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Fixed Penalty Notices Review 2023

Meeting: 05/10/2023 - Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

21 Fixed Penalty Notices Review 2023 pdf icon PDF 484 KB

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The purposes of the Officer’s report were:

      i.          To inform the Executive Councillor and Scrutiny Committee Members of the revised fixed penalty notice (FPN) levels available for environmental crimes, namely fly-tipping, littering, household waste duty of care, graffiti, and flyposting, which came into force under The Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (England) Regulations 2023 (“the Regulations”) on the 31st July 2023.

     ii.          To seek authority to revise the current fixed penalty for offences related to littering, fly-tipping, and household waste duty of care to new levels; and to give a discount of 40% (i.e., discounted fine value) for early payment, whilst extending the period during which a payment for FPNs could be made.


Decision of Leader of the Council

The Leader agreed to:

      i.          Adopt new levels for fixed penalty notice (FPN) for offences related to littering, fly-tipping, and household waste duty of care and to give a discount of 40% (i.e., discounted fine value), for early payment as detailed in the following tables.



Proposed FPN level

Proposed discounted FPN level




Household waste duty of care




See below

See below


Size of fly-tipped waste

Proposed FPN level

Proposed discounted FPN level

A single bin bag up to four bin bags of controlled waste (household, industrial or commercial waste)



More than four bin bags up to the size of a large car boot (up to 0.5 m3) or a two-seater sofa of controlled waste (household, industrial or commercial waste).



A pile of waste about the size of a small van up to 7.5 tonne tipper truck (0.5 to10 m3) of controlled waste (household, industrial or commercial waste)




     ii.          Amend the payment period for FPNs for littering, fly-tipping, and household waste duty of care to 28 days and the early payment (discounted FPN level) period to 14 days.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Community Engagement and Enforcement Manager. The committee made no comments in response to the report.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Leader approved the recommendations on behalf of the Executive Councillor.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.