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Combined Authority Update

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Combined Authority Update pdf icon PDF 195 KB

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Matter for Decision


This is a regular report to the Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee each cycle providing an update on the activities of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) Board since the meeting of this Scrutiny Committee on 2 October 2023.


Decision of the Leader of the Council


i.               To invite the Council’s representative on the Combined Authority Board, Councillor Anna Smith, to provide an update on the Board and issues considered at the meeting of the Combined Authority Board held on 29 November 2023.

ii.             To invite Nick Bell, the Director for Resources and Performance at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to take questions from committee members on issues relating to the CPCA budget.

Reason for the Decision


As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


The Council’s representative on the Combined Authority Board Councillor A. Smith provided a verbal report:


      i.         Cambridge bus routes to be discussed at next CPCA meeting.

    ii.         Bus reform.

The Executive Director of Resources and Performance of the CPCA addressed the Committee.


The Council’s representative on the Combined Authority Board and the Executive Director of Resources and Performance of the CPCA and the said the following in response to Members’ questions:


      i.         Currently running a non-regulated system for busses and there is not yet public control of the bus network.

    ii.         Recommend in principle to go to bus franchising.

   iii.         Bus subsides were still apart of the budget.

  iv.         Regarding improvements to Cambridge Park & Ride, would need to come back with further details. If more funding were available in the future, it may change.

    v.         Would wish to get more bus routes in outlying areas to reduce need for cars, thus slightly reducing congestion.

  vi.         Would enquire about electric busses and report back.

 vii.         Looking at supporting the bus operators with driver training to support bus routes.

viii.         Discussion of cost efficiency of route 7A had been taking place. Was subject of bus review and would not be moving forward in its current form but in a different, more efficient form.

  ix.         Auditor for franchising bid would be Grant Thornton, that was in the public domain.

    x.         Source of funding would be to see if CPCA could secure include:

·      government funding

·      borrowing to fund capital investments

·      transport levy, funds provided by the Transport Authorities

·      Precepts

·      Biggest potential source would be if central government could be persuaded to allow CPCA to keep all business rates.

  xi.         Regarding bus reform, cost was a sliding scale. Franchising could potentially offer financial advantages.

 xii.         There were budget proposals coming to the next CPCA meeting with two potential capital schemes for Cambridge City Council, one for the Civic Quarter project which would be for £1.5 million pounds. The second for £3 million for work around the Cambridge Junction area to create a potential creative industries area.

Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.