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Update Report on Development Scheme at Fanshawe Road

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Housing Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)

42 Update Report on Development Scheme at Fanshawe Road pdf icon PDF 274 KB

Appendices 1 and 2 to the report relates to information which following a public interest test the public is likely to be excluded by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972


Additional documents:


This item was chaired by Councillor Pounds (Chair).


Matter for Decision

The report sought approval to proceed with a mixed tenure scheme at 12-30b Fanshawe Road. This was known as Option B in a report which was taken to Housing Scrutiny Committee on 21 June 2022.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing and Homelessness

      i.         Approved that a mixed tenure scheme be brought forward in line with the design proposals set out in the Officer’s report.

    ii.         Authorised the Assistant Director for Assets and Property in consultation with the Executive Councillor for housing to approve variations to the scheme including the number of units, tenure, mix of property types and sizes outlined in the Officer’s report.

   iii.         Authorised the Assistant Director for Assets and Property in consultation with the Executive Councillor to approve the transfer of the land known as 12-30b Fanshawe Road and shown edged red on the attached plan in Appendix 2, to Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) for redevelopment. This transfer will be at a value provided by a further independent valuation, which will also be approved by CIP Board as detailed in the financial appraisal set out in Appendix 1. The HRA land receipt will be incorporated at the minimum value suggested in the appraisal until final valuation has been received.

  iv.         Authorised the Assistant Director for Assets and Property in consultation with the Executive Councillor to approve the Affordable Housing Agreement with CIP for the 45 affordable homes. This agreement would be at a value provided by an independent valuer, to be approved by CIP Board as detailed in the financial appraisal set out in Appendix 1. This would mean an amended and reduced budget of £13.0m from £28.5m including decant costs and other on costs. This budget to be brought forward in the forthcoming November 2023 Mid Term Financial Strategy.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Assistant Director Development (Places Group).


The Assistant Director Development (Places Group) said the following in response to Members’ questions:

i.    9 x 3 bed-flats were proposed within the Fanshawe Road scheme.

ii.  Ward Councillors would be consulted before a planning application was submitted.

iii. Future update reports for the housing delivery programme could report information based on the number of bedrooms a property had.


Councillor Martinelli proposed and Councillor Bennett seconded an amendment to recommendation ii of the Officer’s report (additional text underlined,


    ii.         Authorise the Assistant Director for Assets and Property in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing and Homelessness, opposition spokespersons and chair of Housing Scrutiny Committee to approve variations to the scheme including the number of units, tenure, mix of property types and sizes outlined in this report.


The amendment was lost by 3 votes in favour to 6 votes against.


The Committee resolved by 6 votes to 0 with 3 abstentions to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.