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26 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods WCAC PDF 918 KB
The Committee
received a report regarding policing and safer neighbourhoods’ trends from the
Police Representative, Sergeant Misik and the City
Council’s Harm Reduction and ASB Manager, Sarah Steggles.
The report
outlined actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging
issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for
full details). Previous local areas of concern and engagement activity noted in
the report were:
Road safety
focussing on delivery mopeds and electric scooters illegally used on public
highways, particularly those vehicles at night without lights.
begging; and
the new police campaign expected on drugs with focus on frequent users and
the nighttime economy.
response to Member’s questions Sergeant Misik and the ASB Manager said the
that patrols continued to take place along Histon Road, Windsor Road and the
Histon Road recreation ground; enforcement work had recently been
undertaken. Would encourage members of
the public to keep reporting any anti-social activity and criminal behaviour.
There had
been very few public complaints concerning incidents on Gresham Road as
confirmed by the reporting statistics. It appeared the calls were from the same
individual on this matter. Confirmed that criminal damage had taken place.
engagement had increased with the YCMA on Gonville Place to gain an
understanding of their residents and what risks, if
any, there could be to public safety in the
surrounding areas. The anti-social behaviour had moved from the front of
Parker’s Piece to the quieter streets behind the building. The Anti-Social Behaviour
team at the City Council were also working with the Police on this issue.
Noted the
comment that e-scooters were of widespread concern amongst the public and was
not just linked to high accident areas. Ad-hoc enforcement had been undertaken
on this issue. There was now an increase in staff with three extra student
officers so could make this issue a priority.
There had
been a reduction in rough sleeping due to an increase in winter provision, but
there were individuals still sleeping outside.
For some, their behaviour was so anti-social, that they could not be
offered accommodation; enforcement work would be undertaken with one individual
in the hope that they would accept the help to change their behaviour rather
than face the prospect of prison.
an increase in noise from vehicles, a Special Constable was currently
undertaking training to use dedicated equipment to measure which vehicles had
been altered, such as the exhaust to cause a noise increase. It was vital that
this issue was reported online by the Public to map where the problems were.
Confirmed that the Police worked closely with Housing Associations (HA)
in the City and surrounding areas and that issues were reported to the Police
from the HA. If the City Council ASB team received a report from a HA tenant
this would be reported to the relevant HA. They were then offered an
opportunity to attend the Council’s problem-solving group with their cases.
Would also link into the Police.
Members of the
public put forward the following questions:
1. What is being done to enforce the law regarding the use of privately
owned (non-Voi) powered scooters on roads, pavements
and public spaces in Cambridge? I understand that limited resources are
stretched and wonder if some traffic wardens/community safety staff could
be deployed to help with this?
1. Is there any control over the increased use of mopeds and powered
bicycles being driven across Jesus Green, Midsummer and Stourbridge Commons by
Just Eat, Deliveroo and Uber Eats?
Sergeant Misik
advised that enforcement was undertaken on ad-hoc basis, The matter had been
discussed in the previous item ‘actions arising from the minutes’.
2. Can the current situation at the proximal end of Gresham Road leading to
Parkers Piece be given priority attention?
This involves ASB and criminal behaviour and intimidation.
Sergeant Misik
advised that this matter had been discussed earlier when raised by Cllr
Martinelli. Would highlight that it was now an offence to be in possession of
nitrous oxide. Had recently linked the use of nitrous oxide to a resident of
the YCMA who had been evicted due to having it in their room.
The ASB Manager advised
that a staff member from the ASB team had undertaken a site visit with two ward
councillors and residents in the area. A resident had also kept a diary on the
anti-social behaviour. The same Officer was working with the YMCA and external
partners looking at the activity of young people in the area.
recommended the following priorities.
Drug dealing
and associated anti-social behaviour, including threatening behaviour and safeguarding of young people, also focusing
on frequent users and the nighttime economy.
Road safety
focussing on delivery mopeds and electric scooters illegally used on public
highways and open spaces, particularly those vehicles at night without lights.