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Internal Audit Update

Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Civic Affairs (Item 6)

6 Internal Audit Update pdf icon PDF 942 KB


The Committee received an update on the work of Internal Audit. The report was introduced by the Head of Internal Audit.


The report highlighted the work of the team and a forward plan of the work that was scheduled to be carried out, along with a current opinion on the controlled environment.


In response to questions the Head of Internal Audit stated:


i.    It was not possible to carry out an audit on all housing safety aspects, the team picked those that they felt were of higher priority, this was based on meetings with officers and directors within that service area. Once these had been completed the team would move on to other areas such as damp and mould.

ii.  There was nothing critical that the team had to drop as a result of having to do those audits in relation to housing.

iii. Thanks was given to the Head of Internal Audit for their assistance to the Combined Authority.

iv.In terms of carrying out a review of the issues around damp and mould, it was anticipated that this would be done later in the year. The pace of change in terms of the areas being audited, meant that officers had kept the forward plan to a maximum of items coming up in the next six months. The plan was to convey to the committee those key items coming up, whilst allowing the flexibility to change plans if urgent work arose.

v.  Those items highlighted in the plan around housing were already in progress. It was likely the areas around damp and mould would be in the next report that was presented to committee, however if the other items were reviewed early then the issues around damp and mould could potentially be considered earlier.


RESOLVED (4 votes for, 0 against) to note the contents of the report.