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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods SAC

Meeting: 04/09/2023 - South Area Committee (Item 19)

19 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods SAC pdf icon PDF 743 KB

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The Committee received a report from Sergeant Sutcliffe regarding policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


The virtual Area Committee would not be making a decision, so would not vote on priorities set by the Police. The Police reported back on the local areas of concern they were currently focussing on. Councillors and members of the public could not change these, but they could suggest ideas/issues for the Police to focus on.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:

      i.          Hate crime.

     ii.          People may not report crimes to the Police due to a lack of trust. How to overcome this?

   iii.          If people did not want to report details directly to the Police, or have their contact details passed on (Police could not take action on hearsay), residents could be signposted to community groups. Details were available on the City Council website.

   iv.          The Police were addressing anti-social behaviour in Cherry Hinton.

    v.          Drug dealing, general crime and cycle crime in the Hobson Square area. Residents would appreciate hearing about experience from other areas on how to address issues.

   vi.          Cycle crime was a city wide issue. The Police were trying to address through measures such as bike marking so owners could be easily identified.

 vii.          How to feedback ways on improving property design to the Shared Planning Service to design out crime?


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.


1.    What happens if an incident occured but there was no positive outcome eg an arrest?


Sergeant Sutcliffe: Options would be discussed with one/both parties. If action could not be taken immediately, information would be gathered for future action.


Community Safety Manager:  Referenced https://www.cambsvictimservices.co.uk/


Councillor Flaubert said people could also seek advice from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau or EES website. They may also consider taking civil action instead of a criminal prosecution where appropriate.


2.    Anti-Social Behaviour from a female from Fawcett Primary School towards a child on the way to school.


Sergeant Sutcliffe: If person linked to school, suggested trying to resolve the situation through the school first. If incident occurs on the way to school, then the incident could be reported to the Police. Committee Manager to ascertain if complainant’s contact details can be passed onto the Police, or they may wish to contact the Police direct.