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Pay Policy Changes and Draft Pay Policy Statement 2024/25

Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Civic Affairs (Item 8)

8 Pay Policy Changes and Draft Pay Policy Statement 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 246 KB


The Committee received a report in relation to the Pay Policy Changes and the Draft Pay Policy Statement 2024/25. The report was introduced by the Head of People.


A number of recommendations were contained within the report, to help the Council become a more attractive employer in a competitive employment market.


In response to questions the Head of People stated:


i.    There were only around 30 people employed by the Council who were at the lowest pay band. There were challenges across all grades in employing staff to the Council, however it was less so at the lower grades as most staff at this level were on zero hour relief contracts so had flexibility as to when they worked.

ii.  The rational for taking on apprentices on permanent contracts was to discourage people from leaving the organisation. This recommendation would also apply to any apprentices that were currently working for the Council.

iii. It was acknowledged that apprentices had learning and developmental areas to go through whilst working. If an apprentice was not performing as per their contract they would be subject to the same processes with HR as any other employee who was not reaching the required standard.

iv.At the current time there were 21 apprentices working for the Council, of these there were 11 who would benefit from the increase in the living wage to £12.50.

v.  In terms of the Investors In People Partnerships it was important that the principles continued in some form internally if the accreditation did not continue.


RESOLVED (4 votes for, 0 against)


i.    The recommendation that all Director and Assistant Director roles are evaluated using the HAY Job Evaluation methodology.

ii.  The introduction of an Additional Responsibility Allowance to recompense colleagues for taking on additional responsibility above and beyond their current role.

iii. The increase of the Cambridge Weighting rate from £11.00 per hour to £12.50 per hour.

iv.The inclusion of apprentices into the Real Living Wage and Cambridge Weighting pay, meaning that no apprentice with Cambridge City Council will earn less than £12.50 per hour on 1 April 2024. In addition all apprentices will be employed on permanent contracts.

v.  The recommendation that the Investors in People (IIP) accreditation is not renewed in November 2024, whilst the Council will continue to uphold the principles outlined by the IIP.

vi.The change in delegation for fixed term non-leadership team Director level roles and to recommend to Council to amend the Constitution in accordance with paragraph 6.3 of the report.

vii.   Review and recommend to Council the draft Pay Policy Statement 2024/2025 attached as Appendix 1.

viii. Note the implementation of the nationally negotiated pay awards.