools to guide the planning process in securing S106 contributions for an area.

   iii.          Officers were working hard to make sure that all S106 contributions were used effectively and on time.


The Urban Growth Project Manager said:

      i.          The approach to this funding round reflected decisions made following recommendations in a report to this Committee in October 2021.

     ii.          The Outdoor Play Spaces Investment Strategy would help the City Council to identify suitable play area improvement projects that would help to make use of remaining S106 contributions for play provision for children and teenagers.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.