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Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022

Meeting: 03/11/2022 - Civic Affairs (Item 40)

40 Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 366 KB

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The committee received a report from the Head of Shared Internal Audit Service regarding the Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022.


In response to the Members’ questions the Head of Shared Internal Audit said the following:


      i.         On page 20 of the officer’s report in Principle B there was a general statement about continuing to engage with stakeholders, examples of engagement were via documentation and face to face, however this was a broad statement. Officer stated there was little he could add that the report did not already state.

Councillor Thornburrow stated she could add to officer’s previous answer. The Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan Preferred Options had 8000 responses. It reflected the work of moving to digital format and trying to reach people. There had received lessons about how to further engage with residents of the city.


Councillor Bennett said that on Page 20 of the report, Principle section B, the last point should not use the word “including” but be changed to “upon” or “in respect of”. The Officer agreed he would be happy to make that amendment to the report.


    ii.         Councillor Carling stated that on Page 13 of the report there were now include now seven Executive Councillors not six


Officer stated he would have that updated.


   iii.         Officer recognised the risk of energy shortages/power cuts as a potential hazard and had been alerted to it. The management team had been having discussions around this issue. The management team had discussed emergency planning processes regarding Council operations and how they could support local residents.


Resolved (by 5 votes to 0 – unanimous of those able

to vote) to:


i.       The Annual Governance Statement in advance of the Statement of Accounts. To help complete this, members should note:

        the arrangements for compiling, reporting on and signing the AGS;

        the progress made on issues reported in the previous year;

        the current review of effectiveness

        the issues considered for inclusion in the current AGS;

ii.       Note and endorse the amendments to the updated Local Code of Corporate Governance.